martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions
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Meta feature request: Discussion section for QA, newbie questions, idiomatic usage, etc. #1006

Closed hholst80 closed 2 years ago

hholst80 commented 2 years ago

GitHub has this reasonable new feature called "Discussions" which is basically a integrated forum.

Do you think it would make sense to have that here? Us users of vis are quite few, and I consider myself a newbie still and I think a forum for non-issues would be quite nice to have.

ninewise commented 2 years ago

You're welcome to ask questions, start discussions or just say hi on both the mailing list (slightly more serieus) and the IRC channel (#vis-editor on, open for casual talk). I don't mind general questions as tickets on source hut or here either. I'd rather not add another medium.