martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.
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Weird recoloring issue with terminals using xterm+256color #84

Closed Larivact closed 6 years ago

Larivact commented 6 years ago

Having TERM set to a terminal that uses xterm+256color or xterm+256setaf (eg. xterm-256color) when starting dvtm does two things:

1) Cause the current master branch to hang on startup, showing only an empty screen with a blinking cursor. This can be fixed by merging #82. 2) Causes SGR set color sequences to update all other colored text to the new color. I recommend removing all colors from your prompt to reproduce this.

Steps to reproduce:

$ TERM=xterm-256color
$ dvtm
$ PS1='$ '
$ printf '\033[0;31m red \033[0m\n'
$ printf '\033[0;32m green \033[0m\n'
$ printf '\033[0;33m yellow \033[0m\n'


A workaround is to use a terminal that doesn't use xterm+256color, eg. TERM=dvtm-256color. You can find out if a terminal uses xterm+256color by looking at the terminfo source.

shua commented 6 years ago

PR'd a fix in #85. @Larivact Can you verify if that branch fixes your issue?

Larivact commented 6 years ago

Yes #85 fixes this issue and #83 for me. Thank you.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Same issue on mlterm-fb -> dvtm, how can I help diagnose this?

imlauera commented 1 year ago

This issue is fixed in the new version.