Closed PartialVolume closed 2 years ago
Suggestion: Since it's 5 fixed characters (even if the temp. can't be read) it would be easier on the eye to have [30C] listed right besides the drive size (Model name and Serial are unique and hence the temperature will never align properly.) That way also only the end of the serial number would be cut off if more than 80 characters which isn't as bad as not seeing the temp.
Yes, that was my first thought as well, temperature to the right of the drive size. I still plan on putting it there, however that entire line after the [ ] is a single string constructed when the device is first enumerated before even the GUI is constructed. The temperature is 'live' and is updated every 60 seconds so I would have had to split the string up in the GUI code which would allow me to place the temperature next to the size.
Just to get it going it was easier to append to the end of the string and once it all appears to work ok, I'll do the extra bit of work to split the string and insert the temperature to the right of the size.
Thanks for taking the time to explain. I had no idea.
Added temperature to drive selection window.
Also removed 1. 2. etc from drive selection line to reduce the line length. Also removed the space between > and [, ie "> [wipe]" becomes ">[wipe]" These changes remove 3 characters and help to reduce the affect of the additional temperature field [30C] which add 5 characters. Therefore the line length overall, increased by two characters.
This helps to reduce line wrapping on 80 character terminals when the drive model length exceeds 24 characters.