marsrobertson / one-life-true-self

Truth. Freedom. Empowerement. This is who am I, this is what I do...
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Anti TODO: New World Order blog post, summary of EstoniaDAO #31

Closed marsrobertson closed 10 months ago

marsrobertson commented 4 years ago

Estonia DAO dev summary:

Join the Discord chat:

UBI modelling incentives:


It gives me so much energy:

I called myself “Lead Developer” and I need to step up to this role, 🐈🐈🐈herding is part of the role and yesterday I did not reach out personally to everyone and meeting did not take place. Full ownership, full responsibility.

Dragon Quest is halfway through.

Here at Estonia DAO we have 100+ guys  on Twitter and 100+ guys on Discord, many of them coming from reputable organisations.

What started as bunch of hackers, now is taking a real shape:

Legal squad 
Finance squad
Development squad

Token economy.
Incentives, speculation
Ensuing inclusivity

I think it's really important that we have a dedicated token that reflects the historic and cumulative Kudos points acquired. This token needs to be non-transferable. If people can just buy the reputation token to get more voting power, reputation weighted votes are no longer possible.

It can be increasable and decreseable (if someone screws up) but not-transferable

It's really up to you guys how you want to setup governance and membership rules and expectations. Can kick people out, or not, up to you lol

I don’t hold funds on any centralized exchanges, not afraid of SIM swap scam, I want you to know my phone number: +44 758 629 4279

I want you to call me whenever there is something going on.

I’ve built another trust to have:
Commit rights on Github
Access to Twitter
Admin on Discord

Tony Blair yesterday sidestepped the Bush administration's refusal to act on climate change by signing what was hailed as a ground-breaking agreement with California, the world's 12th largest carbon emitter, to fight global warming.

> "The San Francisco Bay Area has a GDP of about $900B.  Alone, it would be the 18th largest economy in the world - larger than Saudi Arabia.  Aside from its amazing technology exports, maybe its biggest export is its culture.."

Saudi Arabia

* Death penalty for weed
* Death penalty for being guy
* Getting away with murder 
* Not evironmentally consciouss incentives related to crude oil.

I'm just a guy with family, if they mess with Bezos they can mess with my.

I'm supporting human rights, freedom of conscience and cognitive liberty.

I support intiatives around consciounsness hacking and psychedelics tpo break the patterns.

Exponential technnologies
Short termism
Not in my 

We are rethinking governance.
We are rethinking what does it meant to be a citizen

Different accounting models

CO2 being the first class citizen
Water being the first class citizen

When I think about crypto, I'm thinking about the 


Building blocks of the new financial system, new reality system
marsrobertson commented 10 months ago

Estonia DAO Island DAO Network State Genesis Planetary Council

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