martijnvwezel / watermeter-esphome

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constant reboot #28

Closed scottbob09 closed 5 months ago

scottbob09 commented 5 months ago

I plugged in my device and it never stays connected long enough to re-flash

I would have expected it to not do that.

Here is the log of what I see when it does boot.

15:34:49.477 -> ESP-ROM:esp32c3-api1-20210207 15:34:49.477 -> Build:Feb 7 2021 15:34:49.477 -> rst:0x15 (USB_UART_CHIP_RESET),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 15:34:49.477 -> Saved PC:0x40049a64 15:34:49.477 -> SPIWP:0xee 15:34:49.477 -> mode:QIO, clock div:1 15:34:49.477 -> load:0x3fcd5810,len:0x1684 15:34:49.477 -> ets_loader.c 79 15:34:50.742 -> ESP-ROM:esp32c3-api1-20210207 15:34:50.742 -> Build:Feb 7 2021 15:34:50.742 -> rst:0x7 (TG0WDT_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 15:34:50.742 -> Saved PC:0x40049a64 15:34:50.742 -> SPIWP:0xee 15:34:50.743 -> mode:QIO, clock div:1 15:34:50.743 -> load:0x3fcd5810,len:0x1684 15:34:50.743 -> ets_loader.c 79

Checked all connections on the board and they seem fine. Tried using buttons to make it do something different. tried installing new drivers, and removing the existing

Any ideas?

martijnvwezel commented 5 months ago

Basically, normally the bootbutton works except of a vague situation, but you can force it to go to bootloader.

Typically, the boot button functions correctly, except under certain unclear circumstances. However, you can manually initiate the bootloader mode.

In the image from below, the necessary procedure is illustrated.


The key step is to set pin 8 (GPIO9) to a low state. This can be achieved by creating a short circuit. You can use a piece of wire, but I often find it more convenient to use tweezers. There are two ways to create this short: either between the ESP32's housing and pin 8, or between pin 8 and pin 9 (GND). After establishing the short, press the reset button. This action should trigger the device to enter bootloader mode. You only need to maintain the short for a second or two after pressing reset.

I added zoomed into the muino board to show the pins more clear.


martijnvwezel commented 5 months ago

We can have a call to assist you doing this!

scottbob09 commented 5 months ago

This procedure worked. It took a few tries, but once it was not rebooting, I was able to re-flash from the website, and then adopt it into esphome. Now to get 5v to the hand hole near the street to feed it. ;)

martijnvwezel commented 5 months ago

I assume you have the version with two buttons, if not all the effort was for nothing and the bootbutton was enough