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Determine the processes for communication and issue resolution #4

Open martinatime opened 11 years ago

martinatime commented 11 years ago

We need to figure out the best way to communicate about this project as we'll both be pulled away from it as this will be a side project. Also we need to figure out a system of dealing with any conflicts that may come up between us. We need to work together.

When this is formalized it will be placed in the wiki.

martinatime commented 11 years ago

I think we should meet in person next week and go over how we are going to tackle this. Although keeping conversations related to issues attached to the issue is good I don't think this will work for all project related conversations. Maybe it will. What are your thoughts?

martinatime commented 11 years ago

I think I have an idea for conflict resolution: Each main developer gets a set number of conflict cards. For sake of demonstration let us say each dev. gets one. When a decision comes up there will be the typical collaboration and attempt at resolution. In the case when all developers involved can't come to a consensus then the first on to use a card wins and the decision is granted to that developer. All other developers agree to the decision and the matter is closed. The card is considered burned and unusable for all future decisions. If further investigation determines that the decision was incorrect or not feasible then the matter can be re-opened but the card is still gone. The cards are only redistributed after all outstanding cards have been used OR some agreed upon time has elapsed. Pros: Allows for standard collaboration and it also allows someone who is very passionate for a particular decision to overrule others. Allows for the group to typically use collaboration without a single person always being in control.

Cons: If a developer holds onto a card (or cards) while no one else has any or chooses to use any then collaboration could turn into a stalemate. Maybe this scenario should be handled with some sort of default resolution if too much time is left on a decision. This would mean that no one is passionate about a decision but no single solution has enough support to win. I hope this won't happen.

I suggest that if we go with this conflict resolution that we start with a few cards (say 3) and then as the project progresses we reduce the amount of cards divvied to each developer.

martinatime commented 11 years ago

I created a forum at!forum/superdeduper-developers

Is that worthy or should we consider other communication modes?