martin-ger / esp_mqtt

MQTT Broker/Bridge on the ESP8266
MIT License
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Serial problems #57

Open msillano opened 4 years ago

msillano commented 4 years ago

Hi In my project, I need to use the serial input. My source is a sensor, it sends every second 10 bytes (any value) @9600. Tested it using Termite (Win terminal hex) and FTDI. It is OK. On sonoff basic, using my test code:

config system_output 0
config bitrate 9600
on serial
setvar $ser = "(" | $this_serial | ")"

A) with serial RX open, it works as expected: Telnet ok, I can do commands B) with RX connected to the serial source (TX not used: open) Telnet not usable: fort every command it give me "Invalid command"

         Invalid command
  Connecting and disconnecting the source, to show vars, I get:
CMD>show vars


oo: 1

ser: eendifendifenH▒@


i.e, the variable $ser is garbage.

Because data are bin, I think Termite uses a short timeout (polling 100 ms) to define the packet end.

In my application, I can lose some packets, and the CRC is used to certificate received packets, so the use of also CR/LF as line terminator is not a terrible problem.

Where I make errors? Best regards m.s.

P.S. On WEMOS D1 R2 that works:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#if defined(ESP8266) && !defined(D5)
  #define D5 (14)  // RX
  #define D6 (12)  //TX

SoftwareSerial swSer;  // uses SoftwareSerial to reserve Serial

int avrg[60];  // O3 data from  ZE25-O3
int k = 0;     // avrg index
int c = 10;    // mobile avg size
int getConcO3(){
    long tot = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j<c; j++) tot += avrg[j];
    int res = int(tot/c);
    Serial.print( "ozone = ");
    Serial.println( res );
    return res;

void sensorRead() {
  byte dataRX[15];  //byte type array; it can hold 15 data bytes
  byte n = swSer.available();    //check if a character has arrived and saved in FIFO buffer
  if(n > 0) { 
    n = swSer.readBytes(dataRX, 15);
    for  (int i=0;  i< n; i++){
      Serial.print( dataRX[i], HEX);
      Serial.print( ", ");
    //  test some const values (no CRC) to accept data
    if ((n == 9) && (dataRX[0]== 255) && (dataRX[3]== 0) && (dataRX[7]== 16)) {
      avrg[k] =  dataRX[5] + dataRX[4] *256; // store concentration
      k = ++k % c;
       Serial.print( "bad");

void setup() {
    swSer.begin(9600, SWSERIAL_8N1, D5, D6, false, 95, 11);

void loop() {
  int concO3 = getConcO3();

A solution is therefore WEMOS + MQTTBroker... But I like more the Sonoff form factor (It size is 1/4) so I wanna use it :). Best regards

p.s. Close the reception on (NL) char limit the use to ASCII mode. Adding also a timeout extends it to binary too. Timeout user-defined. Best regards m.s.

9600 commented 4 years ago

Hello, you called?