martijnvwezel / watermeter-esphome

18 stars 7 forks source link

Board not Working #8

Closed flixlix closed 6 months ago

flixlix commented 10 months ago

Hey there! First of all I would like to thank you for the effort with this board :) I bought one and it arrived yesterday. Today I tried setting it up but unfortunately was unsuccessful...


The board was never able to connect to my wi-fi even after entering the correct credentials in the webpage.

Expected behavior

Board connecting to wi-fi after entering credentials when connected to its AP.

Actual behavior

After entering the Credentials, the board entered into some error state and only logs the following when connected to it via USB:

invalid header: 0xffffffff
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Steps to reproduce

Open packaging -> Plugin USB-C Cable -> Wait for AP to appear -> Connect to AP -> Webpage opens automatically -> Select Network -> Enter Credentials -> (In my case) Error State: No Wireless connection to device possible anymore

Proposed changes

I'm not sure this means the board is bricked or not but I imagine a new board would fix the issue

flixlix commented 10 months ago


I was able to fix the above mentioned issue by entering the following:

python -m espefuse --port [MY_PORT] summary

This fix was shown here

But now I don't know how to get back the original firmware (or should I use the yaml and sh files in this repo?)

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

Very interesting error tbo. There is always a way to unbrick device. I still have to document that somewhere (short gpio pin 9 with ground or metal part on the esp32, casing, during boot)

you can reinstall using the script in this repo

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

Try using the website button at the bottom (use chrome) or

Clone the repo in linux env or so, and install using the script: or upload using the button: muino-water-meter-esp32.bin

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

I make use of ESPHome, but I will try later this evening this weird issue. Maybe someone of Home-assistant or ESPHome users knows the issue.

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

I understand you want quick help, so if you want I can help you debugging in discord too with live chat

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

BTW insane slow shipping to Germany, to the USA it was in 6 days being received XD

flixlix commented 10 months ago

Hey there Martijn! Thank you so much for the quick response and the very helpful support! I will try to use the script in the website and report back later how it turned out :)

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

I heard from close sources of the ESPHome devs that today tomorrow they will rollout an update that is very important that actually fixes your issue

flixlix commented 10 months ago

Ooh that sounds promising!

Just tried uploading using the button at the bottom of your page but unfortunately it's stuck in "Preparing installation"... The console shows this, in case it helps:

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 19 37 02

Uploading from this live demo is no issue.

Anyways, I'll wait for the next version and see if the issue gets fixed with the upload :)

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

I will look at it later sorry for the inconvenience it causes. My watermeter stopped working after the last update, so there actual some vague issues in ESPHome that are out of my control.

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

I fixed the website. The esphome repo with the template doesn't work anymore.

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

@flixlix can you try uploading by website again? Please remove all previous created watermeters in home-assist under esphome and under devices->esphome

flixlix commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your support. I was able to flash the board with a clean install and connect it to the network. Unfortunately the issue persists, that the board does not connect to my wifi when powered by a usb cable plugged in to a power socket adapter. If that helps debug the issue, the board does connect to wifi when I open the logs and have it connected through usb on my laptop. Also, the board seems to be rebooting when connected to normal power, because the led turns off and back on after a few seconds

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

I already spammed one of the ESPHome devs, but they are not very helpfull. I will try to use a different board type maybe that helps not sure, though.. I created again a new issue about it with esphome. I saw yours too! Thankyou for that maybe that helps!

flixlix commented 10 months ago

I've edited the ESPHome code to look like this:

  name: test-device
  friendly_name: test-device
    - my_custom_component.h

  board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "********************************"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Test-Device Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "************"


  port: 80

  - platform: custom
    lambda: |-
      auto my_custom = new MyCustomSensor();
      return {my_custom->water_liter_sensor, my_custom->sensa, my_custom->sensb, my_custom->sensc};

      - name: "water_liter_sensor"
        unit_of_measurement: L
        state_class: total_increasing
        device_class: water
        accuracy_decimals: 2
      - name: "sensa"
        accuracy_decimals: 2
      - name: "sensb"
        accuracy_decimals: 2
      - name: "sensc"
        accuracy_decimals: 2

and the top of the component to look like this:

#define SENS_A 2
#define SENS_B 3
#define SENS_C 4

#define LED 7

This now fixes the issue, that it doesn't come online when powered externally (presumably because I changed the board type).

Although I didn't mount the sensor yet, the light is on and there are some random measurements going off (which I think is good).

Something that is still weird is that the logs are filled with this:

Time | level | Tag | Message
-- | -- | -- | --
01:04:08 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:08 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:08 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:13 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:13 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:13 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:18 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:18 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:18 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:23 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:24 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:24 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:29 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:29 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:29 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:34 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:34 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:34 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:39 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:39 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:39 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:44 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:44 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:44 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:50 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:50 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:50 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:55 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:55 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:04:55 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:04:59 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:04:59 | [W] | [api.connection:097] | Reading failed: BAD_INDICATOR errno=11
01:05:00 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:05:00 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:05:00 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:05:05 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:05:05 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:05:05 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:05:10 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:05:10 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:05:11 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:05:16 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:05:16 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:05:16 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:05:21 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:05:21 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:05:21 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected
01:05:26 | [D] | [api:102] | Accepted
01:05:26 | [D] | [api.connection:1031] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( Connected successfully
01:05:26 | [D] | [api.connection:171] | Home Assistant 2023.9.1 ( requested disconnected

I'm not sure if this is something to be worried about...

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

This 0xfffff is solved right?

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

btw you have to make sure previous watermeters are removed both under devices and esphome env

some issue in home assistant integration with esphome I heard

martijnvwezel commented 10 months ago

created in develop branch some pin defines for that board

flixlix commented 9 months ago

Great, thank you for the support!

Not sure if I should open a new issue for this, but I have the following situation:

The sensor is currently installed (with zipties because my water meter does not have any holes for them). I placed the circle outline over the spinning wheel in a way that I can still read the meter.

All sensors are reporting some values, but the water liter sensor is giving me odd values.

Is the value not supposed to be always rising? (accumulated water usage?) The two spikes are correct(in a sense that there was more water being consumed, the values are too low), but the "standby" water usage is definitely 0, not 0.37

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 22 13 28
martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

This is what it should look like. This example has a reset of the wifi in it too. This up and down movement means/could mean the lichtsensors are nog correctly being positioned. image

flixlix commented 9 months ago

Have you tried / Can you verify that the pins I posted work with the new esp esp32-c3-devkitm-1 board type?

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

see master branch, will check it, but first have to solve my server that broke down (sata connection, doesn't respond)

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

I think your pinout is wrong? Please see dev branch if that works! (currently raid setup still repairing estimated ~2days needed) /``` /GPIO

define D4 27

define D5 14

// mapping to match other feathers and also in order

define A0 26

define A1 25

define A2 34

define A3 39

define SENS_A A0

define SENS_B A1

define SENS_C A2

define LED D5


martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

Could you give an update on your sensor. I hope this week I can make some time for it

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

BTW we are working on a implementation of Matter, I dislike the stability of ESPHome

flixlix commented 9 months ago

I updated the code with the pins you provided:

#define D4 27
#define D5 14

// mapping to match other feathers and also in order
#define A0 26
#define A1 25
#define A2 34
#define A3 39

#define SENS_A A0
#define SENS_B A1
#define SENS_C A2

#define LED D5

and the led doesn't light up anymore and the board became offline, it was working with the pins I provided but the values were off.

BTW we are working on a implementation of Matter, I dislike the stability of ESPHome

That's interesting, because I have about 35 devices using ESPHome and have had 0 stability issues

martijnED commented 9 months ago

SO the moment you connect with serial usb it works right?

flixlix commented 9 months ago

No, unfortunately that still doesn't make it available. Seems like with the pins you suggested it doesn't even boot... Where did you get the pin numbers from? I used the pinout schematic for the previous esp platform "seed..."

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

I will have a look tonight, I think its a simple config thingy but couldn't do any testing with it because of my server that broke down fysically. Give update tonight

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago


martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

I will double check it soon, but here is the layout of the scheme

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

Please do the following:

  level: NONE
flixlix commented 9 months ago

With which code? The code in your dev branch or this code I provided?

define SENS_A 2

define SENS_B 3

define SENS_C 4

define LED 7


Is it currently working in your end?

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

Thank you for helping me finding this issue! Yes you are correct, see dev branch: watermeter_pinout

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

I am not sure why the led pin is not turning on. Going to look at it soon. I need to focus on the datasheet because I am not sure what the pin numbers should be at this moment. Maybe log the pin numbers from seeduino :p

alx-a commented 9 months ago

Thank you for the board, got it yesterday! I am experiencing issues somewhat similar to those above. Before I write up a proper report, some quick questions to move this forward:

  1. Should I start a new issue?
  2. Since logging and then looking at logs would be my first start, I would like to make sure that enabling logging by changing the yaml config would not impact stability. Can I set it to logger level INFO ? currently:

logger: level: NONE

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

Currently, I am using Arduino as my backbone for the project. I am going to remove that and only use yaml based implementation or esp lib only. There is an issue with Arduino and expressive librabry, if you want to use logging. Basically, after you restart and you do not open the serial port, the ESP crashing because of a watchdog that turns on.

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

@flixlix how is your sensor now?

alx-a commented 9 months ago

UPD: moved to separate issue. TLDR: ESPHome adoption bricks device. Meter can communicate with HA but is sending suspicious data. Requesting build via docker that developer has tested for consistent performance. ESP integration not needed on my end.

In short, after ESPHome adoption (which includes reupload of config through EH and a build on the EH end) the board bricked with the LED stopping to glow. I managed to get the board up with the docker dev build command from your readme, updating the yaml config with info relevant to my wifi. Board now talks to HA.

The problem is the sensors are consistently reporting an errant minor .2 to .3 value when the meter water wheel is absolutely not moving. The graph should at the least be expected to include 150l use within 5 minutes once a day, on average, with filling of a water container. So 150 liter peak consumption is missing from the graph.

I have experimented with several repositioning over the analog wheel and taping over to exclude errant reflections. My meter, a retired German analog model, has the wheel on the other side of the ones used in your image examples. As far as I can tell, the circle marking on the board is directly over the analog wheel in my physical install.

I would appreciate if you could provide instructions or a flashable binary that you find works as expected. All I need is a means to communicate with HA, bypassing ESPHome adoption is perfectly fine.

weird_data water-liter-sensor

martijnvwezel commented 9 months ago

I will have a look into this issue soon. Please create a new ticket for this, it's a different matter. In the meantime, we will build some tools that

martijnvwezel commented 6 months ago

I close this issue because it now is in issue #16