marshmatter / voids-discord-bot

Voids Within Discord bot
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User responding to the bot's Direct Message only submits to the Moderators for a short amount of time. #1

Closed ItsNitesky closed 20 hours ago

ItsNitesky commented 3 days ago

When a moderator uses /warn or /notify directed at a user, the user may only reply within a few minutes time, otherwise the message never gets pushed through to the moderators and it does not currently alert the user that it is not being submitted back.

Two conditionals should be:

1 - User is able to respond successfully to Moderator messages (/warn or /notify) and should confirm that the message is sent.

2 - User is unable to respond successfully to Moderator messages (/warn or /notify) and should be informed that the message was not sent and that they can open a ticket in the #help-me(?) channel

(help channel tbd)

ItsNitesky commented 3 days ago

Making this so I remember after I sleep - will fix this shortly.

DigitalPhantoms commented 1 day ago

for right now we are having people use /new with the ticket bot

ItsNitesky commented 20 hours ago

Fixed in v1.0.1