martin-ger / esp_wifi_repeater

A full functional WiFi Repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT Router)
MIT License
4.72k stars 897 forks source link

Weak security message on iOS devices #439

Open hecatae opened 3 years ago

hecatae commented 3 years ago

Is there any way to disable WPA so that there is only WPA2 security?

martin-ger commented 3 years ago

I am not aware of any API that allows for selecting that. Anybody else?

desiue commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone I have the same problem. I also want to disable WPA and only use WPA2 since WPA is no longer secure. I couldn't find a way to do that in the documentation. Do you have a tip? I need the ESP8266 as a repeater for my Lora Gateway on the roof. but at the same time I don't want to offer a WPA un/secured access point (to my networt) to the neighborhood. I am thankful for every help.