martin2250 / OpenCNCPilot

autolevelling gcode-sender for grbl
MIT License
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superimpose more than one g-code file in the GUI #174

Open deHarro opened 1 year ago

deHarro commented 1 year ago

Hi Martin,

I just had an extraordinaire idea (naturally triggered by an actual problem, or better a task...)

Yesterday I finished a project in a hustle and therefore I had to separate explicit holes and holes for through hole parts (since they are drilled with different tools). Both types of holes are generated in one file by pcb-gcode.ulp. Since I made a mistake on the first run, I had to do all the generating and splitting once again, and then I mixed up first and second part for the TH drilling. In succession some of the holes are displaced by some millimeters :(

Now for the task, I mentioned above: I often find myself knitting together formerly splitted gcode to check for the alignment. This is true for different gcode, also. Pcb-gcode generates a file for the dimension of the voard as well as for drills and holes and the etching of the traces.

It would be wonderful if I could load more than one file at once (or one after the other, without replacing the first) for this checking task into OPC.

Just an idea for those boring times without something to fiddle on... ;)


deHarro commented 1 year ago

nota bene: I just found a tool (bCNC) which features the mentioned task (superimpose more than one g-code file in the GUI). It is programmed in python and has an EXE Version for Windows.

Perhaps I did not find all its options up til now, but I miss the ability to switch the files on and off separately (if you load several files, the display gets sort of messed, I cannot select the traces of a single file).

And the program is laggy :( My CPU is not the lamest on earth, but I feel hampered by the "speed" of display refresh when zooming or panning. At least, when there are some traces to be displayed or when some files have to be rendered.

So, if you decide to implement such a feature (load and display more than one file at once), you should make it possible to toggle the single files on/off. Speed is no problem with OPC :)
