marthoc / GarHAge

a Home-Automation-friendly ESP8266-based MQTT Garage Door Controller
MIT License
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Improvements: Wiring and OTA #22

Closed codedmind closed 5 years ago

codedmind commented 5 years ago

I think is a plus having a wire schematic. The d5 for the reed switch is missing in the building topic, the reed switch, in my case but assume for everyone should have a wire to gnd and that is missing to.

After all the code put in place and the nodemcd a good improvement is that the code allow OTA updates.

Last, thanks for your code, is working very good.

marthoc commented 5 years ago

There are two sections in the instructions for wiring: one is "Building GarHAge", the other is "Installing GarHAge"; if you feel that these are incomplete feel free to suggest an improvement. I agree a wiring schematic would be helpful.

Re the OTA updates, check the dev branch. OTA and more are included.

HarrisrNZ commented 1 year ago

Building GarHAge instructions are good. It is the integrating with home assistant that I am having issues with.