marticliment / UniGetUI

UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers
MIT License
10.53k stars 344 forks source link

[HANG] Window UI is White on Computer Resume (Sleep, Hibernate, Lock Screen) : Kills Process to Relaunch #1791

Closed iPoetDev closed 4 months ago

iPoetDev commented 5 months ago

Please confirm these before moving forward

Describe your crash

WinGetUI window hangs on resume from hibernate, and sleep and from lock screen. Requires killing process and relaunching the programme.

WinGetUI whitescreen image

WinGetUI in systray image

Sysinternals procexp64 Whitescreen image

After relaunch image

Procexp64 DLLs image

image image image

ProcExp64 Handles image

Logs (if possible)

=======WinGetUI Logs============
(These logs happen after I kill process and relaunch, am not sure how to access logs otherwise)

🟢 Using cached lang file
🟡 Using bundled lang file (forced=True)
🔵 It took 0.0913991928100586 to load all language files
🟢 checkQueue Thread started!
🔵 Language file up-to-date
🔵 Found default chocolatey installation on expected location

   WingetUI version 2.2.0 (version number 2.2) log
   All modules loaded successfully and sys.stdout patched correctly, starting main script
   Translator function language set to "en"


 Log legend:
 🔵: Verbose
 🟢: Information
 🟡: Warning
 🟠: Handled unexpected exception
 🔴: Unhandled unexpected exception

🔴  Traceback (most recent call last):

🔴  Traceback (most recent call last):

🔴    File ".\", line 69, in <module>

🔴    File ".\", line 69, in <module>

🔴    File ".\PackageEngine\", line 39, in __init__

🔴    File ".\PackageEngine\", line 39, in __init__

🔴  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'NAME'

🔴  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'NAME'

🔴 Note this traceback was caught by reporter and has been added to the log ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'NAME')
🔵 Starting main application...
🔵 Looking for alive instances...
🔵 Starting API with random session authentication token 82ea97e3ceb9e0a6c59c4d66841a6ef10d28cebd78757d227b055bf37d6a1735
🟡 Found lock file(s), reactivating...
🔵 Loading WingetUI AUMID...
🔵 Starting update check
🟢 Downloaded latest metadata to local file from url
🔵 Version URL:
🟢 Updates not found
🔵 Loaded metadata from local file
🔵 Reactivation signal ignored: RaiseWindow_[1707948884.003983]
🔵 Starting Winget source search...
🟢 Winget source search finished with 2 sources
🟢 Found valid aumid {6D809377-6AF0-444B-8957-A3773F02200E}\WingetUI\wingetui.exe
{'sudoFound': True, 'sudoVersion': 'gsudo v2.0.4 (Branch.tags-v2.0.4.Sha.506efa024af0cef6e4b0cfec42e0c8c5d0b1472c)\r', '.NET ToolFound': False, '.NET ToolVersion': '.NET Tool is disabled', 'PowerShellFound': False, 'PowerShellVersion': '', 'WingetFound': True, 'WingetVersion': 'v1.6.3482  ', 'ChocolateyFound': True, 'ChocolateyVersion': '2.2.2  ', 'NpmFound': True, 'NpmVersion': '10.2.3 ', 'PipFound': True, 'PipVersion': 'pip 24.0 from C:\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages\\pip (python 3.12)   ', 'ScoopFound': False, 'ScoopVersion': "Current Scoop version: v0.3.1 - Released at 2022-11-15  'extras' bucket: 4e7b69c95 fvm@3.0.3: Fix hash (Closes #12799)  'main' bucket: cac044a98 nodejs: Update to version 21.6.2  'nerd-fonts' bucket: 7a9a4be LXGW-Bright: Update to version 5.321  'nonportable' bucket: cd63e9b nodejs-np: Update to version 21.6.2  "}
🔵 Reached main ui load milestone
🟢 Discover tab loaded successfully
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟢 Update tab loaded successfully
🔵 Reloading sources...
🔵 Reloading Winget sources...
🔵 Reloading sources...
🔵 Reloading Winget sources...
🔵 Reloading sources...
🔵 Reloading Winget sources...
🔵 Reloading sources...
🔵 Reloading Winget sources...
🔵 Reloading sources...
🔵 Reloading Winget sources...
🟢 Searching for string ""
🔵 Reloading sources...
🔵 Reloading Winget sources...
🟢 Uninstall tab loaded successfully
🔵 Starting Winget search for installed packages
🔵 Starting Scoop search for installed packages
🔵 Starting Chocolatey search for installed packages
🔵 Starting Pip search for installed packages
🔵 Starting Npm search for installed packages
🔵 Starting PowerShell search for installed packages
🟢 Searching for string ""
🔵 Reloading Scoop sources...
🔵 Reloading Scoop sources...
🔵 Reloading Scoop sources...
🔵 Reloading Scoop sources...
🔵 Reloading Scoop sources...
🔵 Reloading Scoop sources...
🔵 Starting Scoop search for updates
🔵 Starting Pip search for updates
🔵 Starting PowerShell source search...
🔵 Starting Winget search for updates
🔵 Starting Npm search for updates
🔵 Starting Chocolatey search for updates
🔵 Starting Winget source search...
🔵 Starting Scoop source search...
🔵 Starting Chocolatey source search...
🟢 Chocolatey search for installed packages finished with 17 result(s)
🔵 Starting PowerShell source search...
🟢 Settings tab loaded!
🟢 About tab loaded!
🟢 Winget source search finished with 2 sources
🔵 NPM changed scope to @Charles
🟢 Main application loaded...
🟢 Pip search for installed packages finished with 5 result(s)
🟢 Chocolatey source search finished with 1 sources
🟢 Scoop search for installed packages finished with 18 result(s)
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 PowerShell search for installed packages finished with 0 result(s)
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Chocolatey search for updates finished with 0 result(s)
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 PowerShell source search finished with 1 sources
🔵 Starting PowerShell search for updates
🟢 Npm search for installed packages finished with 2 result(s)
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 PowerShell source search finished with 1 sources
🟢 Scoop source search finished with 4 sources
🟢 Npm search for updates finished with 0 result(s)
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 PowerShell search for updates finished with 0 result(s)
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Pip search for updates finished with 0 result(s)
🟢 Searching for string ""
🔵 Loading operation log...
🟡 package Dashboard   Code Institute failed parsing, going for method 2...
🟡 package Update for  (KB2504637) failed parsing, going for method 2...
🟢 Winget search for installed packages finished with 314 result(s)
🟢 Scoop search for updates finished with 0 result(s)
🟢 Winget search for updates finished with 74 result(s)
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Total packages: 356
🟢 Starting package backup...
🔵 Backup path set to D:\OneDrive\Documents\WingetUI\PoetMini installed packages 15-02-2024 12.34.json
🟢 Package backup succeeded!
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Total packages: 0
🟡 Package GitHub.GitHubDesktop has version 3.3.8 ignored
🟡 Package JetBrains.Gateway has version * ignored
🟡 Package JetBrains.Gateway has version * ignored
🟡 Package PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL has version * ignored
🟡 Package PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL has version * ignored
🟡 Package Heroku.HerokuCLI has version ignored
🟡 Package SlackTechnologies.Slack has version * ignored
🟡 Package ReincubateLtd.CamoStudio has version ignored
🟡 Package Discord.Discord has version * ignored
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Searching for string ""
🟢 Total packages: 3
🔵 Announcement URL:
🔵 Image URL:
🔵 Reloading Package Manager logs...
🔵 Copying log to the clipboard...
🔵 Reloading Package Manager logs...
🟢 Log copied to the clipboard successfully!
🔵 Copying log to the clipboard...
🔵 Reloading Package Manager logs...
🟢 Log copied to the clipboard successfully!
🔵 Copying log to the clipboard...
🔵 Reloading Package Manager logs...
🟢 Log copied to the clipboard successfully!
🔵 Loading WingetUI log...

=======Package manager logs=====

Outputs from package managers on the current session:
Chocolatey v2.2.2
autohotkey.portable 2.0.11
chocolatey 2.2.2
chocolatey-compatibility.extension 1.0.0
chocolatey-core.extension 1.4.0
chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension 1.0.5
git 2.43.0
git.install 2.43.0
git-credential-manager-for-windows 1.20.0
KB2919355 1.0.20160915
KB2919442 1.0.20160915
KB2999226 1.0.20181019
KB3033929 1.0.5
KB3035131 1.0.3
make 4.4.1
vcredist140 14.38.33135
watchman 2023.10.9
17 packages installed.

$USER@ C:\Users\$USER
Installed apps:

Name                            Version   Source     Updated             Info
----                            -------   ------     -------             ----
7zip                            23.01     main       2023-12-13 20:09:33
bluetooth-cli-tools     extras     2024-02-12 19:16:38
Cascadia-Code                   2111.01   nerd-fonts 2023-10-20 21:13:44
CascadiaCode-NF                 3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:16:55
CascadiaCode-NF-Mono            3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:17:04
CascadiaCode-NF-Propo           3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:17:12
Delugia-Mono-Nerd-Font-Complete 2111.01.2 nerd-fonts 2023-10-20 21:11:24
FiraCode                        6.2       nerd-fonts 2023-10-20 21:14:11
FiraCode-NF                     3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:17:19
FiraCode-NF-Mono                3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:17:26
FiraCode-NF-Propo               3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:17:33
gpg                             2.4.4     main       2024-01-25 19:19:00
innounp                         0.50      main       2024-02-12 19:16:35
JetBrainsMono-NF-Mono           3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:17:47
JetBrainsMono-NF-Propo          3.1.1     nerd-fonts 2023-11-27 13:18:01
scoop-search                    1.4.1     main       2024-02-13 10:23:57
thunderbird                     115.7.0   extras     2024-02-03 16:41:24
win-gpg-agent                   1.6.3     extras     2023-12-13 20:09:06------------------Chocolatey
Chocolatey v2.2.2
Outdated Packages
Output is package name | current version | available version | pinned?Chocolatey has determined 0 package(s) are outdated.---------Npm---------Npm
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nodist\bin
`-- live-server@1.2.2---------Npm@global

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Install the latest PowerShell for new features and improvements!

PS C:\Users\$USER> 
PS C:\Users\$USER>         function Test-GalleryModuleUpdate
>>         {
>>             param
>>             (
>>                 [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
>>                 [string]
>>                 $Name,
>>                 [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
>>                 [version]
>>                 $Version,
>>                 [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
>>                 [string]
>>                 $Repository,
>>                 [switch]
>>                 $NeedUpdateOnly
>>             )
>>             process
>>             {
>>                 $URLs = @{"PSGallery" = "";}
>>                 $page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($URLs[$Repository] + "/package/$Name") -UseBasicParsing -Maximum 0 -ea Ignore
>>                 [version]$latest = Split-Path -Path ($page.Headers.Location -replace "$Name." -replace ".nupkg") -Leaf
>>                 $needsupdate = $Latest -gt $Version
>>                 if ($needsupdate)
>>                 {
>>                     Write-Output ($Name + "|" + $Version.ToString() + "|" + $Latest.ToString() + "|" + $Repository)
>>                 }
>>             }
>>         }
PS C:\Users\$USER>         Get-InstalledModule | Test-GalleryModuleUpdate
PS C:\Users\$USER>         exit---------Pip
C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\metadata\importlib\ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import find_distributions
DEPRECATION: Loading egg at c:\python312\lib\site-packages\vboxapi-1.0-py3.12.egg is deprecated. pip 24.3 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is to use pip for package installation.. Discussion can be found at


Name                                       Id                                          Version        Available Source
Polypane 13.1.2                            Firstversionist.Polypane                    13.1.2                   winget
LocalSend                                  LocalSend.LocalSend                                winget
Crunchyroll                                15EF7777.Crunchyroll_mgdgtskya6f22
Bitwarden                                  Bitwarden.Bitwarden                         2024.2.0                 winget
Roadmap                                    1b811fa3c853864c4fd3893b3cd91695            1.0
MicrophoneTester                           23656QuinnsComputing.MicrophoneTester_zjme…
Dockerun                                   9NVBZPBTK78W                                        msstore
GitHub                                     353d468d013b0fe78dfa9177ae9819a1            1.0
Intel(R) HID Event Filter                  3FB06EEC-013D-4366-9918-71B97DFB84EB
Canva                                      Canva.Canva                                 1.81.0                   winget
EarTrumpet                                 40459File-New-Project.EarTrumpet_1sdd7yawv…
Visual Studio Build Tools 2019             Microsoft.VisualStudio.2019.BuildTools      16.11.33                 winget
Komandi 1.0.4                              49f7dffe-f6de-5a48-b1f4-5e6b0222cce2        1.0.4
WhatsApp                                   5319275A.WhatsAppDesktop_cv1g1gvanyjgm      2.2403.10.0
Vortex                                     NexusMods.Vortex                            1.9.10                   winget
One Game Launcher                          62269AlexShats.OneGameLauncher_gghb1w55myj…
Notion 3.1.1                               Notion.Notion                               3.1.1                    winget
7-Zip 23.01 (x64)                          7zip.7zip                                   23.01                    winget
LinkedIn                                   7EE7776C.LinkedInforWindows_w1wdnht996qgy
ShareX                                     ShareX.ShareX                               15.0.0                   winget
AnkerWork                                  AnkerWork                                   Unknown
Intel® Graphics Command Center             AppUp.IntelGraphicsExperience_8j3eq9eme6ctt 1.100.5336.0
ThunderboltTM Control Center               AppUp.ThunderboltControlCenter_8j3eq9eme6c…
Belarc Advisor 12.1                        Belarc.Advisor                                     winget
Bitwarden CLI                              Bitwarden.CLI                               2024.2.0                 winget
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS                         Canonical.Ubuntu.2204                       2204.3.63.0              winget
Ubuntu                                     Canonical.Ubuntu.2204                       2204.3.49.0              winget
Microsoft Clipchamp                        Clipchamp.Clipchamp_yxz26nhyzhsrt 
DeleteOnClick                              DeleteOnClick_is1                 
Discord                                    Discord.Discord                             1.0.9031       1.0.9032  winget
Docker Desktop                             Docker.DockerDesktop                        4.27.2                   winget
Docker CLI                                 Docker.DockerCLI                            24.0.7                   winget
Docker Compose                             Docker.DockerCompose                        2.23.3                   winget
EPSON Universal Print Driver Printer Unin… EPSON Universal Print Driver                Unknown
Firefox Developer Edition (x64 en-US)      Mozilla.Firefox.DeveloperEdition            123.0                    winget
f.lux                                      flux.flux                                   4.131                    winget
Audio Switcher                             FortyOneLtd.AudioSwitcher                         winget
FxSound                                    FxSoundLLC.FxSound                                 winget
GIMP 2.10.36                               GIMP.GIMP                                   2.10.36                  winget
Wget2                                      GNU.Wget2                                   2.1.0                    winget
GitHub Desktop                             GitHub.GitHubDesktop                        3.3.6          3.3.8     winget
Git                                        Git.Git                                     2.43.0                   winget
GNU Privacy Guard                          GnuPG.GnuPG                                 2.4.4                    winget
Google Chrome Dev                          Google.Chrome.Dev                           > 123.0.6286.0           winget
Gpg4win (4.3.0)                            GnuPG.Gpg4win                               4.3.0                    winget
Greenshot                         Greenshot.Greenshot                                winget
My Microphone                              GrooveVibesLLC.MyMicrophone_s8bkw9mnj3sk8
HashOnClick                                HashOnClick_is1                   
Podcast Microphone                         InlineSolutionss.r.o.PodcastMicrophone_crn…
EpsonNet SetupManager V2                   InstallShield_{485863E4-C20E-4629-A3B1-B4C… 2.2.15
BayHubTech Flash Memory Card Windows Driv… InstallShield_{E73C20B9-91B1-4D3F-B217-7FA…
Epson Device Admin                         InstallShield_{F8F0D940-F14A-41DB-97C6-837… 4.20.3
Wget                                       JernejSimoncic.Wget                         1.21.4                   winget
JetBrains Gateway 2023.1.3                 JetBrains.Gateway                           < 2023.3.2     2023.3.3  winget
JetBrains Gateway 2023.2.4                 JetBrains.Gateway                           < 2023.3.2     2023.3.3  winget
Aqua                                       JetBrains.Aqua.Preview                      2023.3 Public…           winget
Fleet                                      JetBrains Toolbox (Fleet) 4b259b5e-b017-47… 1.30.83 Publi…
Fleet                                      JetBrains Toolbox (Fleet) ec04ac78-67bc-44… 1.30.83 Publi…
GoLand                                     JetBrains Toolbox (Goland) 086067b1-99f3-4… 2023.3.3
PhpStorm                                   JetBrains Toolbox (PhpStorm) 9ca72205-e27b… 2023.3.3
PyCharm Community                          JetBrains Toolbox (PyCharm-C) 21491402-42a… 2023.3.3
RustRover                                  JetBrains.RustRover.EAP                     2023.3 EAP               winget
Space Desktop                              JetBrains Toolbox (Space) d61d2016-0695-4e… 2023.1.7
WebStorm                                   JetBrains.WebStorm                          > 2023.3.3               winget
Writerside                                 JetBrains.Writerside.EAP                    2023.3 EAP               winget
Fleet Launcher (Public Preview)            JetBrains.FleetLauncher.Preview             1.29.216                 winget
Language Pack 3.1-1                        Language Pack 3.1-1                         3.1-1
LastPass for Windows Desktop               LastPass.LastPass_sbg7naapqq8fj   
Pieces Desktop                             9NB490VLC1LL                                        msstore
Pieces OS                                  9N905CT3FPLL                                        msstore
Microsoft Edge                             Microsoft.Edge                              121.0.2277.112           winget
Microsoft Edge Update                      Microsoft Edge Update             
Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime            Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime               121.0.2277.112           winget
Cortana                                    Microsoft.549981C3F5F10_8wekyb3d8bbwe       4.2308.1005.0
Microsoft Defender                         Microsoft.6365217CE6EB4_8wekyb3d8bbwe       102.2311.2100…
AV1 Video Extension                        Microsoft.AV1VideoExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe   1.1.61781.0
News                                       Microsoft.BingNews_8wekyb3d8bbwe            4.55.62231.0
MSN Weather                                Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe         4.53.52331.0
App Installer                              Microsoft.AppInstaller                      1.21.3482.0              winget
Diagnostic Data Viewer                     Microsoft.DiagnosticDataViewer_8wekyb3d8bb… 4.2209.33352.0
DirectX                                    Microsoft.DirectXRuntime_8wekyb3d8bbwe      9.29.1974.0
Microsoft Edge WebDriver                   Microsoft.EdgeDriver                        121.0.2277.112           winget
Xbox                                       Microsoft.GamingApp_8wekyb3d8bbwe           2401.1001.10.0
Gaming Services                            Microsoft.GamingServices_8wekyb3d8bbwe      17.85.5002.0
Get Help                                   Microsoft.GetHelp_8wekyb3d8bbwe             10.2308.12552…
Microsoft Tips                             Microsoft.Getstarted_8wekyb3d8bbwe          10.2312.1.0
HEIF Image Extensions                      Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe  1.0.63001.0
HEVC Video Extensions from the Device Man… Microsoft.HEVCVideoExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe  2.0.61931.0
English (United Kingdom) Local Experience… Microsoft.LanguageExperiencePacken-GB_8wek… 22621.37.194.0
Light in Darkness                          Microsoft.LightinDarkness_8wekyb3d8bbwe
MPEG-2 Video Extension                     Microsoft.MPEG2VideoExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe 1.0.61931.0
Microsoft Edge Dev                         Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Dev_8wekyb3d8bbwe   123.0.2400.1
Microsoft Edge                             Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable_8wekyb3d8bb… 121.0.2277.112
Microsoft Minesweeper                      Microsoft.MicrosoftMinesweeper_8wekyb3d8bb… 4.4.7101.0
Microsoft 365 (Office)                     Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub_8wekyb3d8bbwe  18.2311.1071.0
Solitaire & Casual Games                   Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_8we… 4.19.1262.0
Microsoft Sudoku                           Microsoft.MicrosoftSudoku_8wekyb3d8bbwe     2.8.10203.0
Minecraft Education                        Microsoft.MinecraftEducationEdition_8wekyb… 1.20.1305.0
Mixed Reality Portal                       Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal_8wekyb3d8bbwe 2000.21051.12…
Microsoft .Net Native Framework Package 1… Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.3_8wekyb3… 1.3.24211.0
Microsoft .Net Native Framework Package 1… Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.7_8wekyb3… 1.7.27413.0
Microsoft .Net Native Framework Package 2… Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.1_8wekyb3… 2.1.27427.0
Microsoft .Net Native Framework Package 2… Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2_8wekyb3… 2.2.29512.0
Microsoft .Net Native Runtime Package 1.4  Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.4_8wekyb3d8… 1.4.24201.0
Microsoft .Net Native Runtime Package 1.7  Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.7_8wekyb3d8… 1.7.27422.0
Microsoft .Net Native Runtime Package 2.1  Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.1_8wekyb3d8… 2.1.26424.0
Microsoft .Net Native Runtime Package 2.2  Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2_8wekyb3d8… 2.2.28604.0
Mobile Plans                               Microsoft.OneConnect_8wekyb3d8bbwe          5.2308.2294.0
OneDrive                                   Microsoft.OneDriveSync_8wekyb3d8bbwe        24015.121.3.0
Outlook for Windows                        Microsoft.OutlookForWindows_8wekyb3d8bbwe   1.2024.207.500
Microsoft People                           Microsoft.People_8wekyb3d8bbwe              10.2202.33.0
PowerToys ImageResizer Context Menu        Microsoft.PowerToys.ImageResizerContextMen…
Raw Image Extension                        Microsoft.RawImageExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Windows Security                           Microsoft.SecHealthUI_8wekyb3d8bbwe         1000.25992.90…
Microsoft Engagement Framework             Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement_8wekyb… 10.0.23012.0
Store Experience Host                      Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp_8wekyb3d8bbwe    22312.1401.1.0
Process Explorer                           Microsoft.Sysinternals.ProcessExplorer      17.05                    winget
Process Monitor                            Microsoft.Sysinternals.ProcessMonitor       3.96                     winget
ZoomIt                                     Microsoft.Sysinternals.ZoomIt               7.2                      winget
Microsoft To Do                            Microsoft.Todos_8wekyb3d8bbwe               0.114.7122.0
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.4                      Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.4_8wekyb3d8bbwe         2.42007.9001.0
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.5                      Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.5_8wekyb3d8bbwe         2.52012.2002.0
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7                      Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7                       7.2208.15002.0           winget
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8                      Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8                       8.2310.30001.0           winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 UWP Desktop Run… Microsoft.VCLibs.110.00.UWPDesktop_8wekyb3… 11.0.61135.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 UWP Desktop Run… Microsoft.VCLibs.120.00.UWPDesktop_8wekyb3… 12.0.40653.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Run… Microsoft.VCLibs.Desktop.14                 14.0.33519.0             winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Runtime Pac… Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_8wekyb3d8bbwe       14.0.33519.0
VP9 Video Extensions                       Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Web Media Extensions                       Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions_8wekyb3d8bbwe  1.0.62931.0
Webp Image Extensions                      Microsoft.WebpImageExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe  1.0.62681.0
Microsoft Whiteboard                       Microsoft.Whiteboard_8wekyb3d8bbwe          53.21027.539.0
Windows App Runtime DDLM 3000.934.1904.0-… Microsoft.WinAppRuntime.DDLM.3000.934.1904… 3000.934.1904…
Windows App Runtime DDLM 3000.934.1904.0-… Microsoft.WinAppRuntime.DDLM.3000.934.1904… 3000.934.1904…
Dev Home GitHub Extension (Preview)        Microsoft.Windows.DevHomeGitHubExtension_8… 0.1000.393.0
Dev Home (Preview)                         Microsoft.DevHome                           0.1001.389.0             winget
Microsoft Photos                           Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe      2024.11010.23…
Windows Clock                              Microsoft.WindowsAlarms_8wekyb3d8bbwe       11.2312.2.0
WindowsAppRuntime.1.2                      Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.2_8wekyb3d8b… 2000.802.31.0
WindowsAppRuntime.1.3                      Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.3_8wekyb3d8b… 3000.934.1904…
WindowsAppRuntime.1.4                      Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.4_8wekyb3d8b… 4000.1082.225…
Windows Calculator                         Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe   11.2311.0.0
Windows Camera                             Microsoft.WindowsCamera_8wekyb3d8bbwe       2023.2312.3.0
Microsoft Defender Application Guard Comp… Microsoft.WindowsDefenderApplicationGuard_…
Feedback Hub                               Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub_8wekyb3d8bbwe  1.2309.12711.0
Windows File Recovery                      Microsoft.WindowsFileRecovery_8wekyb3d8bbwe 0.1.20151.0
Windows Maps                               Microsoft.WindowsMaps_8wekyb3d8bbwe         11.2311.1.0
Windows Notepad                            Microsoft.WindowsNotepad_8wekyb3d8bbwe      11.2312.18.0
Windows Sound Recorder                     Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bb…
Microsoft Store                            Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe        22312.1401.5.0
Windows Terminal                           Microsoft.WindowsTerminal                   1.19.10302.0             winget
Xbox TCUI                                  Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI_8wekyb3d8bbwe           1.24.10001.0
Xbox Accessories                           Microsoft.XboxDevices_8wekyb3d8bbwe         2310.2310.170…
Xbox Game Bar Plugin                       Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay_8wekyb3d8bbwe     1.54.4001.0
Game Bar                                   Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay_8wekyb3d8bbwe   6.124.1221.0
Xbox Identity Provider                     Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_8wekyb3d8bb… 12.95.3001.0
Xbox Game Speech Window                    Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay_8wekyb3d… 1.21.13002.0
Phone Link                                 Microsoft.YourPhone_8wekyb3d8bbwe           1.24012.86.0
Windows Media Player                       Microsoft.ZuneMusic_8wekyb3d8bbwe           11.2312.7.0
Films & TV                                 Microsoft.ZuneVideo_8wekyb3d8bbwe           10.22091.1006…
Quick Assist                               MicrosoftCorporationII.QuickAssist_8wekyb3…
WinAppRuntime.Main.1.2                     MicrosoftCorporationII.WinAppRuntime.Main.… 2000.802.31.0
WinAppRuntime.Main.1.3                     MicrosoftCorporationII.WinAppRuntime.Main.… 3000.934.1904…
WinAppRuntime.Singleton                    MicrosoftCorporationII.WinAppRuntime.Singl… 4000.1082.225…
Windows Subsystem for Linux                MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemFor…
Microsoft Teams                            MicrosoftTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe                24019.402.264…
Windows Web Experience Pack                MicrosoftWindows.Client.WebExperience_cw5n… 424.1301.140.0
Speech Pack - English (United Kingdom)     MicrosoftWindows.Speech.en-GB.1_cw5n1h2txy…
Speech Pack - English (Ireland)            MicrosoftWindows.Speech.en-IE.1_cw5n1h2txy…
Speech Pack - English (United States)      MicrosoftWindows.Speech.en-US.1_cw5n1h2txy…
Mozilla Thunderbird (x64 en-US)            Mozilla.Thunderbird                         115.7.0                  winget
Mozilla Maintenance Service                MozillaMaintenanceService                   115.7.0
Mylio Photos                               Mylio_ay7e7gfkf5bky               
NextDNS                                    NextDNS.NextDNS.Desktop                     3.0.12                   winget
NextDNS CLI                                NextDNS.NextDNS.CLI                         1.42.0                   winget
Nodist                                     Nodist.Nodist                                      winget
Npcap 0.86                                 Insecure.Npcap                              0.86                     winget
Npgsql 3.2.6                               Npgsql 3.2.6-3                              3.2.6-3
Microsoft 365 - en-gb                      O365HomePremRetail - en-gb                  16.0.17231.20…
Microsoft 365 - en-us                      O365HomePremRetail - en-us                  16.0.17231.20…
OBS Studio                                 OBSProject.OBSStudio                        30.0.2                   winget
Oh My Posh version 19.11.0                 JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh                     19.11.0        19.11.1   winget
Microsoft OneDrive                         Microsoft.OneDrive                          24.015.0121.0…           winget
PEM-HTTPD 2.4.57                           PEM-HTTPD 2.4.57-1                          2.4.57-1
Pillars of Eternity                        ParadoxInteractive.PillarsofEternity-Micro…
PgBouncer 1.20.1                           PgBouncer 1.20.1-1                          1.20.1-1
Portmaster                                 Safing.Portmaster                                  winget
PostgreSQL 13                              PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL                       13             16.1      winget
PostgreSQL 15                              PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL                       15             16.1      winget
PyCharm 2023.3.3                           JetBrains.PyCharm.Professional              2023.3.3                 winget
Camo Studio                                9PGM3QB3PDRD                                       msstore
Ruby 3.2.3-1-x64                           RubyInstaller-3.2-x64-mingw-ucrt_is1        3.2.3-1
SBMServiceV2                               SBMServiceV2_is1                            Unknown
Send To Toys v2.73                         Send To Toys_is1                            Unknown
SoundSwitch                        AntoineAflalo.SoundSwitch                           winget
Stardock Start11                           Stardock.Start11                                    winget
Steam                                      Valve.Steam                                      winget
SyncBackFree                               2BrightSparks.SyncBackFree                        winget
SyncBackTouch                              SyncBackTouch_is1                 
TDM-GCC                                    TDM-GCC                                     1.2105.1
SmartSensor Bluetooth Connect Manager      9ND2ZWBNRVC9                                       msstore
Planet of Lana                             Thunderful.PlanetofLana_8j53pwgd019sy
JetBrains Toolbox                          JetBrains.Toolbox                               winget
TreeSize Free V4.7.1 (64 bit)              JAMSoftware.TreeSize.Free                   4.7.1                    winget
UndeleteOnClick                            UndeleteOnClick_is1               
Vivaldi                                    XP99GVQDX7JPR4                              6.5.3206.63              msstore
Winaero Tweaker                            Winaero Tweaker_is1               
Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control      BiniSoft.WindowsFirewallControl                     winget
Zoom                                       Zoom.Zoom                                      winget
Notion Calendar 1.119.0                    a21e8f25-61c8-5a2a-99b3-9fb6e51d2347        1.119.0
Hyper 3.4.1                                Vercel.Hyper                                3.4.1                    winget
Visual Studio Build Tools 2022             Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools      17.8.5         17.8.6    winget
GNotion Cal                                b71572a98cbbefe144196d347e3ba4b8            1.0
Obsidian                                   Obsidian.Obsidian                           1.5.3                    winget
cURL                                       cURL.cURL                                           winget
GNotion Cal               
YNAB                                       dbc7ae8e77d76e32ef1e30f28fe426fe            1.0
Jitsi Meet 2024.1.0                        Jitsi.Meet                                  2024.1.0                 winget
Draw Roadmap                 
Vale                                       errata-ai.Vale                              3.0.7                    winget
heroku                                     Heroku.HerokuCLI                            Unknown  winget
fzf                                        junegunn.fzf                                0.46.1                   winget
A Cloud Guru               
Dashboard   Code Institute       …
Proton Mail                   
Google Meet                  
Mermaid Live Editor             
Mail and Calendar                          microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb… 16005.14326.2…
YouTube Music              
pgAgent_PG15 4.2.2                         pgAgent_PG15 4.2.2-1                        4.2.2-1
pgJDBC 42.6.0                              pgJDBC 42.6.0-1                             42.6.0-1
psqlODBC 13.02.0000                        psqlODBC 13.02.0000-1                       13.02.0000-1
Mermaid Chart           
YubiKey Manager                            Yubico.YubikeyManager                       1.2.5                    winget
Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R)             {00002090-0220-1033-84C8-B8D95FA3C8C3}
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable… Microsoft.VCRedist.2013.x64                 12.0.40664.0             winget
Epson ScanSmart                            {105C662D-3E85-43D4-9534-D7F848E0B09A}      3.7.7
Intel(R) Management Engine Components      {1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700}      2130.15.0.2380
Microsoft GameInput                        {1F2B6AF3-C260-8666-5950-E3FEDBC851D6}      10.1.22621.30…
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Insiders (Us… Microsoft.VisualStudioCode.Insiders         1.87.0                   winget
PowerToys (Preview) x64                    Microsoft.PowerToys                         0.78.0                   winget
Google Chrome                              Google.Chrome                               121.0.6167.185 122.0.62… winget
Intel® ArcTM Control                       {29da1471-6d4a-4198-af44-b83f9ba62651}      1.74.5391.3
Epson Software Updater                     {2A369D40-CE23-421A-8173-3C303A0A8355}      4.6.6
Balsamiq Wireframes                        Balsamiq.Wireframes                         4.7.4                    winget
Slack (Machine)                            SlackTechnologies.Slack                     4.34.121       4.36.140  winget
GitHubReleaseNotes                         StefHeyenrath.GitHubReleaseNotes                    winget
ImageGlass                                 DuongDieuPhap.ImageGlass                         winget
EPSON Scan OCR Component                   {3615C893-F844-4A5B-B949-8409EAB62271}      3.00.05
Python Launcher                            Python.Launcher                             > 3.12.0                 winget
ITE Infrared Transceiver                   {40580068-9B10-40B5-9548-536CE88AB23C}      1.10.0000
Windows Subsystem for Linux                {408A5C50-34F2-4025-968E-A21D6A515D48}
Windows Software Development Kit - Window… Microsoft.WindowsSDK.10.0.19041             10.1.19041.685           winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistribu… Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64                14.38.33135.0            winget
Camo Studio Compatibility Add-on           ReincubateLtd.CamoStudio          … winget
Microsoft Web Platform Installer 5.1       Microsoft.webpicmd                          5.1.51515.0              winget
Telegram Desktop                           Telegram.TelegramDesktop                    4.14.13                  winget
JetBrainsMono Nerd Font                    DEVCOM.JetBrainsMonoNerdFont                3.1.1                    winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core 7.0.16 - Shared Fr… Microsoft.DotNet.AspNetCore.7               7.0.16                   winget
Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 8.0.2… Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.8           8.0.2                    winget
ThunderboltTM Software                     {6653e751-8a5d-4ba0-b13d-c3a212e9cd67}
PWAsForFirefox                             filips.FirefoxPWA                           2.10.1                   winget
Microsoft Web Deploy 3.6                   Microsoft.WebDeploy                         10.0.1973                winget
Google Drive                               Google.GoogleDrive                                 winget
Microsoft Visual Studio Installer          {6F320B93-EE3C-4826-85E0-ADF79F8D4C61}      3.7.2181.36443
Pandoc 3.1.11                              JohnMacFarlane.Pandoc                       3.1.11                   winget
LastPass                                   LogMeIn.LastPass                                winget
WingetUI                                   SomePythonThings.WingetUIStore              2.2.0                    winget
Oracle VM VirtualBox 7.0.14                Oracle.VirtualBox                           7.0.14                   winget
Intel(R) Chipset Device Software           {8fd77154-9595-4dc2-9a8d-145cd53b5105}      10.1.18793.82…
Intel(R) Computing Improvement Program     {9333E4D0-EC29-47C4-BB3E-712F92C99902}      2.4.10587
PuTTY release 0.80 (64-bit)                PuTTY.PuTTY                                        winget
Microsoft Edge Dev                         Microsoft.Edge.Dev                          123.0.2400.1             winget
Go Programming Language amd64 go1.22.0     GoLang.Go                                   1.22.0                   winget
Rancher Desktop                            suse.RancherDesktop                         1.11.1                   winget
Wireshark                                  WiresharkFoundation.Wireshark                       winget
Microsoft Git Credential Manager for Wind… {9F0CBE43-690B-4C03-8845-6AC2CDB29815}}_is1 1.20.0
Intel(R) Serial IO                         {9FD91C5C-44AE-4D9D-85BE-AE52816B0294}      30.100.2129.8
Everything (x64)                voidtools.Everything                             winget
KeePassXC                                  KeePassXCTeam.KeePassXC                     2.7.6                    winget
PowerShell 7-x64                           Microsoft.PowerShell                                winget
GpgFrontend                                Saturneric.GpgFrontend                      2.1.0                    winget
GitHub CLI                                 GitHub.cli                                  2.43.1                   winget
GitHub Desktop Deployment Tool             GitHub.GitHubDesktop                                winget
Epson Event Manager                        {BE77F33B-8C7A-48AD-8FD6-8EBBEBFE4B34}      3.11.74
Microsoft Update Health Tools              {C6FD611E-7EFE-488C-A0E0-974C09EF6473}
Update for  (KB2504637)                    {CFEF48A8-BFB8-3EAC-8BA5-DE4F8AA267CE}.KB2… 1
Epson Connect Printer Setup                {D9B1D51B-EB56-410D-AEB5-1CCFAC4B6C8C}      1.4.2
Windows SDK AddOn                          {E18618EC-D9DB-4BCE-B382-85ADA2CBB340}
Anker Upgrade                              {EB0C1CDA-45F4-4CA9-920A-2F2E429FCF30}      1.01
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver       {F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}      6.0.9239.1
Meld                                       Meld.Meld                                   3.22.0                   winget
Windows Subsystem for Linux Update         {F8474A47-8B5D-4466-ACE3-78EAB3BF21A8}
Apple Mobile Device Support                {FA3D0F2D-BA1C-4462-B6B3-3048CFF464C7}
Yubico Authenticator                       Yubico.Authenticator                        6.3.0                    winget
Python 3.12.2 (64-bit)                     Python.Python.3.12                          3.12.2                   winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistribu… Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64                14.38.33135.0            winget
Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 6.0.2… Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.6           6.0.27                   winget
Intel® Driver & Support Assistant          Intel.IntelDriverAndSupportAssistant                winget
Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 7.0.1… Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.7           7.0.16                   winget
BCUninstaller                              Klocman.BulkCrapUninstaller                         winget

fatal: unable to access '': Failure when receiving data from the peer
fatal: unable to access '': Failure when receiving data from the peer
WARN  Scoop bucket(s) out of date. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest changes.


Name                             Id                                     Version        Available     Source
GitHub Desktop                   GitHub.GitHubDesktop                   3.3.6          3.3.8         winget
JetBrains Gateway 2023.1.3       JetBrains.Gateway                      < 2023.3.2     2023.3.3      winget
JetBrains Gateway 2023.2.4       JetBrains.Gateway                      < 2023.3.2     2023.3.3      winget
Oh My Posh version 19.11.0       JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh                19.11.0        19.11.1       winget
PostgreSQL 13                    PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL                  13             16.1          winget
PostgreSQL 15                    PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL                  15             16.1          winget
Visual Studio Build Tools 2022   Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools 17.8.5         17.8.6        winget
heroku                           Heroku.HerokuCLI                       Unknown      winget
Google Chrome                    Google.Chrome                          121.0.6167.185 122.0.6261.39 winget
Slack (Machine)                  SlackTechnologies.Slack                4.34.121       4.36.140      winget
Camo Studio Compatibility Add-on ReincubateLtd.CamoStudio        winget
12 upgrades available.

The following packages have an upgrade available, but require explicit targeting for upgrade:
Name    Id              Version  Available Source
Discord Discord.Discord 1.0.9031 1.0.9032  winget

More details

Edition Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2 Installed on ‎01/‎11/‎2023 OS build 22631.3155 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22684.1000.0

Explorer.exe wingetui image

Winget image

marticliment commented 5 months ago

does clicking the Taskbar icon twice show wingetui properly?

iPoetDev commented 5 months ago

Yes. It does, when I double click the systray. Though going to the systray icon to refresh the app is not immediate intuitive when I have the app open on the main taskbar

and also true: confirmed: This white screen happens after screenlock (on sleep, screen off etc) .. i.e. when I leave the computer and come back later.

iPoetDev commented 5 months ago

Yes. It does, when I double click the systray. Though going to the systray icon to refresh the app is not immediate intuitive when I have the app open on the main taskbar. I did not check double clicking the main taskbar icon, as only one shot chance until next occurance.

SysTray: DoubleClick image

and also true: confirmed: This white screen happens after screen-lock (on sleep, screen off etc) .. i.e. when I leave the computer and come back later.

marticliment commented 5 months ago

This big has been already reported, and a fix is on its way.

I will keep you informed