martijnvwezel / watermeter-esphome

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Latest version of ESP32 2023.12 compiling error #23

Closed danielrudolf closed 9 months ago

danielrudolf commented 9 months ago

Thats my Yaml i want to install:

# These substitutions allow the end user to override certain values
  name: "muino-water-meter"

  name: "${name}"
  # Automatically add the mac address to the name
  # so you can use a single firmware for all devices
  name_add_mac_suffix: true
    board_build.flash_mode: "dio"

  # This will allow for (future) project identification,
  # configuration and updates.
    name: esphome.muino-water-meter
    version: "2.0.1"

  board: seeed_xiao_esp32c3
    type: esp-idf

# triggers reading adc values and iterating algoritm
  - interval: 100ms
      - output.turn_on: sensor_power
      - component.update: light_sensor_a_dark

  - interval: 1s
      - component.update: report_liters
      - component.update: report_liters_rounded
      - logger.log:
          level: INFO
          tag: max_average
          format: "a:%d b:%d c:%d"
          args: [ 'id(max_a)', 'id(max_b)' , 'id(max_c)']
      - logger.log:
          level: INFO
          tag: min_average
          format: "a:%d b:%d c:%d"
          args: [ 'id(min_a)', 'id(min_b)' , 'id(min_c)']

# Toggle switch
  - platform: template 
    optimistic: true
    id: fastupdate
    name: Speed mode
    icon: "mdi:emoticon-cool-outline"

  - platform: gpio
    pin: 7
    id: led
  - platform: gpio
    pin: 6
    id: sensor_power

  - platform: adc
    pin: 2
    name: "light_sensor_a_dark"
    id: light_sensor_a_dark
    raw: true
    internal: true
        component.update: light_sensor_b_dark
  - platform: adc
    pin: 3
    id: light_sensor_b_dark
    name: "light_sensor_b_dark"
    raw: true
    internal: true
        component.update: light_sensor_c_dark

  - platform: adc
    pin: 4
    id: light_sensor_c_dark
    name: "light_sensor_c_dark"
    raw: true
    internal: true
        - output.turn_on: led
        - delay: 50ms
        - component.update: light_sensor_a_light

  - platform: adc
    pin: 2
    name: "light_sensor_a_light"
    id: light_sensor_a_light
    raw: true
    internal: true
        component.update: light_sensor_b_light

  - platform: adc
    pin: 3
    id: light_sensor_b_light
    name: "light_sensor_b_light"
    raw: true
    internal: true
        - component.update: light_sensor_c_light

  - platform: adc
    pin: 4
    id: light_sensor_c_light
    name: "light_sensor_c_light"
    raw: true
    internal: true
        - output.turn_off: led
        #- output.turn_off: sensor_power
        - component.update: phase_coarse

# dark sensor values
  - platform: template
    name: "sensa_dark"
    id: ad
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-
      return id(light_sensor_a_dark).state;

  - platform: template
    name: "sensb_dark"
    id: bd
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-
      return id(light_sensor_b_dark).state;

  - platform: template
    name: "sensc_dark"
    id: cd
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-
      return id(light_sensor_c_dark).state;

# sensor values
  - platform: template
    name: "sensa"
    id: al
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-
      return id(light_sensor_a_light).state;

  - platform: template
    name: "sensb"
    id: bl
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-
      return id(light_sensor_b_light).state;

  - platform: template
    name: "sensc"
    id: cl
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-

      return id(light_sensor_c_light).state;

# substracted values
  - platform: template
    name: "sensa_sub"
    id: as
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-

      return id(aa);

  - platform: template
    name: "sensb_sub"
    id: bs
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-
      return id(bb);

  - platform: template
    name: "sensc_sub"
    id: cs
    device_class: "ILLUMINANCE"
    unit_of_measurement: "lx"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    lambda: |-
      return id(cc);

# liters
  - platform: template
    name: "water_liter_sensor"
    id: report_liters
    device_class: "WATER"
    unit_of_measurement: "mL"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    state_class: "total"
    lambda: |-
      if (id(liters) < 2){
        return 0;
      return (int)(1000*(id(liters)+id(phase)/6.0));  

  - platform: template
    name: "liters"
    id: report_liters_rounded
    device_class: "WATER"
    unit_of_measurement: "L"
    accuracy_decimals: 0 
    state_class: "total"
    lambda: |-
      return id(liters);

  - platform: template
    id: phase_coarse
    device_class: "water"
    state_class: "total"
    internal: true
      # Same syntax for is_off
          switch.is_on: fastupdate
          - component.update: report_liters
          - component.update: report_liters_rounded
          - component.update: al
          - component.update: bl
          - component.update: cl
          - component.update: ad
          - component.update: bd
          - component.update: cd
          - component.update: as
          - component.update: bs
          - component.update: cs
    lambda: |-
      int a = id(light_sensor_a_light).state - id(light_sensor_a_dark).state;
      int b = id(light_sensor_b_light).state - id(light_sensor_b_dark).state;
      int c = id(light_sensor_c_light).state - id(light_sensor_c_dark).state;
      static bool first = true;

      id(aa) = a;
      id(bb) = b;
      id(cc) = c;

      int max = id(upper_bound);
      int min = id(lower_bound);

      if (a < min || b < min || c < min ){
        ESP_LOGW("light_level", "Too dark");
        return 0;
      if (a > max || b > max || c > max){
        ESP_LOGW("light_level", "Too bright");
        return 0;
      if (first){
        id(min_a)= a;
        id(min_b)= b;
        id(min_c)= c;
        id(max_a)= 0;
        id(max_b)= 0;
        id(max_c)= 0;
        first = false;
        return 0;

      float alpha_cor = 0.001;
      if (id(liters) < 2) {
          alpha_cor = 0.1; // when 2 liter not found correct harder
          if (id(liters) < 0) {
              id(liters) = 0;
      auto mini_average = [](float x, float y, float alpha_cor){
        if ((x + 5) <= y && y > 10) {
            return x;
        } else {
            return (1 - alpha_cor) * x + alpha_cor * y;
      auto max_average = [](int x, int y, float alpha_cor) {
        // ESP_LOGI("main", "x: %d, y: %d, a: %f",x,y,alpha_cor);
        if ((x - 5) >= y && y < 2500) {
            return x;
        } else {

            return (int)((1 - alpha_cor) * (float)x + alpha_cor * (float)y);
      id(min_a)= mini_average(id(min_a), a, alpha_cor);
      id(min_b)= mini_average(id(min_b), b, alpha_cor);
      id(min_c)= mini_average(id(min_c), c, alpha_cor);
      id(max_a)= max_average(id(max_a), a, alpha_cor);
      id(max_b)= max_average(id(max_b), b, alpha_cor);
      id(max_c)= max_average(id(max_c), c, alpha_cor);

      a -= (id(min_a) + id(max_a)) >> 1;
      b -= (id(min_b) + id(max_b)) >> 1;
      c -= (id(min_c) + id(max_c)) >> 1;
      short    pn[5];
      if (id(phase) & 1)
          pn[0] = a + a - b - c, pn[1] = b + b - a - c,
          pn[2] = c + c - a - b; // same
          pn[0]     = b + c - a - a, // less
              pn[1] = a + c - b - b, // more
              pn[2] = a + b - c - c; // same
      pn[3] = pn[0], pn[4] = pn[1];

      short i = id(phase) > 2 ? id(phase) - 3 : id(phase);
      if (pn[i + 2] < pn[i + 1] && pn[i + 2] < pn[i]){
          if (pn[i + 1] > pn[i])
      if (id(phase) == 6)
          id(liters)++, id(phase) = 0;
      else if (id(phase) == -1)
          id(liters)--, id(phase) = 5;

      return id(liters);

  - id: phase
    type: int
    initial_value: "0"
  - id: liters
    type: int
    initial_value: "0"
  - id: aa
    type: int
    initial_value: "0"
  - id: bb
    type: int
    initial_value: "0"
  - id: cc
    type: int
    initial_value: "0"
  - id: max_a
    type: int
  - id: max_b
    type: int
  - id: max_c
    type: int
  - id: min_a
    type: int
  - id: min_b
    type: int
  - id: min_c
    type: int
  - id: upper_bound
    initial_value: "1000"
    type: int
  - id: lower_bound
    type: int
    initial_value: "10"

# Make sure logging is correct for solving platform IO bugs

# API is a requirement of the dashboard import.
    key: "M0wAnyUs0w/teM+a+Y/g5w1UxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

# OTA is required for Over-the-Air updating
  password: "106d6c99755a62fbXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

# This should point to the public location of this yaml file.
  package_import_url: github://martijnvwezel/watermeter-esphome/muino-water-meter-esp32.yaml@main

  ssid: "RetzerHXXXXX"
  password: "RetzerXXXXX"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Wassersensor Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "NigolXXXXXX"

# In combination with the `ap` this allows the user
# to provision wifi credentials to the device.

# Sets up Bluetooth LE (Only on ESP32) to allow the user
# to provision wifi credentials to the device.
  authorizer: none

Thats the Error i get:

INFO ESPHome 2023.12.5
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/wassersensor.yaml...
WARNING GPIO2 is a strapping PIN and should only be used for I/O with care.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
WARNING GPIO2 is a strapping PIN and should only be used for I/O with care.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
Failed config

sensor.adc: [source <unicode string>:63]

  Pin 2 is used in multiple places.
  platform: adc
    number: 2
      input: True
      output: False
      open_drain: False
      pullup: False
      pulldown: False
    inverted: False
    ignore_strapping_warning: False
    drive_strength: 20.0
  name: light_sensor_a_dark
  id: light_sensor_a_dark
  raw: True
  internal: True
    - then: 
        - component.update: 
            id: light_sensor_b_dark
  disabled_by_default: False
  force_update: False
  unit_of_measurement: V
  accuracy_decimals: 2
  device_class: voltage
  state_class: measurement
  attenuation: 0db
  update_interval: 60s
sensor.adc: [source <unicode string>:72]

  Pin 3 is used in multiple places.
  platform: adc
    number: 3
      input: True
      output: False
      open_drain: False
      pullup: False
      pulldown: False
    inverted: False
    ignore_strapping_warning: False
    drive_strength: 20.0
  id: light_sensor_b_dark
  name: light_sensor_b_dark
  raw: True
  internal: True
    - then: 
        - component.update: 
            id: light_sensor_c_dark
  disabled_by_default: False
  force_update: False
  unit_of_measurement: V
  accuracy_decimals: 2
  device_class: voltage
  state_class: measurement
  attenuation: 0db
  update_interval: 60s
sensor.adc: [source <unicode string>:82]

  Pin 4 is used in multiple places.
  platform: adc
    number: 4
      input: True
      output: False
      open_drain: False
      pullup: False
      pulldown: False
    inverted: False
    ignore_strapping_warning: False
    drive_strength: 20.0
  id: light_sensor_c_dark
  name: light_sensor_c_dark
  raw: True
  internal: True
    - then: 
        - output.turn_on: 
            id: led
        - delay: 50ms
        - component.update: 
            id: light_sensor_a_light
  disabled_by_default: False
  force_update: False
  unit_of_measurement: V
  accuracy_decimals: 2
  device_class: voltage
  state_class: measurement
  attenuation: 0db
  update_interval: 60s
sensor.adc: [source <unicode string>:94]

  Pin 2 is used in multiple places.
  platform: adc
    number: 2
      input: True
      output: False
      open_drain: False
      pullup: False
      pulldown: False
    inverted: False
    ignore_strapping_warning: False
    drive_strength: 20.0
  name: light_sensor_a_light
  id: light_sensor_a_light
  raw: True
  internal: True
    - then: 
        - component.update: 
            id: light_sensor_b_light
  disabled_by_default: False
  force_update: False
  unit_of_measurement: V
  accuracy_decimals: 2
  device_class: voltage
  state_class: measurement
  attenuation: 0db
  update_interval: 60s
sensor.adc: [source <unicode string>:104]

  Pin 3 is used in multiple places.
  platform: adc
    number: 3
      input: True
      output: False
      open_drain: False
      pullup: False
      pulldown: False
    inverted: False
    ignore_strapping_warning: False
    drive_strength: 20.0
  id: light_sensor_b_light
  name: light_sensor_b_light
  raw: True
  internal: True
    - then: 
        - component.update: 
            id: light_sensor_c_light
  disabled_by_default: False
  force_update: False
  unit_of_measurement: V
  accuracy_decimals: 2
  device_class: voltage
  state_class: measurement
  attenuation: 0db
  update_interval: 60s
sensor.adc: [source <unicode string>:114]

  Pin 4 is used in multiple places.
  platform: adc
    number: 4
      input: True
      output: False
      open_drain: False
      pullup: False
      pulldown: False
    inverted: False
    ignore_strapping_warning: False
    drive_strength: 20.0
  id: light_sensor_c_light
  name: light_sensor_c_light
  raw: True
  internal: True
    - then: 
        - output.turn_off: 
            id: led
        - component.update: 
            id: phase_coarse
  disabled_by_default: False
  force_update: False
  unit_of_measurement: V
  accuracy_decimals: 2
  device_class: voltage
  state_class: measurement
  attenuation: 0db
  update_interval: 60s

It is the Original Config witth my Details for Wifi
martijnED commented 9 months ago

What is the error or question?

danielrudolf commented 9 months ago

This is the error log I get when I try to install into ESPhome in HA.

INFO ESPHome 2023.12.5 INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/wassersensor.yaml... WARNING GPIO2 is a strapping PIN and should only be used for I/O with care. Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures. See WARNING GPIO2 is a strapping PIN and should only be used for I/O with care. Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures. See Failed config

sensor.adc: [source :63]

Pin 2 is used in multiple places. platform: adc pin: number: 2 mode: input: True output: False open_drain: False pullup: False pulldown: False inverted: False ignore_strapping_warning: False drive_strength: 20.0 name: light_sensor_a_dark id: light_sensor_a_dark raw: True internal: True on_value:

Pin 3 is used in multiple places. platform: adc pin: number: 3 mode: input: True output: False open_drain: False pullup: False pulldown: False inverted: False ignore_strapping_warning: False drive_strength: 20.0 id: light_sensor_b_dark name: light_sensor_b_dark raw: True internal: True on_value:

Pin 4 is used in multiple places. platform: adc pin: number: 4 mode: input: True output: False open_drain: False pullup: False pulldown: False inverted: False ignore_strapping_warning: False drive_strength: 20.0 id: light_sensor_c_dark name: light_sensor_c_dark raw: True internal: True on_value:

Pin 2 is used in multiple places. platform: adc pin: number: 2 mode: input: True output: False open_drain: False pullup: False pulldown: False inverted: False ignore_strapping_warning: False drive_strength: 20.0 name: light_sensor_a_light id: light_sensor_a_light raw: True internal: True on_value:

Pin 3 is used in multiple places. platform: adc pin: number: 3 mode: input: True output: False open_drain: False pullup: False pulldown: False inverted: False ignore_strapping_warning: False drive_strength: 20.0 id: light_sensor_b_light name: light_sensor_b_light raw: True internal: True on_value:

Pin 4 is used in multiple places. platform: adc pin: number: 4 mode: input: True output: False open_drain: False pullup: False pulldown: False inverted: False ignore_strapping_warning: False drive_strength: 20.0 id: light_sensor_c_light name: light_sensor_c_light raw: True internal: True on_value:

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

Please use code block in github for code sharing.

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

I am currently working on this problem. The latest version of esphome has new 'features' that are basically compiler warnings. However they return failed config. They also did not include a proper way of warning, so give me a moment so I can change the config.

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

Fixed in pull-request #25

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

Thank you for creating a pull request

danielrudolf commented 9 months ago

I say thank you for the quick completion! I'll try it tonight! Thanks! I'll buy you a coffee!

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

keep me posted

danielrudolf commented 9 months ago

Now its running! :)