martijnvanbrummelen / nwipe

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Typo in PDF config #580

Open zlehnherr1 opened 1 month ago

zlehnherr1 commented 1 month ago

PDF Report - Organisation should be PDF Report - Organization. Looks like Organization is misspelled in several places. (I second guess myself on the spelling every time. Gotta love English.)

PartialVolume commented 1 month ago

Guess it depends on whether you are from UK/Australia/New Zealand or USA.

Being British I'm supposed to spell it Organisation but having spend a lifetime working with Americans I sometimes spell it Organization. Same with colour and color. Apparently i say coffee like someone from New York, at least that's what the young girl in McDonalds in Ohio told me once. ๐Ÿ˜

zlehnherr1 commented 1 month ago

Guess it depends on whether you are from UK/Australia/New Zealand or USA.

Being British I'm supposed to spell it Organisation but having spend a lifetime working with Americans I sometimes spell it Organization. Same with colour and color. Apparently i say coffee like someone from New York, at least that's what the young girl in McDonalds in Ohio told me once. ๐Ÿ˜

Interesting. I did wonder that a little bit. As I said before, gotta love english๐Ÿ™„. Lol.

PartialVolume commented 1 month ago

One of these days we need to get some language support installed. Starting with British English, American English ... and Scottish English ๐Ÿ˜ Two Scottish guys in a voice recognition lift (elevator) hilarious