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Path comparison fails in api2.2 (or how to compare same paths of diff tabs) #1088

Open eugenesvk opened 2 weeks ago

eugenesvk commented 2 weeks ago

Thew newer 2.2 api version adds a new Path class that's supposed to be Equatable, so I thought identical path would compare to each other.

But then this plugin fails (open a few identical tabs and run Tab: Path comparison bug command - in 2.1 it will show a popup that there are identical tabs, in 2.2 it will fail and show a popup that no identical paths are found)

Maybe I misunderstand all this equatable stuff, but I thought if I store a path in a different var and later compare via == to the same path from another tab, it should be the same since it's supposed to compare rawValues due to Implements _eq, comparing rawValues.

marta.plugin({id="bug", name="path comparison bug", apiVersion="2.1"})

marta.action({id="id_tab_pathcomp21", name="Tab: Path comparison bug 2.1"
  ,apply=function(ctxA) tabPathComparison({ctxA=ctxA}); end})

local std = {}
-- Print contents of `tbl`, with indentation `indent`, to string
function std.t2str(tbl, indent, out)
  if not indent then indent = 0  end
  if not out    then out    = '' end
  for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
    key = string.rep("  ",indent)..k..": "
    if     type(v) == "table"   then    out = out..key             ..'\n'; out=std.t2str(v,indent+1,out)
    elseif type(v) == "boolean" then    out = out..key..tostring(v)..'\n'
    elseif type(v) == "string"  then    out = out..key..         v ..'\n'
    else                                out = out..key..tostring(v)..'\n' end
  return out

function tabPathComparison(arg)
  local ctxA    = arg.ctxA
  local ctxW    = ctxA.window
  local tabMan  = ctxW.tabs
  local paneMan = ctxW.panes

  local tabA        = paneMan.activePane
  local tabPos      = tabMan:getPosition(tabA)     -- Get the tab position              --(tab:PaneContext):Option<TabPosition>
  local tabCount    = tabMan:getCount   (tabPos  ) -- tab count for a given position    --(pos:             Option<TabPosition>):Int
  local i           = 0

  print("tabCount = "..tabCount)
  local prev = nil
  local dupe = false
  local path_list = {}
  while (i < tabCount) do
    local tab        = tabMan:getTab(tabPos, i)

↓ this fails

    local path       = tab.model.folder.path -- FAILS

replacing ↑ with ↓ succeeds since we store strings, but I thought Implements _eq, comparing rawValues should do the same when we don't do the conversion and use == directly on paths?

    -- local path    = tab.model.folder.path.rawValue -- WORKS
    if (path == prev) then
      martax.alert("DUPE path" .. tostring(i).. tostring(path))
      dupe = true
    path_list[i] = path
    prev = path
    i   = i + 1
  if not dupe then
    martax.alert("NO dupes in paths" .. std.t2str(path_list))