martin2250 / ADCTouch

touch sensing library for Arduino
MIT License
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tring to jnstall in arduino not install from libray #10

Open ken58w opened 2 years ago

ken58w commented 2 years ago

not installing from arduino labray list dose tell its is install keep get erorr C:\Users\ken58\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ADCTouch: loading Error reading file: Error parsing data at line 0: Invalid line not showing it is install in libary

ken58w commented 2 years ago

not show install in libary

martin2250 commented 2 years ago

Hi Ken, thanks for the report. I'll look into it.

ken58w commented 2 years ago

tring to install SDWebServer on esp8266 with sdcard made in to it SD-WIFI with Card-Reader Module run ESP web Dev Onboard USB to serial chip Wireless Transmission Module For S6 F6 Turbo libs from C:\Users\ken58\Downloads\ESP8266FS-0.5.0\ESP8266FS\tool\libraries: loading library from C:\Users\ken58\Downloads\ESP8266FS-0.5.0\ESP8266FS\tool\libraries\PrintEx: loading Error reading file: Error parsing data at line 0: Invalid line format, should be 'key=value' esin-3d-printers-sla-dlp/sls-dlp-mainboards/sd-wifi-with-card-reader-module-run-esp-web-dev/ keep getting the same error how doifix it