martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions
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Transparent background and setting options by default #1040

Open swindlesmccoop opened 1 year ago

swindlesmccoop commented 1 year ago

I know in other ncurses programs that it's possible to implement this by adding


to whatever file/function is responsible for handling drawing, however by adding the latter line under the former in ui-terminal-curses.c, however it did not do anything. I have alpha set on my terminal already, and I would prefer that vis respects that and does not try and draw its own background. I'd prefer to be able to set this option myself in the source code.

Speaking of setting options in source code, is it possible? Say that I always want to show numbers, no matter what file I'm opening - is it possible to do that in source? I want to be able to fully configure it only in source without the need of any Lua.

clarkep commented 1 year ago

Not sure why you want to avoid Lua but you can use 'back:default' in your style definition to avoid drawing a background.