martahedl / SC-construction-using-MSMT-CSD

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Change OSF downloads to tarballs #26

Open Lestropie opened 3 weeks ago

Lestropie commented 3 weeks ago

As mentioned in email chain.

Rather than having each of the four download groups (DICOMs, raw converted DICOMs, derivatives, supplementary) appear on OSF as directories, they could instead be presented as tarballs. This should:

For some weird reason I have however had problems getting this to work. Even without the piping. I can on my native system run a curl, write to file, then tar xzf, and it works fine; but the exact same commands run inside of Dockerfile somehow result in a corrupt tarball. So for now I'm going to re-upload the exemplar data from the latest protocol (0.2.0) as individual files, and leave the issue documented here.