marticliment / UniGetUI

UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers
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[BUG] chocolatey package install fails on 2.2 beta #1648

Closed ppvnf closed 9 months ago

ppvnf commented 9 months ago

Please confirm these before moving forward

Describe your issue

this problem happens because of the --user parameter passed by default apparently, because removing it fix the issue

Steps to reproduce the issue

No response

WingetUI Log

A executar o instalador...
Chocolatey v2.2.2
Install Command
Installs a package or a list of packages (sometimes specified as a
choco install <pkg|packages.config> [<pkg2> <pkgN>] [<options/switches>]
NOTE: `all` is a special package keyword that will allow you to install
all packages from a custom feed. Will not work with Chocolatey default
NOTE: Any package name ending with .config is considered a
'packages.config' file. Please see
NOTE: Chocolatey Pro / Business builds on top of a great open source
experience with quite a few features that enhance the your use of the
community package repository (when using Pro), and really enhance the
Chocolatey experience all around. If you are an organization looking
for a better ROI, look no further than Business - automatic package
creation from installer files, automatic recompile support, runtime
malware protection, private CDN download cache, synchronize with
Programs and Features, etc -
choco install sysinternals
choco install notepadplusplus googlechrome atom 7zip
choco install notepadplusplus --force --force-dependencies
choco install notepadplusplus googlechrome atom 7zip -dvfy
choco install git -y --params="'/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoAutoCrlf'"
choco install git -y --params="'/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoAutoCrlf'" --install-arguments="'/DIR=C:\git'"
# Params are package parameters, passed to the package
# Install args are installer arguments, appended to the silentArgs
#  in the package for the installer itself
choco install nodejs.install --version 0.10.35
choco install git -s "'https://somewhere/out/there'"
choco install git -s "'https://somewhere/protected'" -u user -p pass
(DEPRECATED) Choco can also install directly from a nuspec/nupkg file. This aids in
testing packages:
choco install <path/to/nuspec>
choco install <path/to/nupkg>
NOTE: See scripting in the command reference (`choco -?`) for how to
write proper scripts and integrations.
Exit Codes
Exit codes that normally result from running this command.
- 0: operation was successful, no issues detected
- -1 or 1: an error has occurred
Package Exit Codes:
- 1641: success, reboot initiated
- 3010: success, reboot required
- other (not listed): likely an error has occurred
In addition to normal exit codes, packages are allowed to exit
with their own codes when the feature 'usePackageExitCodes' is
turned on. Uninstall command has additional valid exit codes.
Reboot Exit Codes:
- 350: pending reboot detected, no action has occurred
- 1604: install suspended, incomplete
In addition to the above exit codes, you may also see reboot exit codes
when the feature 'exitOnRebootDetected' is turned on. It typically requires
the feature 'usePackageExitCodes' to also be turned on to work properly.
See It In Action
Chocolatey FOSS install showing tab completion and `refreshenv` (a way
to update environment variables without restarting the shell).
FOSS install in action:
Chocolatey Professional showing private download cache and virus scan
Pro install in action:
Alternative to PackageName. This is a list of packages in an xml manifest for Chocolatey to install. This is like the packages.config that NuGet uses except it also adds other options and switches. This can also be the path to the packages.config file if it is not in the current working directory.
NOTE: The filename is only required to end in .config, the name is not required to be packages.config.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="apackage" />
<package id="anotherPackage" version="1.1" />
<package id="chocolateytestpackage" version="0.1" source="somelocation" />
<package id="alloptions" version="0.1.1"
source="https://somewhere/api/v2/" installArguments=""
packageParameters="" forceX86="false" ignoreDependencies="false"
executionTimeout="1000" force="false"
Alternative Sources
This specifies the source is Ruby Gems and that we are installing a
gem. If you do not have ruby installed prior to running this command,
the command will install that first.
e.g. `choco install compass -source ruby`
This specifies the source is Cygwin and that we are installing a cygwin
package, such as bash. If you do not have Cygwin installed, it will
install that first and then the product requested.
e.g. `choco install bash --source cygwin`
This specifies the source is Python and that we are installing a python
package, such as Sphinx. If you do not have easy_install and Python
installed, it will install those first and then the product requested.
e.g. `choco install sphinx --source python`
Windows Features
This specifies that the source is a Windows Feature and we should
install via the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool (DISM)
on the local machine.
e.g. `choco install IIS-WebServerRole --source windowsfeatures`
* How-To: A complete example of how you can use the PackageParameters argument
when creating a Chocolatey Package can be seen at
* One may want to override the default installation directory of a
piece of software. See
Options and Switches
NOTE: Options and switches apply to all items passed, so if you are
installing multiple packages, and you use `--version=1.0.0`, it is
going to look for and try to install version 1.0.0 of every package
passed. So please split out multiple package calls when wanting to
pass specific options.
-?, --help, -h
Prints out the help menu.
Online - Open help for specified command in default browser application.
This option only works when used in combintation with the -?/--help/-h
option.  Available in 2.0.0+
-d, --debug
Debug - Show debug messaging.
-v, --verbose
Verbose - Show verbose messaging. Very verbose messaging, avoid using
under normal circumstances.
Trace - Show trace messaging. Very, very verbose trace messaging. Avoid
except when needing super low-level .NET Framework debugging.
--nocolor, --no-color
No Color - Do not show colorization in logging output. This overrides
the feature 'logWithoutColor', set to 'False'.
--acceptlicense, --accept-license
AcceptLicense - Accept license dialogs automatically. Reserved for
future use.
-y, --yes, --confirm
Confirm all prompts - Chooses affirmative answer instead of prompting.
Implies --accept-license
-f, --force
Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.
--noop, --whatif, --what-if
NoOp / WhatIf - Don't actually do anything.
-r, --limitoutput, --limit-output
LimitOutput - Limit the output to essential information
--timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to
finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the
configuration of 2700 seconds. Supply '0' to disable the timeout.
-c, --cache, --cachelocation, --cache-location=VALUE
CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
in chocolatey.config file.
--allowunofficial, --allow-unofficial, --allowunofficialbuild, --allow-unofficial-build
AllowUnofficialBuild - When not using the official build you must set
this flag for choco to continue.
--failstderr, --failonstderr, --fail-on-stderr, --fail-on-standard-error, --fail-on-error-output
FailOnStandardError - Fail on standard error output (stderr), typically
received when running external commands during install providers. This
overrides the feature failOnStandardError.
UseSystemPowerShell - Execute PowerShell using an external process
instead of the built-in PowerShell host. Should only be used when
internal host is failing.
Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
Proxy Location - Explicit proxy location. Overrides the default proxy
location of ''.
Proxy User Name - Explicit proxy user (optional). Requires explicit
proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default proxy user of
Proxy Password - Explicit proxy password (optional) to be used with
username. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting) and user
name.  Overrides the default proxy password (encrypted in settings if
ProxyBypassList - Comma separated list of regex locations to bypass on
proxy. Requires explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides
the default proxy bypass list of ''.
Proxy Bypass On Local - Bypass proxy for local connections. Requires
explicit proxy (`--proxy` or config setting). Overrides the default
proxy bypass on local setting of 'True'.
Log File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
--skipcompatibilitychecks, --skip-compatibility-checks
SkipCompatibilityChecks - Prevent warnings being shown before and after
command execution when a runtime compatibility problem is found between
the version of Chocolatey and the Chocolatey Licensed Extension.
Available in 1.1.0+
IgnoreHttpCache - Ignore any HTTP caches that have previously been
created when querying sources, and create new caches. Available in 2.1.0+
-s, --source=VALUE
Source - The source to find the package(s) to install. Special sources
include: ruby, cygwin, windowsfeatures, and python. To specify more than
one source, pass it with a semi-colon separating the values (e.g.
"'source1;source2'"). Defaults to default feeds.
Version - A specific version to install. Defaults to unspecified.
--pre, --prerelease
Prerelease - Include Prereleases? Defaults to false.
--x86, --forcex86
ForceX86 - Force x86 (32bit) installation on 64 bit systems. Defaults to
--ia, --installargs, --install-args, --installarguments, --install-arguments=VALUE
InstallArguments - Install Arguments to pass to the native installer in
the package. Defaults to unspecified.
-o, --override, --overrideargs, --overridearguments, --override-arguments
OverrideArguments - Should install arguments be used exclusively without
appending to current package passed arguments? Defaults to false.
--notsilent, --not-silent
NotSilent - Do not install this silently. Defaults to false.
--params, --parameters, --pkgparameters, --packageparameters, --package-parameters=VALUE
PackageParameters - Parameters to pass to the package. Defaults to
--argsglobal, --args-global, --installargsglobal, --install-args-global, --applyargstodependencies, --apply-args-to-dependencies, --apply-install-arguments-to-dependencies
Apply Install Arguments To Dependencies  - Should install arguments be
applied to dependent packages? Defaults to false.
--paramsglobal, --params-global, --packageparametersglobal, --package-parameters-global, --applyparamstodependencies, --apply-params-to-dependencies, --apply-package-parameters-to-dependencies
Apply Package Parameters To Dependencies  - Should package parameters be
applied to dependent packages? Defaults to false.
--allowdowngrade, --allow-downgrade
AllowDowngrade - Should an attempt at downgrading be allowed? Defaults
to false.
-i, --ignoredependencies, --ignore-dependencies
IgnoreDependencies - Ignore dependencies when installing package(s).
Defaults to false.
-x, --forcedependencies, --force-dependencies
ForceDependencies - Force dependencies to be reinstalled when force
installing package(s). Must be used in conjunction with --force.
Defaults to false.
-n, --skippowershell, --skip-powershell, --skipscripts, --skip-scripts, --skip-automation-scripts
Skip PowerShell - Do not run chocolateyInstall.ps1. Defaults to false.
-u, --user=VALUE
User - used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.
-p, --password=VALUE
Password - the user's password to the source. Defaults to empty.
Client certificate - PFX pathname for an x509 authenticated feeds.
Defaults to empty.
--cp, --certpassword=VALUE
Certificate Password - the client certificate's password to the source.
Defaults to empty.
--ignorechecksum, --ignore-checksum, --ignorechecksums, --ignore-checksums
IgnoreChecksums - Ignore checksums provided by the package. Overrides
the default feature 'checksumFiles' set to 'True'.
--allowemptychecksum, --allowemptychecksums, --allow-empty-checksums
Allow Empty Checksums - Allow packages to have empty/missing checksums
for downloaded resources from non-secure locations (HTTP, FTP). Use this
switch is not recommended if using sources that download resources from
the internet. Overrides the default feature 'allowEmptyChecksums' set to
--allowemptychecksumsecure, --allowemptychecksumssecure, --allow-empty-checksums-secure
Allow Empty Checksums Secure - Allow packages to have empty checksums
for downloaded resources from secure locations (HTTPS). Overrides the
default feature 'allowEmptyChecksumsSecure' set to 'True'.
--requirechecksum, --requirechecksums, --require-checksums
Require Checksums - Requires packages to have checksums for downloaded
resources (both non-secure and secure). Overrides the default feature
'allowEmptyChecksums' set to 'False' and 'allowEmptyChecksumsSecure' set
to 'True'.
--checksum, --downloadchecksum, --download-checksum=VALUE
Download Checksum - a user provided checksum for downloaded resources
for the package. Overrides the package checksum (if it has one).
Defaults to empty.
--checksum64, --checksumx64, --downloadchecksumx64, --download-checksum-x64=VALUE
Download Checksum 64bit - a user provided checksum for 64bit downloaded
resources for the package. Overrides the package 64-bit checksum (if it
has one). Defaults to same as Download Checksum.
--checksumtype, --checksum-type, --downloadchecksumtype, --download-checksum-type=VALUE
Download Checksum Type - a user provided checksum type. Overrides the
package checksum type (if it has one). Used in conjunction with Download
Checksum. Available values are 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256' or 'sha512'.
Defaults to 'md5'.
--checksumtype64, --checksumtypex64, --checksum-type-x64, --downloadchecksumtypex64, --download-checksum-type-x64=VALUE
Download Checksum Type 64bit - a user provided checksum for 64bit
downloaded resources for the package. Overrides the package 64-bit
checksum (if it has one). Used in conjunction with Download Checksum
64bit. Available values are 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256' or 'sha512'.
Defaults to same as Download Checksum Type.
--ignorepackagecodes, --ignorepackageexitcodes, --ignore-package-codes, --ignore-package-exit-codes
IgnorePackageExitCodes - Exit with a 0 for success and 1 for non-succes-
s, no matter what package scripts provide for exit codes. Overrides the
default feature 'usePackageExitCodes' set to 'True'.
--usepackagecodes, --usepackageexitcodes, --use-package-codes, --use-package-exit-codes
UsePackageExitCodes - Package scripts can provide exit codes. Use those
for choco's exit code when non-zero (this value can come from a
dependency package). Chocolatey defines valid exit codes as 0, 1605,
1614, 1641, 3010.  Overrides the default feature 'usePackageExitCodes'
set to 'True'.
--stoponfirstfailure, --stop-on-first-failure, --stop-on-first-package-failure
Stop On First Package Failure - stop running install, upgrade or

Package Managers Logs

not needed I guess, logs above are from the install

Relevant information

No response

Screenshots and videos

No response

marticliment commented 9 months ago


Could you please try reinstalling?

There is a bug that randomly spams the --user argument, but I havn't still found the cause:

ppvnf commented 9 months ago

It actually disappeared after I restarted my computer. I had updated from the previous beta to the new one. Not sure why I don't get it anymore

marticliment commented 9 months ago

This is the same issue as #1578 then