martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.
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Incorrect handling of Mod-Tab after tag switch #72

Open MarSoft opened 6 years ago

MarSoft commented 6 years ago

Looks like there is a bug with last window detection. If I switch to different tag (with different set of windows) then the "last used window" will be the one from that different tag. And if I then issue Mod-Tab then dvtm will switch to that window (from non-current tag) while still being on my current tag. This results in corrupted title bars. Bug is not critical as such state can easily be reverted by issuing Mod-Tab again and then switching to different tag and back, but it still exists.

How to reproduce:

  1. Launch dvtm
  2. Open additional window on tag1: Mod-c
  3. Switch to tag2: Mod-v-2
  4. Create new window there: Mod-c
  5. Switch back to previous tag: Mod-v-Tab
  6. Try to switch to last window: Mod-Tab
  7. Observe title bar from window1 from tag2 is displayed while everything else is displayed from tag1.
  8. Press Mod-Tab again.
  9. Observe left window is activated (with correct title bar) but right window's title bar is overwritten so that is number is not visible.
$ dvtm -v
dvtm-0.15 © 2007-2016 Marc André Tanner
MarSoft commented 6 years ago

Actually I am not sure which would be an expected behaviour in such situation. Probably remember last window on per-tag basis, but then what to do with multi-tag windows and with multi-tag display mode (Mod-0)?