marrink-lab / vermouth-martinize

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Coarse graining lipids with martinize2 #390

Closed ELambden closed 2 years ago

ELambden commented 2 years ago


I have been attempting to coarse grain a membrane using martinize2; I have three lipids which I have charmm36 definitions for and an input .pdb file which contains the membrane. I have attempted to add in these new molecules to the force fields for martinize2 but I have been going around in circles.

In the /.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vermouth/data/force_fields folders, I have added in new definitions for these molecules into universal/aminoacids.rtp, and also in martini3001/martini_v3.0.0_phospholipids.itp and the same new definitions in martini3001/aminoacids.ff also as a safety measure... I have added in some files whose format I believe is correct. I have these in the local directory I am running the script from and also in /.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vermouth/data/mappings .

I am using martinize2 in Spyder with the following flags: -f C:/Users/emfla/Desktop/coarsegrain/epidermicin/gramposmemb/charmm-gui-3431070502/gromacs/martini3.0/smaller_input.pdb -x input_charmm_cg.pdb -from universal -ff martini3001 -v -maxwarn 1000 -write-graph graph_out.pdb -write-repair repair_out.pdb

The write-graph output contains just the pdb file with the same molecules, although some extra bonds are unnecessarily added due to distance. The write-repair output gives me an empty file. My error message is:

WARNING - unknown-residue - vermouth.processors.repair_graph - Cannot recognize residue 'POPG' in molecule 1. Deleting the molecule.

I have used the default version of martini POPG so I am unsure why it is not recognising it. Presumably I need to add in its definition to somewhere else that I have neglected but the documentation isn't clear on where that is. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated; let me know if there's any other info needed or perhaps some files that I can provide.

If I use -list-blocks I get the following: The following Blocks are known to force field universal: ALA, ARG, ASN, ASP, ASPP, CYS, CYS2, GLN, GLU, GLUP, GLY, HSD, HSE, HSP, HIS, ILE, LEU, LYS, LSN, MET, PHE, PRO, SER, THR, TRP, TYR, VAL, ALAD, HEME, HEO2, O2, CO, HOH, TIP3, TP3M, HO4, SOD, MG, POT, CES, CAL, CLA, ZN2, ACE, CT3 The following Modifications are known to force field universal: C-ter, COOH-ter, N-ter, NH2-ter, GLU-H, HSD, HSE, HSP, ASP0

The following Blocks are known to force field martini3001: GLY, ALA, CYS, VAL, LEU, ILE, MET, PRO, HYP, ASN, GLN, ASP, GLU, THR, SER, LYS, ARG, HIS, HIH, PHE, TYR, TRP The following Modifications are known to force field martini3001: C-ter, N-ter, COOH-ter, NH2-ter

So neither martini3001 or universal seem to have POPG & two other custom lipids in their list of blocks...

pckroon commented 2 years ago

Hello hello,

Please note that vermouth does not support running on python2, and py2 is EOL. Please upgrade to py3.

You indeed need to add new molecules to 1) universal, 2) target ff (martini3001 in this case), and 3) the mapping between them. Since you added your new files to the py2 folder (rather than py3) it's probably not the folder the code is looking in. So please purge Python2 from your machine :) and try again

... into universal/aminoacids.rtp

You can also add them to a separate file (phospholipids, for example) if you prefer.

ELambden commented 2 years ago

Hello hello,

Please note that vermouth does not support running on python2, and py2 is EOL. Please upgrade to py3.

You indeed need to add new molecules to 1) universal, 2) target ff (martini3001 in this case), and 3) the mapping between them. Since you added your new files to the py2 folder (rather than py3) it's probably not the folder the code is looking in. So please purge Python2 from your machine :) and try again

... into universal/aminoacids.rtp

You can also add them to a separate file (phospholipids, for example) if you prefer.

Thanks for the prompt response before; I have updated my local python to 3.6 now and martinize2 is running correctly off that. I am running into another issue which I have spent too long trying to debug alone...

With the input command: python3.6 -f input_file.pdb -x output_cg.pdb -ff-dir ff/ -map-dir maps/ -from universal -ff martini3001 -vv

I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 797, in entry() File "", line 545, in entry known_force_fields) File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/", line 427, in read_mapping_directory new_mappings = read_backmapping_file(infile, force_fields) File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/", line 107, in read_backmapping_file name_to_index[from_ff][name] = _block_names_to_idxs(from_block) File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/", line 125, in _block_names_to_idxs return {block.nodes[idx]['atomname']: idx for idx in block.nodes} File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/", line 125, in return {block.nodes[idx]['atomname']: idx for idx in block.nodes} KeyError: 'atomname'

ff/ is a local directory which contains a subdirectory force_fields/ and then all the appropriate force_fields for In the universal force field I have added in a new lipids.rtp (to reorganise as per your suggestion, good future proofing...) containing my new info for the input charmm36 lipids. maps/ contains a subdirectory mappings/ which contains all the * files.

I have the atom names consistent between the universal force_field, the mapping files and the martini3001 phospholipids itp file. With the -vv flag I can see the following: Level 5 - inconsistent-data - vermouth.map_input - Can't find atom O1 in block CDL2 in force field universal Level 5 - inconsistent-data - vermouth.map_input - Can't find atom OA2 in block CDL2 in force field universal Level 5 - inconsistent-data - vermouth.map_input - Can't find atom PA1 in block CDL2 in force field universal Level 5 - inconsistent-data - vermouth.map_input - Can't find atom OA3 in block CDL2 in force field universal Level 5 - inconsistent-data - vermouth.map_input - Can't find atom OA4 in block CDL2 in force field universal Level 5 - inconsistent-data - vermouth.map_input - Can't find atom OA5 in block CDL2 in force field universal .... With corresponding lines for many of the other lipid atoms (omitted as I fear this may be a long post already). Any advice would be greatly appreciated once again!

pckroon commented 2 years ago

The KeyError: 'atomname' means you have an atom somewhere without atomname, which is not supposed to happen. Could you double check your lipids.rtp? Especially make sure all bonds you specify refer to existing/defined atoms. Feel free to post it here as well. Let's take the CDL2 lipid/block as example. Could you also post the mapping you made?

ELambden commented 2 years ago

Many thanks once again Peter; I am using the -ignh flags so despite some badly labelled hydrogens, and maybe missing H-C bonds, I don't think this should be causing this issue. My CDL2 (cardiolipid 2+) block in lipids.rtp is:

[ CDL2 ]
  [ atoms ] 
      CB2  CTL2   -0.080  0
     HG31  HAL2    0.090  1
     HG32  HAL2    0.090  2
      PB2    PL    1.500  3
      OB3   O2L   -0.780  4
      OB4   O2L   -0.780  5
      OB2  OSLP   -0.570  6
      OB5  OSLP   -0.570  7
      CB3  CTL2   -0.080  8
     H31J  HAL2    0.090  9
     H31K  HAL2    0.090 10
       C1  CTL1    0.140 11
     HG22  HAL1    0.090 12
       O1   OHL   -0.650 13
     HO12   HOL    0.420 14
      CA2  CTL2   -0.080 15
     HG11  HAL2    0.090 16
     HG12  HAL2    0.090 17
      PA1    PL    1.500 18
      OA3   O2L   -0.780 19
      OA4   O2L   -0.780 20
      OA2  OSLP   -0.570 21
      OA5  OSLP   -0.570 22
      CA3  CTL2   -0.080 23
     H11J  HAL2    0.090 24
     H11K  HAL2    0.090 25
      CA4  CTL1    0.170 26
     H12J  HAL1    0.090 27
      OA6   OSL   -0.490 28
      CA5    CL    0.900 29
      OA7   OBL   -0.630 30
      C11  CTL2   -0.220 31
      H2A  HAL2    0.090 32
      H2B  HAL2    0.090 33
      CA6  CTL2    0.080 34
     H13J  HAL2    0.090 35
     H13K  HAL2    0.090 36
      OA8   OSL   -0.490 37
      CA7    CL    0.900 38
      OA9   OBL   -0.630 39
      C32  CTL2   -0.220 40
      H2D  HAL2    0.090 41
      H2E  HAL2    0.090 42
      CB4  CTL1    0.170 43
     H32J  HAL1    0.090 44
      OB6   OSL   -0.490 45
      CB5    CL    0.900 46
      OB7   OBL   -0.630 47
      C51  CTL2   -0.220 48
      H2R  HAL2    0.090 49
      H2S  HAL2    0.090 50
      CB6  CTL2    0.080 51
     H33J  HAL2    0.090 52
     H33K  HAL2    0.090 53
      OB8   OSL   -0.490 54
      CB7    CL    0.900 55
      OB9   OBL   -0.630 56
      C71  CTL2   -0.220 57
      H2X  HAL2    0.090 58
      H2Y  HAL2    0.090 59
      C12  CTL2   -0.180 60
      H3A  HAL2    0.090 61
      H3B  HAL2    0.090 62
      C13  CTL2   -0.180 63
      H4A  HAL2    0.090 64
      H4B  HAL2    0.090 65
      C14  CTL2   -0.180 66
      H5A  HAL2    0.090 67
      H5B  HAL2    0.090 68
      C15  CTL2   -0.180 69
      H6A  HAL2    0.090 70
      H6B  HAL2    0.090 71
      C16  CTL2   -0.180 72
      H7A  HAL2    0.090 73
      H7B  HAL2    0.090 74
      C17  CTL2   -0.180 75
      H8A  HAL2    0.090 76
      H8B  HAL2    0.090 77
      C18  CTL2   -0.180 78
      H9A  HAL2    0.090 79
      H9B  HAL2    0.090 80
      C19  CTL2   -0.180 81
     H10A  HAL2    0.090 82
     H10B  HAL2    0.090 83
      C20  CTL2   -0.180 84
     H11A  HAL2    0.090 85
     H11B  HAL2    0.090 86
      C21  CTL2   -0.180 87
     H12A  HAL2    0.090 88
     H12B  HAL2    0.090 89
      C22  CTL2   -0.180 90
     H13A  HAL2    0.090 91
     H13B  HAL2    0.090 92
      C23  CTL2   -0.180 93
     H14A  HAL2    0.090 94
     H14B  HAL2    0.090 95
      C24  CTL3   -0.270 96
     H15A  HAL3    0.090 97
     H15B  HAL3    0.090 98
     H15C  HAL3    0.090 99
      C32  CTL2   -0.180 100
      H3D  HAL2    0.090 101
      H3E  HAL2    0.090 102
      C33  CTL2   -0.180 103
      H4D  HAL2    0.090 104
      H4E  HAL2    0.090 105
      C34  CTL2   -0.180 106
      H5D  HAL2    0.090 107
      H5E  HAL2    0.090 108
      C35  CTL2   -0.180 109
      H6D  HAL2    0.090 110
      H6E  HAL2    0.090 111
      C36  CTL2   -0.180 112
      H7D  HAL2    0.090 113
      H7E  HAL2    0.090 114
      C37  CTL2   -0.180 115
      H8D  HAL2    0.090 116
      H8E  HAL2    0.090 117
      C38  CTL2   -0.180 118
      H9D  HAL2    0.090 119
      H9E  HAL2    0.090 120
      C39  CTL2   -0.180 121
     H10D  HAL2    0.090 122
     H10E  HAL2    0.090 123
      C40  CTL2   -0.180 124
     H11D  HAL2    0.090 125
     H11E  HAL2    0.090 126
      C41  CTL2   -0.180 127
     H12D  HAL2    0.090 128
     H12E  HAL2    0.090 129
      C42  CTL2   -0.180 130
     H13D  HAL2    0.090 131
     H13E  HAL2    0.090 132
      C43  CTL3   -0.270 133
     H14D  HAL3    0.090 134
     H14E  HAL3    0.090 135
     H14F  HAL3    0.090 136
      C52  CTL2   -0.180 137
      H3R  HAL2    0.090 138
      H3S  HAL2    0.090 139
      C53  CTL2   -0.180 140
      H4R  HAL2    0.090 141
      H4S  HAL2    0.090 142
      C54  CTL2   -0.180 143
      H5R  HAL2    0.090 144
      H5S  HAL2    0.090 145
      C55  CTL2   -0.180 146
      H6R  HAL2    0.090 147
      H6S  HAL2    0.090 148
      C56  CTL2   -0.180 149
      H7R  HAL2    0.090 150
      H7S  HAL2    0.090 151
      C57  CTL2   -0.180 152
      H8R  HAL2    0.090 153
      H8S  HAL2    0.090 154
      C58  CTL3   -0.270 155
      H9R  HAL3    0.090 156
      H9S  HAL3    0.090 157
      H9T  HAL3    0.090 158
      C72  CTL2   -0.180 159
      H3X  HAL2    0.090 160
      H3Y  HAL2    0.090 161
      C73  CTL2   -0.180 162
      H4X  HAL2    0.090 163
      H4Y  HAL2    0.090 164
      C74  CTL2   -0.180 165
      H5X  HAL2    0.090 166
      H5Y  HAL2    0.090 167
      C75  CTL2   -0.180 168
      H6X  HAL2    0.090 169
      H6Y  HAL2    0.090 170
      C76  CTL2   -0.180 171
      H7X  HAL2    0.090 172
      H7Y  HAL2    0.090 173
      C77  CTL2   -0.180 174
      H8X  HAL2    0.090 175
      H8Y  HAL2    0.090 176
      C78  CTL2   -0.180 177
      H9X  HAL2    0.090 178
      H9Y  HAL2    0.090 179
      C79  CTL2   -0.180 180
     H10X  HAL2    0.090 181
     H10Y  HAL2    0.090 182
      C80  CTL2   -0.180 183
     H11X  HAL2    0.090 184
     H11Y  HAL2    0.090 185
      C81  CTL2   -0.180 186
     H12X  HAL2    0.090 187
     H12Y  HAL2    0.090 188
      C82  CTL2   -0.180 189
     H13X  HAL2    0.090 190
     H13Y  HAL2    0.090 191
      C83  CTL2   -0.180 192
     H14X  HAL3    0.090 193
     H14Y  HAL3    0.090 194
     H14Z  HAL3    0.090 195
      C84  CTL3   -0.270 196
     H15X  HAL3    0.090 197
     H15Y  HAL3    0.090 198
     H15Z  HAL3    0.090 199
  [ bonds ]
      C31  HG31
      C31  HG32
      CB2   OB2
       C1   CB2
      PB2   OB3
      PB2   OB4
      PB2   OB2
      PB2   OB5
      OB5   CB3
      CB3  H31J
      CB3  H31K
      CB3   CB4
       C1  HG22
       C1  OG12
      CA2    C1
       O1  HO12
      CA2  HG11
      CA2  HG12
      CA2   OA2
      PA1   OA3
      PA1   OA4
      PA1   OA2
      PA1   OA5
      OA5   CA3
      CA3  H11J
      CA3  H11K
      CA3   CA4
      CA4  H12J
      CA4   OA6
      CA4   CA6
      OA6   CA5
      CA5   OA7
      CA5   C11
      C11   H2A
      C11   H2B
      C11   C12
      CA6  H13J
      CA6  H13K
      CA6   OA8
      OA8   CA7
      CA7   OA9
      CA7   C31
      C31   H2D
      C31   H2E
      C31   C32
      CB4  H32J
      CB4   OB6
      CB4   CB6
      OB6   CB5
      CB5   OB7
      CB5   C51
      C51   H2R
      C51   H2S
      C51   C52
      CB6  H33J
      CB6  H33K
      CB6   OB8
      OB8   CB7
      CB7   OB9
      CB7   C71
      C71   H2X
      C71   H2Y
      C71   C72
      C12   H3A
      C12   H3B
      C12   C13
      C13   H4A
      C13   H4B
      C13   C14
      C14   H5A
      C14   H5B
      C14   C15
      C15   H6A
      C15   H6B
      C15   C16
      C16   H7A
      C16   H7B
      C16   C17
      C17   H8A
      C17   H8B
      C17   C18
      C18   H9A
      C18   H9B
      C18   C19
      C19  H10A
      C19  H10B
      C19   C20
      C20  H11A
      C20  H11B
      C20   C21
      C21  H12A
      C21  H12B
      C21   C22
      C22  H13A
      C22  H13B
      C22   C23
      C23  H14A
      C23  H14B
      C23   C24
      C32   H3D
      C32   H3E
      C32   C33
      C33   H4D
      C33   H4E
      C33   C34
      C34   H5D
      C34   H5E
      C34   C35
      C35   H6D
      C35   H6E
      C35   C36
      C36   H7D
      C36   H7E
      C36   C37
      C37   H8D
      C37   H8E
      C37   C38
      C38   H9D
      C38   H9E
      C38   C39
      C39  H10D
      C39  H10E
      C39   C40
      C40  H11D
      C40  H11E
      C40   C41
      C41  H12D
      C41  H12E
      C41   C42
      C42  H13D
      C42  H13E
      C43   C43
      C43  H14D
      C43  H14E
      C43  H14F
      C52   H3R
      C52   H3S
      C52   C53
      C53   H4R
      C53   H4S
      C53   C54
      C54   H5R
      C54   H5S
      C54   C55
      C55   H6R
      C55   H6S
      C55   C56
      C56   H7R
      C56   H7S
      C56   C57
      C57   H8R
      C57   H8S
      C57   C58
      C58   H9R
      C58   H9S
      C58   H9T
      C72   H3X
      C72   H3Y
      C72   C73
      C73   H4X
      C73   H4Y
      C73   C74
      C74   H5X
      C74   H5Y
      C74   C75
      C75   H6X
      C75   H6Y
      C75   C76
      C76   H7X
      C76   H7Y
      C76   C77
      C77   H8X
      C77   H8Y
      C77   C78
      C78   H9X
      C78   H9Y
      C78   C79
      C79  H10X
      C79  H10Y
      C79   C80
      C80  H11X
      C80  H11Y
      C80  CD81
      C81  H12X
      C81  H12Y
      C81  CD82
      C82  H13X
      C82  H13Y
      C82  CD83
      C83  H14X
      C83  H14Y
      C83   C84
      C84  H15X
      C84  H15Y
      C84  H15Z

My file looks like this:

[ molecule ]

[ from ]

[ to ]

[ martini ]
GL0 PO41 GL11 GL12 C1A1 C2A1 D3A1 C4A1 C5A1 C1B1 C2B1 D3B1 CDB1 C5B1 PO42 GL21 GL22 C1A2 C2A2 D3A2 C4A2 C5A2 C1B2 C2B2 D3B2 C4B2 C5B2

[ mapping ]

[ atoms ]
   1   C1    GL0 
   2   O1    GL0
   3   CA2   GL0
   4   OA2   PO41 
   5   PA1   PO41
   6   OA3   PO41
   7   OA4   PO41
   8   OA5   PO41
   9   CA3   PO41
  10   CA4   GL11
  11   OA6   GL11
  12   CA5   GL11
  13   OA7   GL11
  14   C11   C1A1
  15   C12   C1A1
  16   C13   C1A1
  17   C14   C1A1
  18   C15   C2A1
  19   C16   C2A1
  20   C17   C2A1
  21   C18   C2A1
  22   C19   D3A1
  23   C20   D3A1
  24   C21   C4A1
  25   C22   C4A1
  26   C23   C5A1
  27   C24   C5A1
  28   CA6   GL12
  29   OA8   GL12
  30   CA7   GL12
  31   OA9   GL12
  32   C31   C1B1
  33   C32   C1B1
  34   C33   C2B1
  35   C34   C2B1
  36   C35   C2B1
  37   C36   D3B1
  38   C37   D3B1
  39   C38   C4B1
  40   C39   C4B1
  41   C40   C4B1
  42   C41   C5B1
  43   C42   C5B1
  44   C43   C5B1
  45   CB2   GL0
  46   OB2   PO42
  47   PB2   PO42
  48   OB3   PO42
  49   OB4   PO42
  50   OB5   PO42
  51   CB3   PO42
  52   CB4   GL21
  53   OB6   GL21
  54   CB5   GL21
  55   OB7   GL21
  56   C51   C1A2
  57   C52   C1A2
  58   C53   C2A2
  59   C54   C2A2
  60   C55   D3A2
  61   C56   C4A2
  62   C57   C4A2
  63   C58   C5A2
  64   CB6   GL22
  65   OB8   GL22
  66   CB7   GL22
  67   OB9   GL22
  68   C71   C1B2
  69   C72   C1B2
  70   C73   C1B2
  71   C74   C2B2
  72   C75   C2B2
  73   C76   C2B2
  74   C77   D3B2
  75   C78   D3B2
  76   C79   C4B2
  77   C80   C4B2
  78   C81   C4B2
  79   C82   C5B2
  80   C83   C5B2
  81   C84   C5B2

There are two other lipids but I don't get any 'Level 5 - inconsistent data ...' messages about their atoms with them, so I think the issue is just with CDL2.

pckroon commented 2 years ago

A quick script gave me the following:

Duplicate name C32
name C31 not known (C31-HG31)
name C31 not known (C31-HG32)
name OG12 not known (C1-OG12)
name C31 not known (CA7-C31)
name C31 not known (C31-H2D)
name C31 not known (C31-H2E)
name C31 not known (C31-C32)
name CD81 not known (C80-CD81)
name CD82 not known (C81-CD82)
name CD83 not known (C82-CD83)

Good luck :)

ELambden commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the good luck! That was exactly the issue; I noticed that the script wasn't seeming to pick up the files located in my working directory too well no matter how I tried to organise them and used the -ff-dir and -map-dir flags, so I have switched to working from the local files saved in my python section which works a lot better. I have unfortunately run into a new problem which I am struggling to make headway with: it seems that the block is being picked up as a NoneType object and so it's not playing nice with the script (error below). I think perhaps this is do with the formatting of my lipids.rtp file but to my untrained eye, I can't see any differences between that and the originally provided aminoacids.rtp.

python3.6 -f CDL.pdb -x input_charmm_cg.pdb -from universal -ff martini3001 -vv -ignh Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 797, in entry() File "", line 542, in entry Path(DATA_PATH) / 'force_fields' File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/", line 171, in find_force_fields force_fields[name] = ForceField(path) File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/", line 72, in init self.read_from(directory) File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/", line 91, in read_from FORCE_FIELD_PARSERS[extension](infile, self) File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/gmx/", line 515, in read_rtp _complete_block(pre_block, bondedtypes) File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/gmx/", line 265, in _complete_block if _keep_dihedral(center, block, bondedtypes): File "/home/eddie/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vermouth/gmx/", line 241, in _keep_dihedral if (not bondedtypes.all_dihedrals) and block.has_dihedral_around(center): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'all_dihedrals'

I used a small peptide (just glycine and alanine) to test this, and using that file as an input, I got the exact same error. Any advice would once again be appreciated!

pckroon commented 2 years ago

The error message is super obscure, but you're missing a [ bondedtypes ] section at the beginning of your rtp file: From universal/aminoacids.rtp:

[ bondedtypes ] 
; Column 1 : default bondtype
; Column 2 : default angletype
; Column 3 : default proper dihedraltype
; Column 4 : default improper dihedraltype
; Column 5 : This controls the generation of dihedrals from the bonding.
;            All possible dihedrals are generated automatically. A value of
;            1 here means that all these are retained. A value of
;            0 here requires generated dihedrals be removed if
;              * there are any dihedrals on the same central atoms
;                specified in the residue topology, or
;              * there are other identical generated dihedrals
;                sharing the same central atoms, or
;              * there are other generated dihedrals sharing the
;                same central bond that have fewer hydrogen atoms
; Column 6 : number of neighbors to exclude from non-bonded interactions
; Column 7 : 1 = generate 1,4 interactions between pairs of hydrogen atoms
;            0 = do not generate such
; Column 8 : 1 = remove proper dihedrals if found centered on the same
;                bond as an improper dihedral
;            0 = do not generate such
; bondtype angletype dihedraltype impropertype all_dih nrexcl HH14 bRemoveDih
     1       5            9            2         1       3     1       0
ELambden commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all the help, Peter! Hopefully fewer mistakes with martini in my future :)