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hashing algorithms #172

Open martinapugliese opened 6 years ago

martinapugliese commented 6 years ago

martinapugliese commented 3 years ago

From a notebook I had here on this, still to be put in:

Hashing algos produce "hash value" or "hash digest"

cryptographic - one way & deterministic, produce fixed length hash value out of variable-length data, should be computationally unfeasible to find two messages with the same hash

Algorithms MD5 digest is 128 bits, 1991 Ronald Rivest (professor, MIT), replaced MD4 (still him, 1990)

found to be vulnerable as a crypto hashing - fails the requirement that it should be unfeasible to find 2 messages with the same hash, still widely used regardless for password hashing though!

TODO exolain the algorithmns and write the code. Can use wiki page, tehre's some examples of results you shoudl get and pseudocode not sure worth tbh

SHA-1 developed by US govt, Capstone project (NSA) - 160 bit digest, 1995 (SHA-0 1993), difference with SHA-0 is only a single bitwise rotation since 2005 not secure against well-funded attackers

similar principles but longer digest - both MD5 and SHA-1 descend from MD4 - MD is message digest. there's alo SHA-2