martin-ger / esp_mqtt

MQTT Broker/Bridge on the ESP8266
MIT License
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Error with Static IP on STA #1

Closed roboticboyer closed 7 years ago

roboticboyer commented 7 years ago

Hi Martin I have tested the new firmware. I have set a static IP address for the ESP in the uplink network (e.g., saved and rebooted the ESP. After this action, the other ESPs, the PC, a Mob have stopped to connect to the AP. There was the connection but the DHCP service on the ESP_MQTT has stopped to work on the AP side. FYI in the former esp_uMQTT_broker there wasn't this issue.

As a temporary solution I have reset the use of DHCP with a dynamic IP address for the ESP in the uplink network. Now I can again connect the other devises to the AP using DHCP

martin-ger commented 7 years ago

Hi Giorgio,

tried to reproduce the error here, did not manage it. My config:

STA: SSID:xxx PW:xxx                                           
AP:  SSID:MyAP PW:none [open] IP:                                 
Static IP: Netmask: Gateway:              
MQTT client enabled                                                             
MQTT host:                                                       
MQTT port: 1883                                                                 
MQTT user: none                                                                 
MQTT password:                                                                  
MQTT id: ESPBroker_117f13                                                       
Clock speed: 160 

My notebook connected at: and was able to connect to the broker:

CMD>show stats
System uptime: 0:04:09                                                          
External IP-address:                                             
1 Station connected to AP
CMD>show mqtt
Current clients:                                                                
Current subsriptions:                                                           
Retained topics:                                                                
MQTT client connected

The static IP disables the DHCP client, the server is only disabled, when the AP is disabled. (This is the idea that I tried to put in the code and at least for me that seems to work). Did you also set netmask and gateway? (Should have no impact on the DHCP server, but anyway...)

In your setup, when a client connects to the AP (should be logged at serial port of the ESP), it does not get any DHCP config?

roboticboyer commented 7 years ago

Hi Martin I have not set the gateway on the STA, only the fix IP the clients are connected to the AP but the dhcp dosn't assign any IP

martin-ger commented 7 years ago

Could you send me the results of "show" and "show stats"?

roboticboyer commented 7 years ago

Now I have set the netmask for STA with fixed IP set netmask

=> the AP clients has started to receive the IP address by DHCP Tomorrow I'll post further information

roboticboyer commented 7 years ago

The logs:

CMD>show STA: SSID:Network_2 PW:password AP: SSID:MyAP PW:none [open] IP: Static IP: Netmask: Gateway: MQTT client disabled Clock speed: 80

CMD>show stats System uptime: 0:00:27 External IP-address: 1 Station connected to AP

CMD>show mqtt_broker Current clients: gio, EspGiorgio Current subsriptions: EspGiorgio: "/led" (QoS 0) gio: "#" (QoS 0) gio: "temperatura" (QoS 0) gio: "umidita" (QoS 0) gio: "Trugiada" (QoS 0) Retained topics: MQTT client disconnected

martin-ger commented 7 years ago

Looks good, doesn't it? Maybe the request is wrongly routed, when Thema netmask matches to anything? Will test this later...

roboticboyer commented 7 years ago

Yes it's OK! Now it's working. Must I set the gateway such as

martin-ger commented 7 years ago

Only, if the ESP should connect to another broker outside the own network. It is the router to the internet.