martijnboland / moped

Web Client for Mopidy, built with AngularJS
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Extra playlist hierarchy when playlist name contains '/' characters #23

Open kingosticks opened 9 years ago

kingosticks commented 9 years ago

Hi, I've got a Spotify playlist named "Architects — Lost Forever // Lost Together" where "Lost Forever // Lost Together" is the album name. It appears in the list of playlists as a directory named "Architects — Lost Forever", which contains an unname folder, which contains a playlist called "Lost Together". I've got a few other playlists with slashes in the names that get similar treatment. The ability to handle playlist folders is really nice but if I had to chose, I'd personally rather it appeared flattened and I didn't get this fake folder structure appearing.

And I am loving the new browse feature, thanks to you and the other contributors for the fantastic work.

martijnboland commented 9 years ago

The folder hierarchy feature is created because several people with many playlists really could use that as a feature. Mopidy gives a flat list, so unfortunately, we had to make the decision that the '/' is the indicator of a folder.

kingosticks commented 9 years ago

That's very reasonable. Maybe there's some way to improve what mopidy returns. I shall investigate.

adamcik commented 9 years ago

We've talked moving spotify playlists to browse so we can expose the proper hierarchy, and then having a setting to hide them from the playlist view. But don't think this has happened quite yet, @jodal would have more state on this.

jodal commented 9 years ago

Hasn't happened yet, but there's open issues on Mopidy-Spotify IIRC.

kingosticks commented 9 years ago

But ideally you'd still want them in the playlist view. Even just using a more unusual character (some crazy unicode?) as a separator might make more sense. It's all a bit dodgy since I don't think there is anywhere that designates the path separator is a slash. someone could justifiably write a windows inspired backend exposing a hugely complicated playlist structure that uses \ instead. But if the Mopidy playlist object had a path field then you'd have all the info to do exactly what you wanted...