martinandert / babel-plugin-css-in-js

A plugin for Babel v6 which transforms inline styles defined in JavaScript modules into class names so they become available to, e.g. the `className` prop of React elements. While transforming, the plugin processes all JavaScript style definitions found and bundles them up into a CSS file, ready to be requested from your web server.
MIT License
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nth-of-type example #6

Closed DjordjePetrovic closed 8 years ago

DjordjePetrovic commented 8 years ago

For stuff like this in css

p:nth-of-type(1) {} p:nth-of-type(2) {} p:nth-of-type(3) {}

you basically need to create object with styling for every p and then attach it to that element? What's the best practice for this stuff?

martinandert commented 8 years ago

@DjordjePetrovic Could you please give me a specific code example (e.g. component and styles) that shows what you're trying to achieve and how you currently do that?

DjordjePetrovic commented 8 years ago


let's say in component we have something like this

<div className="example">

and in css

.example p:nth-of-type(1) {
 // some custom style
.example p:nth-of-type(2),
.example p:nth-of-type(3) {
  // some custom style

so I create cssToJS style object for "example" div, and what I wanted to do is to have something like

example : {
// some styling and then
"p:nth-child(1)" : {}

but I get "value must be a number or a string"

So I assume I'll have to create style object for every "p" element and then attach styling on every p like

<p className={styles.firstParagraf}></p>
<p className={styles.secoundParagraf}></p>


martinandert commented 8 years ago

This looks like a reasonable use case which should be addressed.

I'm going to add support for it but this may take a few days since my spare time is somewhat limited currently. But I am always open for pull requests if you'd like to speed up the process.

DjordjePetrovic commented 8 years ago

@martinandert great tnx!

martinandert commented 8 years ago

Hey @DjordjePetrovic, with version 1.2.0 you are now able to do

var styles = cssInJS({
  example: {
    // some styling
  'example p': {
    ':nth-child(2)': {
      // styles for p:nth-child(2) children

Please let me know whether that works for you.