martin-ger / esp_wifi_repeater

A full functional WiFi Repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT Router)
MIT License
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MQTT - Sleep - clean session, subscribing to retained sleep message when waking #467

Open Cloolalang opened 3 years ago

Cloolalang commented 3 years ago

I thought I might be able to send a retained message to the command topic: sleep 3600, and the Nat would sleep, wake hourly and then subscribe to the retained message and sleep again. I cant get that to work, I tried setting QOS to 1 as well. Im wondering if the NAT MQTT client is connecting in clean session mode? and therefor not subscribing to the retained messages?

Is there a way to change this, did I miss something? So now I want the Nat Repeaters to sleep all night, so I have to keen sending sleep 3600 very hour though the night? P

martin-ger commented 3 years ago

The client connect with clean session. You can change that in the sources in user/user_main.c#L4511

Cloolalang commented 3 years ago

The client connect with clean session. You can change that in the sources in user/user_main.c#L4511

Thank-you Martin for the help with this information. Since I am not setup for making builds, I made a workaround automation in Home Assistant, whereby at night HA sensor listens to the LWT topic and when it goes online, HA publishes sleep 3900 to the command topic. 3900 ( not 3600) is like an hour on my nodeMCU for some reason. Worth noting that the MQTT timeout is 3 mins, so it take 3 minutes to show as offline in HA.

All good, its working very well! P