marshallswain / feathers-pinia

Connect your Feathers API to the elegant data store for Vue
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Migrate from feathers-vuex #99

Open devops724 opened 1 year ago

devops724 commented 1 year ago

Hi There I have a project on vue2 feathers-vuex code want to migrate it to vue3 and feathers-pinia I followed guide but can't find a way to implement it on feathers-pinia

     const { User } = this.$FeathersVuex.api;
          const { User } = this.$FeathersVuex.api;

is there any guide to help me in this case? also this line ...mapState("groups", { areGroupsLoading: "isFindPending" }),

marshallswain commented 1 year ago

There's no need to do the manual assigning dance this.users = is a pattern that should almost never be used. You can use useFind to accomplish the same thing.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineProps, onMounted } from 'vue'
const User = useUserModel() // auto-imported in Nuxt and Vite projects

// an object or TS interface would be better, but I don't know your schema
const props = defineProps(['pagination']) 

// users will automatically populate with data once the query returns.
const { data: users } = User.useFind({ query: { ...props.pagination } })
devops724 commented 1 year ago

thanks marshallswain so useFind automatically query to server and have latest version of data on data change? what about this? ...mapState("groups", { areGroupsLoading: "isFindPending" }), i want show loading icon on areGroupsLoading is true, this mean when we quering and send sevrver request, to show data are on the way

marshallswain commented 1 year ago

@devops724 you'll want to take a look at everything available to you inside of the object returned from useFind:

// lots of utils available inside of "useFindData"
const useFindData = userStore.useFind({ query: props.pagination })
const { data: users } = useFindData
marshallswain commented 1 year ago

Here's the list of what's available:

You'll need the pre-release docs:

marshallswain commented 1 year ago

Since useFind has its own request state tracking, you don't have to go looking for the one in the store, although that would still work.