martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.
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Two Patches and Escape Questions #126

Open FOSSilizedDaemon opened 2 years ago

FOSSilizedDaemon commented 2 years ago


I have finally decided to move away from tmux in favor of a more dynamic solution and discovered this program. I am loving it, but had three quick questions. The first two questions are actually regarding two patches I was curious if anyone had made yet. While I love the defaults that dvtm ships with it is missing two functionalities for me. The first comes from a dwm patch called attachasideandbelow. I saw an issue regarding adding attachaside functionality, but did not know if anyone had actually ended up writing a patch for it. The second comes from a dwm patch called push which is much more simple, it allows you move the currently selected window up and down in the stack. I am not great with C, but have been trying to port it myself and was curious if anyone had any advice.

My last question is actually an issue I have been having with dvtm. I use the vis text editor and noticed that when I am running vis within dvtm I have to wait several seconds, like 10, for the <Escape> key to register. This makes switching modes miserable. I set the needed value in my editor to make the editor only wait 10 milliseconds to move between modes, but still have issues with it taking forever when in dvtm. Is this a known issue or is there a setting I missed?

Kieran-Weaver commented 7 months ago

Hi, not the maintainer of this repo, but I have had issues with vis <Escape> taking a long time to register. I don't think it has anything to do with dvtm, I had it reproduce on a bare TTY, it's probably a vis issue.

Maybe try setting TERM differently?