martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions
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Feature Request: Lexer for sfeedrc #1076

Closed jgarte closed 1 year ago

jgarte commented 1 year ago

Example sfeedrc:


# list of feeds to fetch:
feeds() {
    # feed <name> <feedurl> [basesiteurl] [encoding]
    feed "codemadness" ""
    feed "explosm" ""
    feed "golang github releases" ""
    feed "linux kernel" "" ""
    feed "reddit openbsd" ""
    feed "slashdot" "" ""
    feed "tweakers" "" "" "iso-8859-1"
    # get youtube Atom feed: curl -s -L '' | sfeed_web | cut -f 1
    feed "youtube golang" ""
    feed "xkcd" "" ""

Should this go to upstream?

ninewise commented 1 year ago

Yes, please. Upstream ledgers will eventually move into vis.