martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions
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fix primary cursor color display #1192

Closed terminalzeiro closed 1 month ago

terminalzeiro commented 1 month ago

Since the last release (v0.9), my theme configuration has stopped working: the color of the primary selection cursor no longer matches the lexer.STYLE_CURSOR_PRIMARY setting.

This patch fixes this issue.

mcepl commented 1 month ago

Could you please make it work with #1191 ?

rnpnr commented 1 month ago

Hi! Can you give some example of the PRIMARY_CURSOR theming that is broken? Its possible that since I never use a different colour between cursors that it was missed.

Could you please make it work with ?

I could do that too. Its not that important.

terminalzeiro commented 1 month ago

Hi! Can you give some example of the PRIMARY_CURSOR theming that is broken? Its possible that since I never use a different colour between cursors that it was missed.

sure, here is a screenshot...


rnpnr commented 1 month ago

Yep, this seems correct so I applied it. Thanks!