martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.
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Can't figure out Copymode #111

Closed xxxserxxx closed 4 years ago

xxxserxxx commented 4 years ago

Copymode seems to be working, but the buffer is always empty.

I was happy to see dvtm-editor show up in the repository and solve the fact that kak doesn't have a fifo mode (AFAICT). Indeed, MOD-e does open an editor (vi, although EDITOR, VISUAL, and DVTM_EDITOR are all set to kak), but the buffer is empty. A look at ps shows a process:

ser      1292305  0.0  0.0   6072  2680 pts/1    S+   16:19   0:00 vi +0 /tmp/dvtm-editor.myypMa

and when I manually cat that file it is empty lines; wc -l says 17 of them.

Maybe I don't understand how this works. From the README and man page, I thought if I did an ls and then MOD-e I'd get an editor with some amount of the ls command opened in the editor, and this takes the place of tmux's visual selection mode. Do I need to do something else?

xxxserxxx commented 4 years ago

This occurs only when launched from the WM via a hotkey. There are a lot of moving parts, and I'm not yet sure which component is causing the issue, but the full chain is:

  1. Hotkey in i3 launches i3quake, passing the abduco command; effectively:
    bindsym $mod+Shift+n exec /home/ser/go/bin/i3quake -p right -H 0.6 -- $shell abduco -A i3quake dvtm -m ^b
  2. i3quake executes the arguments with Go's os/exec. The purpose of this tool is to spawn the tool and then mark the resulting window using i3 marks so it can be easily found and manipulated using i3's scratchpad, so the window can be hidden and exposed with a hotkey like any number of Quake-inspired terminals.
  3. $shell is defined as st, but the behavior (copymode not working) is the same regardless of the shell used; I've tried st, kitty, and termite. The variable is poorly named; it should be $terminal or $termemulator. Whatever.
  4. $shell runs abduco
  5. abduco runs dvtm
  6. copymode successfully executes launches with MOD-e, using my preferred $EDITOR (kakoune), but the buffer is empty. The behavior is the same regardless of the editor used; I've tried vi and vis.

However: if I just launch st and then run abduco -A xyz dvtm -m ^b, then copymode works as expected. Because it works by itself, I'm closing this ticket.

vl-ms commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue. On OpenBSD with cwm, with either xterm or st, and a vis editor copymode buffer seems to remain empty. Or at least, I can't paste anything in.