martinapugliese / tales-science-data

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Power law additions #2

Open martinapugliese opened 7 years ago

martinapugliese commented 7 years ago

Identify a PL graphically

Pareto quantile-quantile plots (Q-Q plots), or log-log plots.

Q-Q plot (fare voce separata)

[from wikipedia]

means plotting the quantiles of two distribs one against the other. It is a parametric plot with parameter being the number (index) of the quantile. If the two distribs are similar, points will be on the diagonal. If they are linearly related, points will be on a line (not only the diagonal). Typically better than comparing histograms. P-P plot is the same thing but plots cumulative distrib functions.

For PLs (Pareto QQ plots), plot the quantiles of the log-transformed data against the quantiles of an exponential dist with mean 1

log-log plot

See if it's a line, but only good when there is lots of data

Estimate the exponent


see wikipedia


PL and lognorm2


log -log scale and logarithmic binning, see Newman review cumulative plotting (called frequency/rank), see Newman review. Cumulative equals to frequency/rank because

Generating pow laws

[follows Newman]

From plos python paper

martinapugliese commented 7 years ago

Also, for style: