Open warpkanal opened 7 years ago
Can you explain in detail how should this feature work? I don't really use MRU (except Cmd+Tab, probably), but I know it's quite popular. Is it just a "next/previous MRU tab" hotkey pair, or is it something more?
It's exactly the same as Cmd+Tab, just replace apps with tabs :) A few details: mru with tabs is always bound to the container containing the tabs => in a 2-pane filemanager, it's actually 2 completely separated mru-tab-histories. Hotkey-behaviour of Ctrl+Tab is the same as Cmd+Tab: hitting it once will just active the most recently used tab, keeping Ctrl pressed while subsequently hitting Tab will just cycle through the stack of old tabs. Additionally pressing Shift reverses the cycle order (in the same way Shift works for Cmd+Tab) Simple implementations of mru for tabs just don't have any "viewing overlay" but immediately activate the various tabs on every keypress, while advanced ones (like e.g. cmd+tab in macos or e.g. the Switcher overlay in Intellij) have one. Although I wouldn't say this is mandatory. As you seem to be working at Jetbrains, just open a few tabs in your Jetbrains IDE of choice and hit Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Tab+Tab+... or Shift+Ctrl+Tab :)
Decades ago there was only application switching via Alt+Tab (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Tab (Mac), all of them in MRU (most-recently-used) way. When tabbed apps came to life (typically Ctrl+Tab), some followed MRU for their tabs (e.g. Opera) others just switched from left to right (e.g. Chrome), others made this configurable (e.g. Firefox). As my brain is so much wired to MRU behaviour, it would be cool to configure marta to MRU-style tab switching :)