martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.
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Segmentation faults #123

Open 71GA opened 3 years ago

71GA commented 3 years ago

On Debian when I run dvtm it just segfaults...

GReagle commented 3 years ago

To produce a more useful bug report, please includes versions. Which version of Debian are you using? Which version of dvtm are you using? Which terminal (including version) and which shell are you using when the crash occurs?

Have you tried it with different terminals (e.g. xterm, konsole) or different shells (e.g. fish, bash, zsh)? Trying different terminals and shells would be useful, I think, assuming you have the time, inclination, and knowledge to do so.

Note that I am not a dvtm developer, just a busybody trying to contribute, so feel free to ignore me. :>

anddam commented 3 years ago

I am experiencing seemingly random, non reproducible segfaults.

I am using dvtm-0.15 from Void Linux packages, running on Linux 5.11.22_1 x86_64 using in st 0.8.4 and bash 5.1.8 from Void binary packages.

The same setup, apart the continuous package updates has been working without issues for at least 18 months.

The issue is non reproducible at will, but it happens when I hit enter for running a command, it happened twice with git and once with a pipe of walk | ag, see walk and the silver searcher. This does not seems tied to a specific command being run.

In dmesg I see:

[12386.128678] dvtm[11466]: segfault at 558532078658 ip 000055806896c9a9 sp 00007ffcac00f070 error 6 in dvtm[558068966000+9000]
[12386.128702] Code: c2 0f 8e c2 01 00 00 49 8b 54 24 08 48 63 f0 48 8d 34 76 4c 8b 1a 49 8d 34 b3 f6 83 e8 00 00 00 02 0f 85 32 01 00 00 8d 78 01 <89> 4e 04 66 44 89 56 08 66 44 89 4e 0a 41 89 7c 24 54 44 89 2e 80

Any info on what further detail I can provide is appreciated.

mbauhardt commented 2 years ago

I have exactly the same issue. i'm using

abduco/dvtm crashes from time to time (more than once within one workday)

2022-05-31T06:33:43.51240 [660470.620935] dvtm[15454]: segfault at 55acb7311022 ip 000055a9ebaab9a9 sp 00007ffc07021410 error 6 in dvtm[55a9
anddam commented 2 years ago
  • maybe important: Jetbrains font nerdfont and patched libxft to be able to use emojis

Then this clears out the libxft issue. I think I have noticed this happening when using copy mode (history) in dvtm and the issue seems to be the underlying editor (I use vis for copy mode as well).

When my session collapses I remember being able to still see the stuck process, as soon as I kill the copy mode process (a vis instance child of dvtm) the session exits.

This happens quite seldom to me though, and I am going by memory. I'll enable trace dump collection and try to save the next one. Any other useful info I should collect?

mbauhardt commented 2 years ago

i start my abduco session with

abduco -A hacking dvtm -M -m \^a

and my session terminates with

abduco: hacking: session terminated with exit status 0

but the log file contains the info msg about the segfault in dvtm

mbauhardt commented 1 year ago

It looks like the segfaults are not related to abduco. I'm using

the logs gave me

2023-02-09T07:15:02.00975 [252742.293789] dvtm[14386]: segfault at ffffffff00000004 ip 000055cc81457bd7 sp 00007ffeeb445250 error 7 in dvtm[
55cc81451000+9000] likely on CPU 7 (core 1, socket 0)
2023-02-09T07:15:02.00977 [252742.293798] Code: 39 d0 0f 8d eb 01 00 00 49 8b 55 08 48 63 f0 48 8d 34 76 4c 8b 1a 49 8d 34 b3 f6 83 e8 00 00
 00 02 0f 85 0c 02 00 00 8d 78 01 <89> 4e 04 66 44 89 56 08 66 44 89 4e 0a 41 89 7d 54 44 89 26 80 4a
2023-02-09T07:15:02.03260 [252742.317157] zsh[383]: segfault at 6471 ip 000055d909e83511 sp 00007ffd34964910 error 4 in zsh[55d909e43000+970
00] likely on CPU 1 (core 1, socket 0)
2023-02-09T07:15:02.03266 [252742.317167] Code: 89 f3 eb 16 0f 1f 44 00 00 85 db 74 3c be 10 00 00 00 48 89 ef e8 1f 15 01 00 4c 89 e7 e8 c7
 99 00 00 48 89 c5 48 85 c0 74 3f <8b> 45 08 85 c0 75 d8 48 8b 7d 00 85 db 74 20 e8 0b 15 01 00 eb cd

any advice how to get more debug infos?