martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.
MIT License
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Support for mouse wheel scrolling #103

Open ccrusius opened 4 years ago

ccrusius commented 4 years ago

Searched on open and closed issues, didn't see this - it would be really nice if I could scroll using the mouse wheel. Hopefully this could be added without too much work.

GReagle commented 3 years ago

I can get the mouse wheel to work in dvtm by adding these two lines to config.h:

   { BUTTON4_PRESSED, { scrollback,     { "-1" }                    } },
   { BUTTON5_PRESSED, { scrollback,     { "1"  }                    } },

right after the BUTTON3_CLICKED line.