Closed minhthien2016 closed 3 years ago
I am trying to answer this question. In this code, I feel three segments ([xshift=-R*1cm]B) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]T) (N) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]T) and ([xshift=-R*1cm]T) -- ([xshift=R*1cm]B) do not cut at the point ([xshift=-R*1cm]T). This is my code
([xshift=-R*1cm]B) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]T)
(N) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]T)
([xshift=-R*1cm]T) -- ([xshift=R*1cm]B)
\documentclass[border=2mm]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{3dtools,calc,intersections}% \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[3d/install view={phi=90,theta=70},line cap=butt, line join=round,declare function={R=3; },c/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1pt}] \path (0,0,0) coordinate (O) (0,0,R) coordinate (N) (0,0,-R) coordinate (S) ; \path[save named path=sph,3d/screen coords] (O) circle[radius=R]; \path pic{3d/circle on sphere={R=R,C={(O)}}}; \path pic{3d/circle on sphere={R=R,C={(O)},P={(O)}, n={(1,2,0)}}}; \draw[3d/hidden] (S) -- (N) ; \begin{scope}[xshift=1cm,3d/install view={phi=0,theta=70}] \path (2.5*R,0,-R) coordinate (B) (2.5*R,0,R) coordinate (T) ; \draw[3d/visible] (T) circle[radius=R] ([xshift=-R*1cm]B) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]T) ([xshift=R*1cm]B) -- ([xshift=R*1cm]T); \path pic{3d/circle on sphere={R=R,C={(B)},P={(B)},n={(0,0,1)}}}; \end{scope} \path foreach \p/\g in {O/180,S/150,N/180,T/90,B/-90} {(\p)node[c]{}+(\g:2.5mm) node{$\p$}}; \draw[3d/visible] (N) -- ([xshift=R*1cm]T) ; \draw[3d/hidden] (T) -- (B) ([xshift=R*1cm]B) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]B) ([xshift=-R*1cm]B) -- ([xshift=R*1cm]T) ([xshift=-R*1cm]T) -- ([xshift=R*1cm]B) ; \path [save named path=d] (S) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]B); \tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={d,sph}} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
I am trying to answer this question. In this code, I feel three segments
([xshift=-R*1cm]B) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]T)
(N) -- ([xshift=-R*1cm]T)
and([xshift=-R*1cm]T) -- ([xshift=R*1cm]B)
do not cut at the point([xshift=-R*1cm]T)
. This is my code