martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.
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Terminal colors change as I type when in dvtm #133

Open robcsi opened 1 year ago

robcsi commented 1 year ago

Colors change by pressing keys as I type. One keypress results in one color, another in a different color. I can reproduce this in both alacritty, st, but works correctly in xterm.

I tried setting the TERM variable, but it doesn't fix it.

Arch linux 5.19.9.

Kieran-Weaver commented 7 months ago

The default TERM of xterm-256color reproduced this issue for me, setting TERM To st-256color worked. Works on both gnome-terminal and alacritty.

Note that this is

> TERM=st-256color dvtm

and not

> dvtm
> export TERM=st-256color