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Marta 0.8.1 Beta #750

Closed yanex closed 3 years ago

yanex commented 3 years ago

Hello, everyone! I'm happy to publish the beta version of Marta 0.8.1. There are a bunch of changes, and I want to cover some of them specially.

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 Beta 1

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 Beta 2

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC2

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC3

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC4

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC5

New Look Up

"Look up" was introduced in Marta 0.4.2, and it hasn't changed much since then. Honestly speaking, it wasn't quite easy to use, as one needed to remember various semi-random prefixes (@: to match by a substring, t: to search in the document title, and so on). Moreover, you couldn't use these prefixes together, so it was impossible to search for a title with some prefix or match both by a file name and a document title.

That's why in Marta 0.8.1, Look up was redesigned from the ground up. Now it's much more flexible and convenient. By default, Look up still searches by a file name. However, you can also add multiple predicates. Marta will recognize predicates as you type and suggest adding them to the condition list.

Look up

I've been working on a new documentation page for the feature that will contain the complete list of available predicates. Here I want to share some of the most useful ones:

Simple predicates (type the predicate name): Folder, File, Archive, Text, HTML, Source Code, Video, Audio. Compound predicates (<predicate> <operator> <argument>): Title, Author, Contributor, Description, Content. Operators for compound predicates: is (also =), isnot (also !=), >, <, contains, startsWith, endsWith, like.

E.g., to search for a song by Smokie, type audio↵ author is Smokie↵.

New Preferences Editor

Since Marta has migrated to the Marco configuration syntax, it used Fragaria – a library that allows embedding an editor control with code highlighting, error reporting, and basic completion functionality. It was quite easy to set it up, yet I was never satisfied with its quality. Lack of extensibility, a myriad of subtle bugs, and sporadic crashes made me think of a replacement.

As I found no good alternative on the web, I wrote the new implementation of a code editor by myself. It already covers all the functionality that Fragaria provided, understands indentation much better, and is very easy to extend it. Who knows, maybe someday the editor will be used in even more places? :roll_eyes:


New Marta Icon

The previous Marta icon wasn't ideal for multiple reasons. And, after the macOS 11 release with new Human Interface Guidelines, it was clear that it needs a replacement. For a half a year, I've been trying to make an icon that I would like, together with the gods of icon making. And I think I've succeeded. I will surely cover the whole icon story in the release blog post. For now, please treat the Marta fox well :)

New Marta icon

File Popup

Marta truncates long file names with ellipsis, just like any other file manager. It doesn't show the popup with the full name, though, and there was such an issue. I implemented a popup that appeared on mouse-over. But I quickly realized that:

Marta already shows hotkey overlays in dialogs when you press the Option () key. I decided to reuse the approach in the file list. So now, when you press , Marta will show a popup for a file under the cursor. You can choose different files, both with arrow keys and a mouse.


Open As…

There's a new "Open as…" action that allows opening a file like it was with some other extension. Saying, normally you want to open .docx files with a text processor, but one day you need to open it as an archive (did you know .docx is actually a ZIP archive?).

Before, you could change its extension manually by renaming a file. Now there's a better way: run the "Open as…" action, enter the extension you want, and Marta will show a list of applications or handlers that can deal with that extension. The action works in all file systems, even inside archives.

Open as


vladstudio commented 3 years ago

An awesome update in every way! Thanks so much.

IgorKrupenja commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for the update! The icon and file popup are awesome!

I have noticed a few issues though:

Click me ``` environment { terminal "iTerm" textEditor "Visual Studio Code" } behavior { theme "Classic" layout { showActionBar false } actions { core.lookup.mode "substring" } table { maxItemCount -1 useAlternateColor false colorHighlighting true } } etty { fonts { normal [ "MonacoB Nerd Font" 13 ] } } fonts { actionBar [ "Default" 13 ] breadcrumbs [ "Default" 13 ] ephemeralTabs [ "Default Bold" 13 ] files [ "Default" 13 ] statusBar [ "Default Light" 13 ] tableHeader [ "Default" 13 ] tabs [ "Default" 13 ] preferences [ "Monaco" 13 ] } keyBindings { "Cmd+R" "core.refresh" "Ctrl+Tab" "" "Left" "core.go.up" "Right" "" "Space" "" "Delete" "core.trash" "F1" "core.finder.showInfo" "F2" "core.rename" "F3" "core.preview" "Shift+F5" "core.symlink" "F9" "core.copy" "Shift+F9" "core.symlink" "F10" "core.move" "F12" "core.finder.reveal" "Cmd+F12" "core.path.folder" "Shift+F12" "core.path" } ```

Will let you know if I spot anything else 😉

yanex commented 3 years ago

@igor-krupenja Thanks for the feedback!

Hmm, that's strange, the new preferences editor feels instant on my Mac. Can you please share your hardware configuration, together with the macOS version you use?

IgorKrupenja commented 3 years ago

Hardware Overview:

Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro16,1 Processor Name: 8-Core Intel Core i9 Processor Speed: 2,3 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 8 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 16 MB Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled Memory: 16 GB System Firmware Version: 1554. (iBridge: 18.16.14663.0.0,0)\

macOS version 11.4 (20F71)

Please let me know if you need anything else

yanex commented 3 years ago

@igor-krupenja Can you please check 0.8.1 Beta 2? I can't reproduce the bugs you mentioned with my fixes.

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 Beta 2

IgorKrupenja commented 3 years ago

@yanex yep, can confirm that with Beta 2 both my issues are resolved. thank you!

user3587412 commented 3 years ago

I love the new icon!

yanex commented 3 years ago

Release Candidate is available!

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC

Changes since Beta 2:

page-down commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much, the new icon are really nice.

However, after trying it out, I found that there seems to be some minor issues.


table defaults config does not work Is this the default configuration only for the first time init (fresh install)?

behavior {
    table {
        defaults {
            showHiddenFiles true
            ordering {
                column "fileName"
                isAscend true
                showFoldersOnTop false

After configuration, the new Tab still uses the current view settings.

There has been a long time flaw that affects daily use. The view state of the opened tab window is not restored. This includes whether to show hidden files, sorting, etc. Every time I open Marta, I have to use custom shortcuts to set each left and right Tab sort order and other view settings all over again.

I found that after Marta restarted, all Tabs use the configuration of the first Tab (the left one matches the first Tab on the left panel, and the right one matches the first one on the right).

after Marta restarted:

The new version can configure the default view settings, which at least reduces a lot of repetitive view settings.

When restoring the last activated Tab, it would be great if the view settings for each tabs were restored as well!

Question: After this configuration takes effect correctly in the new version, how to override the default behavior.table.defaults (turn it OFF, no defaults) and always keep the same current view settings when I create a new Tab?

Another issue related to the view settings is moving the tab to the other side while preserving all the view settings.

you need to:

Sorry this is a bit off topic, I think this should be in a separate feature request.

page-down commented 3 years ago

Marta 0.8.1 RC

Opening a folder using the command line while Marta is not yet started will result in the loss of all previously opened Tabs.

osascript -e 'quit app ""'
/Applications/ "path/to/open"

I think it would be more appropriate to keep the previous Tabs, or to have the option to specify whether to keep them or not. Now I had to be very careful to check that Marta was launched before using the command line launcher so that the Tabs would not be lost.

If I run the command line launcher with Marta already started, the newly opened Tab does not switch to the active state correctly. (The new tab opens in the background. And it opens only on the left side, ignoring the currently active pane, however not everyone is used to using the left side as the main pane.)

This is my first time using command line launcher, so I don't know about the current stable version.

There is also an issue related to Tab state loss.

If some network-mounted volumes were opened previously, the next time I opened Marta, these locations were not yet mounted, causing all associated Tabs to be reset to their initial paths.

At this point I can only force quit Marta before the tab state is saved, mount the volume and reopen Marta.

It is very annoying to lose these Tabs forever if the Marta state plist is not backed up manually.

It would be nice to have the option to maintain the state instead of resetting the tab path, and retrying again the next time you open Marta, so that you don't lose the tabs.

Open a new tab on middle-click

I would prefer to bind the middle mouse button click on folders to a new official Action. (as a configurable option)

Middle click on a folder to open a new tab on the opposite side.

Or you can bind to Clone Action and open it in the current tab on the opposite side without opening a new tab.

This will make the middle click more efficient and useful.

Suggestion: A complete list of action id and new version changes should be provided to allow users to manually upgrade configuration files. Or improve the automated settings file version update migration.

I am currently upgrading the new version of the configuration file by:

yanex commented 3 years ago


Thank you very much for lots of valuable feedback!

table defaults config does not work Is this the default configuration only for the first time init (fresh install)?

Settings are applied to newly created tabs. Tabs loaded after relaunch should have the same preferences as they had before exiting the application. Can you please check if the default configuration works for new tabs (tabs created by running New Window or New Tab)?

There has been a long time flaw that affects daily use. The view state of the opened tab window is not restored. This includes whether to show hidden files, sorting, etc. Every time I open Marta, I have to use custom shortcuts to set each left and right Tab sort order and other view settings all over again.

Oh, that's bad. It's definitely not supposed to work this way. I'll fix the bug and publish RC2 here so you can check if it's fixed for you.

Question: After this configuration takes effect correctly in the new version, how to override the default behavior.table.defaults (turn it OFF, no defaults) and always keep the same current view settings when I create a new Tab?

What configuration do you want to be used instead of "behavior / table / defaults"? What if I close all windows and then open a new one, what preferences do you expect to be applied?

Another issue related to the view settings is moving the tab to the other side while preserving all the view settings.

Am I right that it's about that the "Clone tab action" should also clone all its preferences?

Opening a folder using the command line while Marta is not yet started will result in the loss of all previously opened Tabs.

Thanks! Will be fixed in RC2 (Marta will open all opened windows on launch from the command-line helper).

If I run the command line launcher with Marta already started, the newly opened Tab does not switch to the active state correctly. (The new tab opens in the background. And it opens only on the left side, ignoring the currently active pane, however not everyone is used to using the left side as the main pane.)

Makes sense. I think it should open on the right of the current tab, and be active.

It would be nice to have the option to maintain the state instead of resetting the tab path, and retrying again the next time you open Marta, so that you don't lose the tabs.

Hm... Probably it would be better to display an empty folder with the correct path instead and add some indication to the panel (that the folder is not loaded properly). Will do it in 0.8.2.

I would prefer to bind the middle mouse button click on folders to a new official Action. (as a configurable option) It makes sense, I'll add an option in 0.8.2.

Suggestion: A complete list of action id and new version changes should be provided to allow users to manually upgrade configuration files. Or improve the automated settings file version update migration.

I think it's not trivial to make a perfect migration, yet I'll think about what can be done here. For now, I try to keep the old configuration working for at least a couple of versions. But you're right, preferences like setup / touchBar are replaced completely if you redefine them in the user configuration.

By the way, have you found any significant breaking changes in the configuration so far?

Press and hold the Option key to view the Action ID and remember it. (The button is held down at this point, you cannot easily take a screenshot.)

In the future, there'll be an action that shows all actions together with their descriptions, identifiers, and a list of available parameters :) Hope this will make things a bit easier.

yanex commented 3 years ago

Expected: (new tab, should matches default settings)

Small update: defaults are not used in the "New Tab" action; configuration of the origin (current) tab is used instead. I think it makes more sense as the action opens the same location as the current tab. If the default preferences were applied, the tab would probably look very different, confusing the users.

yanex commented 3 years ago

Release Candidate 2 is available!

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC2

Changes since RC:

cc @page-down

yanex commented 3 years ago

The view state of the opened tab window is not restored. This includes whether to show hidden files, sorting, etc. Every time I open Marta, I have to use custom shortcuts to set each left and right Tab sort order and other view settings all over again.

Can you please check if you experience this with 0.8.1 RC2? In fact, I didn't change anything there, but I've created several tabs, all with different view settings, and everything is restored properly after the restart.

vh commented 3 years ago

Marta 0.8.1 RC2 [MacOS 11.4]

There is also a minor issue with PageUp/PageDown functionality. When the screen contains files and folders that take more space than one page (depends on window height), then PageUp returns cursor to the GoUp folder. Otherwise, one position below, but only in cases when PageDown button pressed before.

yanex commented 3 years ago

@vh Thanks for the report! Can you please attach a video or screenshots?

page-down commented 3 years ago

@yanex I found a new issue.

Tab with archive file opened cannot be recovered after reboot

RC2, open a zip file, then Quit. reopen. At this point the path is lost and the Tab is loaded as the default path. If it is not possible to reopen the zip file again, at least revert to the previous level I think?

There is also a minor issue with PageUp/PageDown functionality.

I can reproduce the issue, it's very simple, in a folder tab where the content does not fill the height, click Page Up, Page Down and you can see the problem. The current cursor should always be positioned at the top or bottom of the page(display area), no matter how you press the pageup/pagedown.

vh commented 3 years ago

@yanex Sure! Also if we move the cursor to the last position PageUp doesn't work as it should.

page-down commented 3 years ago

Sorry, some of the previous descriptions are not very clear, I have reorganized the list. About the middle mouse button operation and Action-related suggestions, I broke it down to the (8) through (11). At the end I added some more issues I found (maybe not due to this version upgrade) and recorded them here for now.

Env: macOS 11.5 Marta 0.8.1 RC2

Previous: (1) [Bug Report] Table defaults config (view settings for new tab) does not work. Resolved (RC2) (2) [Bug Report] The view settings of the previous opened tab is not restored. Resolved (RC2) (3) [Question] How to set the default new tab view setting to "same as the active tab"? Answered (4) [Feature Request] New action "Move tab to the opposite side". (5) [Bug Report] The previously opened Tabs are not restored correctly when using cli launcher while Marta is not yet started. Resolved (RC2) (6) [Feature Request] When opened from the command line, opens a new Tab in the currently active pane. (7) [Bug Report] Tabs that fail to load after a restart because the path does not exist should not be loaded silently with the default path. (8) [Feature Request] The middle mouse button click on a folder can be bound as a custom Action in the configuration file. (9) [Feature Request] Action "Open in New Tab" adds parameters to specify in which pane to open. (10) [Feature Request] New Action "Open in New Background Tab", or add param "activate" (default: true) to Action "Open in New Tab". (11) [Feature Request] New Action "Clone to the opposite pane". (12) [Suggestion] Provide an effective way to upgrade configuration files when a new version is released.

The above is what I mentioned in my previous reply.

New: (13) [Bug Report] Setting the current path as the window title does not work (14) [Bug Report] Cannot use substring match in lookup, and the default configuration does not take effect.

(1) [Bug Report] Table defaults config (view settings for new tab) does not work.

Resolved (RC2)

Small update: defaults are not used in the "New Tab" action

Thanks! Whatever this is called, it will always be "Duplicate Tab" in my mind. :D see (3).

below for Marta 0.8.1 RC:

Settings are applied to newly created tabs. Tabs loaded after relaunch should have the same preferences as they had before exiting the application. Can you please check if the default configuration works for new tabs (tabs created by running New Window or New Tab)?

No, Tabs loaded after relaunch and tabs created by New Tab are using the view settings of the first tab of the corresponding pane. After a restart, only the view settings for the first tab on the left pane and right pane are restored, as I described in the second issue.

Steps to reproduce:

(2) [Bug Report] The view settings of the previous opened tab is not restored.

I'll fix the bug and publish RC2 here

Resolved (RC2) Thank you so much.

I can confirm that the RC version and previous versions are not recoverable, and the RC2 version view settings recover everything normally.

(3) [Question] How to set the default new tab view setting to "same as the active tab"?

What configuration do you want to be used instead of "behavior / table / defaults"? What if I close all windows and then open a new one, what preferences do you expect to be applied?


Consider adding a new configuration to open new tabs with the view settings of the currently operating Tab, which defaults to true, and forces all new tabs to open with the default settings when set to false.

The reason I ask this question is that there is a very common scenario. My global default view is set to sort by Name asc. When operating in a Project Folder Tab sorted by Modified Time, when multiple folders are opened with a middle mouse click, I want to be able to consistently open those subfolders sorted by Modified Time.

When a new window is opened, the default settings should be used since there is no Tab available for that window. So I can use unique default view settings in this new window, because all new Tabs inherit the settings of the currently active Tab in this window.

Please note that only the view settings will be used at this point (no history!) and the default new tab path should be opened. (could add a new default path configuration, default value is user's home path.) This is the true new Tab, consistent with the behavior of Finder, Chrome, Firefox, tmux, etc.

Another Duplicate Tab Action can be added. which is the actual "new Tab" behavior currently. This allows the user to customize the key bindings if needed, such as Command+T. As the name implies, the path to the currently active Tab is opened in a new tab with the current view settings in the currently active pane. It should be able to use "core.back" to go back, just like a real duplicated Tab. (refer to the Chrome Duplicate Tab feature design)

(4) [Feature Request] New action "Move tab to the opposite side".

Am I right that it's about that the "Clone tab action" should also clone all its preferences?

I am not referring to the Clone tab action. The current definition of "Clone" is actually: open the provided path on the active tab in the corresponding pane. In fact, I suggest reworking the definition of "Clone" and the definition of "Open". For me, Clone means to create a new instance exactly the same as the current one, not Replace.

Currently, Tab cannot be dragged to the other side, let alone to another window. That's why I suggested that there should be at least one Action that moves the Tab to the opposite side.

The moved Tab, of course, maintains the original view settings, as well as the original access history, and supports the use of actions such as "core.back", "core.forward".

Mouse: Support for dragging the Tab to the other side or other windows with the mouse. This can be considered later since Marta is a keyboard-first file manager.

(5) [Bug Report] The previously opened Tabs are not restored correctly when using cli launcher while Marta is not yet started.

Will be fixed in RC2

Resolved (RC2) Thanks!

(6) [Feature Request] When opened from the command line, opens a new Tab in the currently active pane.

it opens only on the left side, ignoring the currently active pane, however not everyone is used to using the left side as the main pane.

Makes sense. I think it should open on the right of the current tab, and be active.

No, the new tab should open at the last position of the currently active pane, either launch by command line, or use Open in new Tab Action. This will match the default opening style of multi-tabbed software such as Finder , Safari and Chrome.

The problem I'm referring to is that for new tabs launched from the command line, consider opening them in the currently active pane, for example, my main pane is the right pane and I often maintain operations in the right pane. When I open paths multiple times via the command line, I expect to open those paths in the currently active right pane. However current cli launcher opens new tabs on the left side pane, and it is not yet possible to drag and drop that newly opened tab to the right side by mouse.

It would also be nice to add a parameter to Action that specifies whether to open a new tab next to the right of the currently active tab in the same pane, for custom key bindings.

[RC2] Open new panes to the right of the current one

If you really want to get the user experience right, a "open new tab" will also have a lot to say.

There are two issues with the current approach.

1) The command line launcher, inserted to the right of the current tab, will mess with a temporary Tab in a carefully orchestrated group of tabs.

# 0.8.1 RC2
[Workspace] [funny-temp-tab] [docs] [src] [dist]

much better imho:

[Workspace] [docs] [src] [dist] [funny-temp-tab]

2) Not using the currently active pane to open, resulting in a confusing open position.

Suppose my always-on Window1 is dedicated to daily chores and is located on monitor 2. Window2 is the current project window and is focused on doing something on the main monitor. At this point I want to work on something temporarily and open it from the command line while Window1 is active, but it is open on Window2.

Steps to Reproduce:

3) Failure to properly handle more than two paths.

Steps to Reproduce:


BTW, I prefer to use "Duplicate Tab" new Action, which should opens to the right of the current Tab.

Please don't get me wrong, I really like to have a new Tab to the right of the current Tab, but definitely not for use here. Rather, it should be used explicitly.

(7) [Bug Report] Tabs that fail to load after a restart because the path does not exist should not be loaded silently with the default path.

Hm... Probably it would be better to display an empty folder with the correct path instead and add some indication to the panel (that the folder is not loaded properly). Will do it in 0.8.2.


When restoring the Tab state, if the path does not exist, an error message with a manual reload button could be displayed in the middle of the pane, and all the Tabs that failed to load correctly should be retried on the next startup.

Tabs that do not load correctly may be colored or identified by a different Tab Bar background pattern, however, the original tab name (folder name) should be maintained.

(8) [Feature Request] The middle mouse button click on a folder can be bound as a custom Action in the configuration file.

I would prefer to bind the middle mouse button click on folders to a new official Action. (as a configurable option)

It makes sense, I'll add an option in 0.8.2.


I have updated (9) to (11) on the usage scenarios of the new suggested Actions.

(9) [Feature Request] Action "Open in New Tab" adds parameters to specify in which pane to open.

The options are: currently active pane, opposite pane, left pane, right pane. This Action can be used to bind to the middle mouse button click to open the folder in the opposite pane as a new Tab.

(10) [Feature Request] New Action "Open in New Background Tab", or add param "activate" (default: true) to Action "Open in New Tab".

This Action can be used to bind to a middle mouse button click, in a scenario where the middle mouse button is clicked repeatedly in the current file list, pre-opening multiple tabs without activating them.

(11) [Feature Request] New Action "Clone to the opposite pane".

Currently, you can only clone to the left and clone to the right, but not to the opposite side relatively. This Action can be used to bind to a middle mouse button click to immediately show the clicked folder in the active Tab on the opposite side without create a new tab. Please refer to (3) for which view settings should be used at this point. Since the history is still maintained (in opposite pane's tab), how do the view settings change after the history is back? I think it is unchanged and stays as it is currently, i.e. as it was last cloned. Of course it would be better to record the view settings for each history, but that would be too much of a necessity.

For the definition of "Clone", please refer to the suggestion I mentioned in (4). I don't think the suggested action name here is accurate, it just follows the current naming style. Maybe "Open in opposite active tab" is better?

(12) [Suggestion] Provide an effective way to upgrade configuration files when a new version is released.

By the way, have you found any significant breaking changes in the configuration so far?

The most obvious issue is that some of the Action Bar buttons at the bottom are missing after the upgrade. For users who don't know, they may have to start asking for help.

Consider verifying the configuration file in strict mode, disallowing non-existent keys, values that are not in the optional range, and displaying the configuration editor at startup to give the user a chance to fix it. However, if the software is to be promoted to the general user, in my humble opinion, it is still necessary to automatically migrate.

This includes when the overall format (structure) of configuration has changed. Perhaps automated configuration upgrades need to be considered later when they are really needed.

By the way, is it possible to insert comments in the configuration? The answer to this question three months ago was not yet possible. I am currently making a comment by defining a non-existent key.

When it comes to config files, I personally prefer common formats, such as json yaml toml, etc.

My favorites.macro is generated via a custom tool on the fly and is rendered differently depending on the currently connected Wi-Fi, VPN, inserted uniquely identifiable USB External Drive, datetime, other macOS apps, and network services API. It would be more convenient to support loading configurations in a common format.

In the future it would be nice if the "Favorites Provider" could be implemented via a plugin, without the need for frequent configuration file rewrites. It is also possible to set the first few numbers 1,2,3 as the path to some subdirectory within the project, depending on the current path, e.g. under a project root. Provide different shortcut access to different places.


Some of the following issues are recorded here to avoid forgetting. These issues are based on the use of the latest RC version, but I assume they exist in older versions as well. The ones that are easy to fix can be handled before this release. Those that need to be fixed in later versions can be tracked in a separate issue.

(13) [Bug Report] Setting the current path as the window title does not work

behavior {
    setCurrentPathAsWindowTitle true

When using the above configuration, the window title remains as Marta. I personally suggest also adding an option to set the window title to the current folder name instead of the full path.

(14) [Bug Report] Cannot use substring match in lookup, and the default configuration does not take effect.

in the configuration:

behavior {
    actions {
        core.lookup.mode "substring"

When configured as above, the results will only be available if you enter prefix in lookup search. The following search input returns empty results:

# default

# This kind of syntax can no longer be used, right?
# Search by a substring

# Match by a prefix

These are some of my feedbacks, hope they can bring some help, thank you very much.

page-down commented 3 years ago

marta-issues There is a problem with the image size scaling.

issue repo image size scaling issue

Marta 0.8.1 RC2

In the Ordering dialog, the control label text is incomplete.

Menu "View -> Ordering..."

ordering dialog

In the View menu, "Show Hidden Files" does not show the current state correctly

... even if the menu is reopened, or if you switch between tabs with different view settings.

show hidden files 1

after restart show hidden files 2

When a new file is added, the file list does not show the new file.

I encountered a file list refresh issue while using RC2, and I'm not sure if it was introduced in RC2. (RC2) File list reloads too often because of irrelevant changes in the file system

Steps to reproduce:

There are no such problems in Finder.

Is auto-refresh completely turned off now?

Question: Can I use Action parameters in a new Lookup?

(RC2) "Navigate to Original File": option for the inactive pane For example, enter "Navigate to Original File" mode="inactivePane". Or does it also support auto-completion of optional values of parameters? Currently, if I want an Action's mode to appear in the Lookup search results, I have to define a separate custom Action for each mode. or call it via a binding shortcut.

custom actions

It is even more inappropriate when an Action has more parameters. The number of types of parameter permutations can be excessive.

Sometimes you may just want to temporarily execute an Action with different parameters, and there is less need to permanently define a custom name for different parameter combinations in the configuration.

yanex commented 3 years ago

@page-down Thanks again for a lot of feedback!

It would be nice if you report these bugs as individual issues, so I can track and schedule them :) This thread is mostly about regressions in Beta releases that must be fixed until the release.

There is a problem with the image size scaling. Fixed! 👍

When a new file is added, the file list does not show the new file.

It certainly might be caused by the change in RC2. I'll check it, thanks!

Question: Can I use Action parameters in a new Lookup?

No, arguments are action-local. Look Up doesn't support the "mode" argument yet.

yanex commented 3 years ago


Consider adding a new configuration to open new tabs with the view settings of the currently operating Tab, which defaults to true, and forces all new tabs to open with the default settings when set to false.

I've added the behavior/actions/ preference key (RC3). By default, it's false so the pane configuration is copied from the active tab. However, if you set it to true, pane defaults will be applied instead.

When a new window is opened, the default settings should be used since there is no Tab available for that window

It already (RC2) should work this way. Defaults are used in the "New Window" action, and also when you open new tabs from the terminal.

No, the new tab should open at the last position of the currently active pane, either launch by command line, or use Open in new Tab Action. This will match the default opening style of multi-tabbed software such as Finder , Safari and Chrome.

If I get you right, you want Marta to open directories from the command-line helper in the current tab. There is a way to do it:

marta <path> --existing-tab

The current documentation doesn't describe this key, yet the new documentation page (that I plan to publish together with the 0.8.1 release) will contain a list of possible options. Now there're two of them: --existing-tab and --new-window.

I believe the current behavior (open folders in new tabs) is safer, as one might accidentally lose the context. If you prefer --existing-tab in all cases, you can add a separate script to your bin directory:

~/bin cat martae
marta $1 --existing-tab

The command line launcher, inserted to the right of the current tab, will mess with a temporary Tab in a carefully orchestrated group of tabs.

Hmm, that makes sense. I'll modify the command-line launcher so it creates tabs after the last tab.

Not using the currently active pane to open, resulting in a confusing open position.

I suppose you meant "using the currently active window". Before, Marta opened new tabs in the last opened window (instead of the active one). I've changed it, so in RC3 it should be fixed.

(14) [Bug Report] Cannot use substring match in lookup, and the default configuration does not take effect.

Thanks for noticing! I fixed the configuration key (RC3).

yanex commented 3 years ago

Release Candidate 3 is available!

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC3

Changes since RC2:

page-down commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if you report these bugs as individual issues, so I can track and schedule them :) This thread is mostly about regressions in Beta releases that must be fixed until the release.

No problem, I've divided the new questions and suggestions into separate issues, and I'll leave the previously mentioned (1~12) here for now.

No, the new tab should open at the last position of the currently active pane, either launch by command line, or use Open in new Tab Action. This will match the default opening style of multi-tabbed software such as Finder , Safari and Chrome.

If I get you right, you want Marta to open directories from the command-line helper in the current tab.

What I mean by this is that the "Open in New Tab" action should create a new tab to the far right of each pane, not to the immediate right of the current tab.

About command line launcher, I think it is appropriate to open it with a new Tab on the far right.

I believe the current behavior (open folders in new tabs) is safer, as one might accidentally lose the context.

Yes, sorry for not expressing myself clearly, that was my original intention.

Regarding the tab bar, what I mentioned is the positioning of the new Tab creation.

The creation of a new tab should always be on the far right of the pane.

Based on the following considerations: 1) Consistent behavior with other macOS software

You can see, for example, that when you open Safari 14, creating a new Tab is always on the far right. Right click on the Tab and select Duplicate Tab, it will be created immediately to the right of the current Tab, which is exactly what I mentioned in my original comment, the behavior of RC2 is actually "Duplicate Tab", it is also recommended to create an Action like this to use. For example, I would consider binding Command+T to Dupilcate Tab on my own profile.

2) Does not affect shortcut changes to existing Tabs

This is because the position of each Tab is related to the shortcut key. In fact there may be shortcut keys Cmd+1, Cmd+2, Cmd+3 which are most commonly used, and it is less important what the rightmost shortcut key is. If a Tab is created immediately to the right, it will cause the shortcut to change, for example if a new Tab is created while the first Tab is active, it will cause the original Cmd+2 to switch to this open Tab. it would be very annoying not to have an exclusive Action that creates a Tab on the far right.


Not using the currently active pane to open, resulting in a confusing open position.

I suppose you meant "using the currently active window". Before, Marta opened new tabs in the last opened window (instead of the active one). I've changed it, so in RC3 it should be fixed.

In fact, I am referring to the active pane in the active Window, Marta has left and right pane, one of which is active, that is, the current pane.

For example, when my current pane is on the right, I use the built-in Terminal to open a path via the command line, and I want the new tab to be created on the right. At least in RC2, all new tabs launched from the command line are created in the left pane.

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my comment, I'm trying out RC3.

page-down commented 3 years ago

I have tested RC3 and all the changes listed are working fine.

There are only a few other minor issues left that were previously listed (something like setCurrentPathAsWindowTitle not working, etc.), thank you very much.

New Issues:

macOS 11.5 Marta 0.8.1 RC3

The default path does not take effect.

default path

behavior {
    files {
        defaultFolder "custom/default/path"

Steps to Reproduce:

When the folder content changes, the file selection cursor position was not handled correctly.

Screen recording:

file selection cursor position

Steps to Reproduce:

In general, it is quite dangerous to operate on a folder that changes, especially when the current cursor position changes. For example, if you do a move operation on a file under the current cursor, you expect to move only this file, but suddenly this file disappears and the cursor automatically moves to the next file, or another file, when you happen to press the move shortcut key, resulting in the wrong file being moved away, and you may not know it yet.

When the file where the cursor is located and the selected file changes, for example, it no longer exists, I would rather have the cursor in a state without any selection at that moment (which is how Finder handles it) than to cause any possible mishandling.

A possible case:

Never move the cursor position or select a range without the user explicitly performing the action.

BTW, consider using in About.

page-down commented 3 years ago

macOS 11.5 Marta 0.8.1 RC3

Related to the real-time update of the file list.

Network-mounted volumes do not reflect folder content changes in real time in Marta

Local operations are updated in real time

Steps to Reproduce:

Remote server-side operations are not updated in real time, unless the folder is opened using Finder.

Steps to Reproduce:


Marta should be able to update folder content changes in real time for network-mounted volumes natively supported by macOS, regardless of whether the Finder has the folder open or not.

Also consider adding a view Toggle (with special tab background pattern or color) to manually stop live updates, perhaps in a separate issue.


After testing, here is the case where only fsevents are listened to.

When the corresponding tab is open in the Finder, if the file list is updated remotely on the server side (e.g. new files are added and deleted), Finder seems to forward the kqueue notifications to fsevents. kqueue notifications do not have file names. If the file is updated on the local filesystem at this time, then two notifications will be received, one from Finder and the second one from fsevents locally.

When the Finder tab is closed, only the fsevents with the filename will be notified if the update is done locally at this time. If it is updated remotely, nothing will be received.

Since we can tell that the volume is a smbfs, we can try using kqueue and see if it works. You can get a notification without the file name from kqueue, the same effect as when opening in Finder and only listening to fsevents. In fact, this is good enough for monitoring folder changes, but it needs to be optimized for super-frequent update scenarios. In addition, this kind of listening will use file descriptors, so perhaps the user needs to be alerted when the limit is exceeded.

There are also file lists that need to be cached and gui that need to be updated asynchronously. Finder is not excellent at handling remotely mounted file systems, but it is good enough for everyday use. It's worth learning from it.

page-down commented 3 years ago

macOS 11.5 Marta 0.8.1 RC3

This is a regression related to the tab switch key binding.

Binding the Next Tab Action to Ctrl+Tab does not work, nor does Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

keyBindings {
    "Control+Tab" ""
    "Control+Shift+Tab" ""

I can confirm that this issue exists in 0.8.1 RC3. However this issue was mentioned as fixed in the previous change log for 0.6.1.

Marta 0.6.1 RC

So I've made a note here for you to see if it is easy to fix.

yanex commented 3 years ago

The default path does not take effect

Thanks! Actually, the key was renamed to "defaultLocation" in 0.8, yet I didn't change it in conf.marco. Fixed (0.8.1 RC4).

When the folder content changes, the file selection cursor position was not handled correctly.

It seems the issue appeared before 0.8.1. It definitely needs to be fixed, yet I probably won't touch 0.8.1 to avoid breaking something else instead right before the release.

BTW, consider using in About.

Thanks! Fixed (0.8.1 RC4).

Network-mounted volumes do not reflect folder content changes in real time in Marta

Hmm, that's an interesting bug. Marta doesn't do anything special, it just attaches a file monitor to a folder. It means if the folder doesn't update, then Marta simply doesn't receive any file system events from the system. However, it seems that Finder knows how to run the monitor for remote locations. I'll investigate it.

This is a regression related to the tab switch key binding.

Will be fixed (0.8.1 RC4).

page-down commented 3 years ago

When the folder content changes, the file selection cursor position was not handled correctly.

It seems the issue appeared before 0.8.1. It definitely needs to be fixed, yet I probably won't touch 0.8.1 to avoid breaking something else instead right before the release.

Network-mounted volumes do not reflect folder content changes in real time in Marta

Hmm, that's an interesting bug. Marta doesn't do anything special, it just attaches a file monitor to a folder. It means if the folder doesn't update, then Marta simply doesn't receive any file system events from the system. However, it seems that Finder knows how to run the monitor for remote locations. I'll investigate it.

Ok, I'll try to split the mentioned ones into separate issues.

Marta 0.8.1 RC3

I found that the plugins that exist as folders in the Plugins directory cannot be loaded, has the structure been changed in this version?


-- $HOME/Library/Application Support/org.yanex.marta/Plugins/hello/init.lua

plugin { 
    id = "org.example.hello",
    name = "Hello World",
    apiVersion = "2.0"

action {
    id = "hello",
    name = " Hello World",
    apply = function()
        martax.alert("Hello, world!")

macOS Console

Unable to run Lua plugin from path $HOME/Library/Application Support/org.yanex.marta/Plugins/hello/init.lua: [string "init.lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (global 'plugin')
stack traceback:
    [C]: in global 'plugin'
    [string "init.lua"]:1: in main chunk

However, plugins that exist as files can be loaded, for example by placing init.lua above as Plugins/hello.lua.

yanex commented 3 years ago

@page-down In complex plugins you need to expose the marta module explicitly. See the Using LuaRocks Dependencies tutorial for more information.

page-down commented 3 years ago

In complex plugins you need to expose the marta module explicitly.

I can't believe I missed this.

Maybe it would be clearer to make a link to the first mention of Complex plugins, init.lua in the documentation, tutorials, since the beginning part is only halfway through.

The tutorial at the beginning would lead one to believe that renaming the file to init.lua would do the trick.

I personally prefer a unified definition style rather than making a split definition syntax. Explicit definitions are better than implicit definitions. Anyway, many thanks.

Sorry, this is a bit off-topic and not related to this release.

page-down commented 3 years ago

MacOS 11.5 Marta 0.8.1 RC3

File Popup text display suggestions


While holding down the Option key, you cannot switch files with the arrow keys to display File Popup.

... when you press ⌥, Marta will show a popup for a file under the cursor. You can choose different files, both with arrow keys and a mouse.

Currently if you want to use the keyboard to switch, you must release the Option key.

File Popup is activated instantly when Option is pressed, disturbing daily use.

But I quickly realized that: There was a delay until the full file name was displayed. The delay drove me nuts ...

The keyboard modifier keys are very commonly used and are likely to have been set as hotkeys.

Since my Option key is heavily used as a system-level global hotkeys, every time I press Option, a File Popup pops up without any delay and it starts to drive me crazy.

I suggest that it should be configurable as other key combinations such as Control + Option, Control + Command, and even in later versions can be bound to single-letter keys.

Also consider the configurability of the delayed display and whether there is a need for this.

Finally, this feature can be defined as a standalone Action, which does not take effect if the key is not bound. (Maybe difficult to implement in this version, but at least the feature can be turned off.)

File Popup is huge and obscures the file name below.

I propose to add a new mode: Tooltip box showing only the file name, using the file list font and font size, with break-all (ignoring English word breaks) text wrap mode, which can be set to appear above the currently selected line. It can also be configured in experimental automatic mode (Not enabled by default): When using the keys to go up, the display is below the current line. When switching files down, the tooltip is above the current line (covering the name of the file that was just displayed).

Also consider adding a new mode later: a fixed Infomation Panel below.

Use Action or mouse click on the status bar below to expand this information panel.

In addition to file information, it can also be used to display(edit) Finder file comments. (

It can also be used in the future to display information by plugins, such as the current Git repository status and commit log, or display context-aware action buttons (controlled by plugin).

Static interface elements will make users feel that the software behaves more predictable, rock solid and reliable. Rather than floating around.

Just a few thoughts I've had since using RC3, which may not be appropriate, thank you very much.

page-down commented 3 years ago

MacOS 11.5 Marta 0.8.1 RC3

Locate files and folders in Marta's already open tabs via the command line launcher.

After a few days of use, I found problems with the command line launcher in real scenarios: too many new tabs open, or all random folders open in the current tab appear with improper (same) view settings.

... open directories from the command-line helper in the current tab. There is a way to do it:

marta <path> --existing-tab

The current documentation doesn't describe this key, yet the new documentation page (that I plan to publish together with the 0.8.1 release) will contain a list of possible options. Now there're two of them: --existing-tab and --new-window.

Before the release, I suggest that this command line parameter --existing-tab should be renamed to --current-tab or something with similar meaning.

# Open the path in the currently active tab
marta --current-tab <path/to/folder/or/file>

I currently want to implement the "Locate in Marta" function in the editor to locate files in Marta. If there is already an open tab, it will switch directly and locate the file without opening a new tab.

The following is a usage scenario:

When the activated tab is in the right pane (mainly used for the source code folder), calling the launcher in the IDE to locate the document file will result in a new open tab, when in fact there is already an existing open one on the left.

In this scenario, it is more desirable to locate the document file from the editor by switching directly to the tab that is already open. Because of the frequent switching between the document and the source code, it is not appropriate to open it in the current tab.

I need a real "existing tab" parameter for Locate in Marta, so I suggest to reserve it for later version implementation. (Or implement it in the current version, depending on your release schedule.)

In a real-world scenario, it is likely to span multiple windows. Not just the left and right panels of this simple example.

I think it should be in the following order.

# Locate the path in the opened tabs
marta --existing-tab <path/to/folder/or/file>

If the path provided to the command line launcher is a file, locate the file in the corresponding tab.

What do you think about this? Thank you.

page-down commented 3 years ago

MacOS 11.5.1 Marta 0.8.1 RC3

Marta API File does not provide the time related values correctly.

marta.action {
  -- ...
  apply = function(context)
    local files = context.activePane.model.activeFiles    
    local text = ""      
    for _, file in ipairs(files) do 
      text = text .. table.concat({, tostring(file.dateAdded), tostring(file.dateCreated), tostring(file.dateModified)}, ", ") .. "\n"      

    local currentFile = context.activePane.model.currentFile
    text = table.concat({, tostring(currentFile.dateAdded), tostring(currentFile.dateCreated), tostring(currentFile.dateModified)}, ", ")       

The returned value is nil.

debug.txt, nil, nil, nil
debug.txt, nil, nil, nil

Time info can be obtained correctly through FileInfo, but currently there is no currentFileInfo.

Is this a bug, or is there a change in API? It would be nice if it could be fixed in this version, thanks.

yanex commented 3 years ago

Maybe it would be clearer to make a link to the first mention of Complex plugins, init.lua in the documentation, tutorials, since the beginning part is only halfway through.

Thanks, I've added a note to the first tutorial. I hope it'll be enough.

File Popup is activated instantly when Option is pressed, disturbing daily use.

I need some more time to make the popup more useful and less disturbing. So it'll be disabled in 0.8.1 (0.8.1 RC4), and I will possibly provide a better solution in 0.8.2. I decided not to provide a flag to enable it back so people won't get used to the current implementation.

Before the release, I suggest that this command line parameter --existing-tab should be renamed to --current-tab or something with a similar meaning.

The flag was introduced long before (#388 and #491), so renaming it right before the release is not an option, I think. The right name would be --active-tab, as Marta mainly uses "active"/"inactive" terminology instead of "current".

I have plans to rework the command-line interface someday so it allows more functionality. For instance, it will be possible to run actions right from the terminal (providing arguments for them if needed). So you will be able to implement the functionality you need as a custom action that will determine in which tab the folder should be open.

Marta API File does not provide the time related values correctly.

Sorry, dateAdded and all similar properties aren't available since Marta 0.8. I forgot to remove them from the API reference, will be fixed in 0.8.1. Since 0.8, File acts as a thin pointer to a file, it doesn't hold any file information by itself. FileInfo is a snapshot of such information.

I've added ListModel.currentFileInfo (0.8.1 RC4). In 0.8, you can use model:getItem(model.currentIndex).info instead.

yanex commented 3 years ago

Release Candidate 4 is available!

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC4

Changes since RC3:

cc @page-down

page-down commented 3 years ago

I need some more time to make the popup more useful and less disturbing.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to the new improvements in future versions.

I have plans to rework the command-line interface someday so it allows more functionality.

That's even more convenient.

added ListModel.currentFileInfo (0.8.1 RC4)

Thanks a lot.

Marta 0.8.1 RC4

The scrollbar appears when the navigation bar is scrolled

Allow vertical scrolling in breadcrumbs

Scroll bar appears when scrolling the navigation bar, obscuring the interface, and it keeps showing without auto hiding in some special cases.


Until a custom thin indicator is implemented to show scrolling progress, it is recommended that the default scrollbar be completely hidden. For now it is good enough without scrollbars.

Restored tabs will lose their browsing history after multiple "core.back"

Steps to Reproduce:

New tabs in the current session ("") are not affected and the forward/backward function works fine.

Cannot replace existing app bundle

Error when dragging app bundle to /Applications and clicking Replace button.

Steps to Reproduce:

The error message is as follows:

Can't create directory "Contents"
No such file or directory.
Full path: /Volumes/MOUNTED_DMG/

Other regular folder overwrite cases were not tested.


In the default configuration file conf.marco, it is recommended to use Option instead of Alt in default keybindings, a term that is generally used in Apple ecosystem. (I understand that both names are supported.) When I first saw Alt in the configuration file, I thought there would be Windows and Linux versions to match the cross-platform hotkeys.

List the names of all keybinding keys in the document. For example how to bind the numeric keypad keys. (Numeric keypad keys are natively supported by macOS and are independent of the main keyboard keys.) In the absence of documentation, configuring keyboard bindings relies heavily on the default conf.marco and guessing.

It is suggested to support keyboard Page Down in the new Lookup to quickly scroll through the file search results. (Maybe show thin scrolling indicator in a future version, similar to "Alfred". Currently there is no way to know the scrolling position.)


  • Bugfixes
    • "Duplicate" on files with complex extensions (such as tar.gz) works incorrectly

Can this be applied to the ext column of the file list table, and the file name default selection range in file rename dialog?

Currently, for example, file marta.rename.demo.tar.gz has a default selected range of marta.rename.demo.tar when renaming.


Delete existing targets before copying new files with "overwrite" mode

Is this an improvement to the "Replace" dialog button when moving folders? Do I need to turn on overwrite mode specifically?

About the plugin folder path

Is there a reliable way to get the path to the current complex plugins folder? For example, you need to use the plugin folder path to read the asset files packaged with the plugin.

function getPluginDir()
    return package.path:sub(1, package.path:find('/?.lua;', 1, true) - 1)

For now, most of the issues related to this release have been addressed in RC4.

Looking forward to the final release of the new version.

yanex commented 3 years ago


Until a custom thin indicator is implemented to show scrolling progress, it is recommended that the default scrollbar be completely hidden. For now it is good enough without scrollbars.

Hmm, that's definitely wasn't my intention. Do you know how to reproduce non-hiding behavior? I think fixing it is better than disabling the scroll bar completely.

Restored tabs will lose their browsing history after multiple "core.back"

Seems like an old issue, I didn’t touch anything there in 0.8.1.

In the default configuration file conf.marco, it is recommended to use Option instead of Alt in default keybindings, a term that is generally used in Apple ecosystem. (I understand that both names are supported.) When I first saw Alt in the configuration file, I thought there would be Windows and Linux versions to match the cross-platform hotkeys.

Makes sense. Will change, probably even in 0.8.1.

List the names of all keybinding keys in the document. For example how to bind the numeric keypad keys. (Numeric keypad keys are natively supported by macOS and are independent of the main keyboard keys.) In the absence of documentation, configuring keyboard bindings relies heavily on the default conf.marco and guessing.

Thanks, I will cover special cases in the documentation.

It is suggested to support keyboard Page Down in the new Lookup to quickly scroll through the file search results. (Maybe show thin scrolling indicator in a future version, similar to "Alfred". Currently there is no way to know the scrolling position.)

Can this be applied to the ext column of the file list table, and the file name default selection range in file rename dialog?

Can you please create feature requests for these things?

Is this an improvement to the "Replace" dialog button when moving folders? Do I need to turn on overwrite mode specifically?

No, it’s a change in file copying machinery. Before, it the file existed, it was rewritten with open(O_TRUNC). Now the old version is deleted before copying.

Is there a reliable way to get the path to the current complex plugins folder? For example, you need to use the plugin folder path to read the asset files packaged with the plugin.

There’s no way to get the plugin working path now. I will see what can be done there.

page-down commented 3 years ago


Do you know how to reproduce non-hiding behavior? I think fixing it is better than disabling the scroll bar completely.

The problem is that the scroll bar covers half of the display area during scrolling, and if you want to click on a navigation item, then the mouse must be placed on top of it, which is inevitably obscured by the scroll bar.

The way to reproduce for not being able to auto-hide is to hold down the scrollbar while it appears and Cmd+Tab to switch to another program and then switch back.

Seems like an old issue, I didn’t touch anything there in 0.8.1. Can you please create feature requests for these things?

Since it is somewhat related to the features in this release, it is mentioned here. I will put them in separate issues when the new version is released.

No, it’s a change in file copying machinery.

There was an issue related to overwriting an existing folder (App Bundle), not sure if it's related, I've updated it to the comments above.

Cannot replace existing app bundle

Error when dragging app bundle to /Applications and clicking Replace button.

Steps to Reproduce:

The error message is as follows:

Can't create directory "Contents"
No such file or directory.
Full path: /Volumes/MOUNTED_DMG/

Other regular folder overwrite cases were not tested.

There’s no way to get the plugin working path now. I will see what can be done there.

Thanks, as workaround, I currently get it by parsing package.path.

yanex commented 3 years ago

cc @page-down

The way to reproduce for not being able to auto-hide is to hold down the scrollbar while it appears and Cmd+Tab to switch to another program and then switch back.

Thanks, I reproduced it with the "Show scroll bars: Always" system setting. It seems to be a bug in macOS, but anyway. Will investigate shortly.

yanex commented 3 years ago

Release Candidate 5 is available!

:fox_face: Download Marta 0.8.1 RC5

Changes since RC4:

cc @page-down

page-down commented 3 years ago


I can confirm that RC5 fixes the issues mentioned above, except for those not introduced in this release.

This is an awesome release. I don't have anything to give feedback on right now.

marvelph commented 3 years ago

Since RC4, the scrolling of breadcrumbs has changed to something awkward. When I downgrade to RC3 and compare the two, I feel uncomfortable with the acceleration. The relationship is not clear, but the bouncing is gone. For this part, the previous behavior would have been better.

vh commented 3 years ago

@yanex Regarding this - There is also case when only one file exists in a directory. Then page up does't work at all. I think this is the same issue.