martin-ger / esp_mqtt

MQTT Broker/Bridge on the ESP8266
MIT License
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MQTT translation #66

Open mcsabi opened 3 years ago

mcsabi commented 3 years ago

First of all thank you for the excellent project. So far it works flawlessly. I have a noob question as I am not a programmer. I have a thermostat scheduler that sends an MQTT message when the relay should turn on/off. A remote tasmotized device should receive the message and turn on/off its relay accordingly. The message that is being published "cmnd/heater/relay/1 1" however the tasmota device would expect "cmnd/heater/POWER1 1". On the publishing device I cannot change the "/relay/1" part of the topic and on the tasmota I cannot change the "POWER1" part of the topic. Can I somehow do a translation in the uMQTTBroker so that the MQTT message would be delivered? or my whole thinking is wrong? Many thanks in advance!

martin-ger commented 3 years ago

Can be done easily using a script like this (didn't check it, but should work):

on init
    subscribe local "cmnd/heater/relay/1"

on topic local "cmnd/heater/relay/1"
    publish local "cmnd/heater/POWER1 $this_data
mcsabi commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much, will try soon!

mcsabi commented 3 years ago

I have tested the script you suggested, but unfortunately I could not make it work. I have tried:

on init subscribe local "cmnd/heater/relay/1"

on topic local "cmnd/heater/relay/1" do publish local "cmnd/heater/POWER1 $this_data

also tried with one more "do", like: on init do subscribe local "cmnd/heater/relay/1"

on topic local "cmnd/heater/relay/1" do publish local "cmnd/heater/POWER1 $this_data

I have used Netcat from Windoes Nc64.exe to upload the script. It seems to be fine as it shows the script with the "show script" command, however after reboot it cannot connect to the network. My test ssid is "24" and this message is repeated on serial port: scandone no 24 found, reconnect after 1s disconnect from ssid 24, reason 201 reconnect scandone

After factory reset all works fine until I upload the script and reboot. BTW the script upload takes a long time for some reason. Any hints would be appreciated. Thank you

martin-ger commented 3 years ago

This works for me:

config speed        160

on init
    subscribe local "cmnd/heater/relay/1"

on topic local "cmnd/heater/relay/1"
    publish local "cmnd/heater/POWER1" $this_data

For some reason that I don't know yet, it has these problems you reported when there is no config line in the beginning. BTW: You can ^C the netcat, the script is still loaded.

mcsabi commented 3 years ago

Works like a charm! I do not understand why can it connect to my wifi with the "config speed 160" in the script and cannot w/o, but it works. Thank you again