martinbaillie / evil-motion-trainer

Make Emacs drop lazily repeated "hjkl"-based motions after a configurable threshold
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solved in doom-emacs, but... #2

Closed OrionRandD closed 3 years ago

OrionRandD commented 3 years ago

Evil-motion-trainer is working in doom-Emacs. But, keys "j" and "k" do not work in org-mode ".org" buffers... I can still navigate using these keys. evil-motion-trainer only complains in org-mode if I type "h" and "l" keys above my limit. Can you reproduce this behaviour in an ".org" buffer? Thx.


(use-package! evil-motion-trainer :init (global-evil-motion-trainer-mode 1) :config (setq evil-motion-trainer-threshold 6) ;; (setq evil-motion-trainer-super-annoying-mode t) (emt-add-suggestion 'evil-next-line 'evil-avy-goto-char-timer) )

(map! :leader (:prefix-map ("t" . "toggle") :desc "Evil motion trainer" "t" #'evil-motion-trainer-mode))


martinbaillie commented 3 years ago

Hi @OrionRandD would you mind updating and giving it another shot.

OrionRandD commented 3 years ago

@martinbaillie I have update, but to no avail But, I can live with it. After all it happens only in org files. Other file extensions, it is working all right...

OrionRandD commented 3 years ago

Hi @OrionRandD would you mind updating and giving it another shot. Great! After opening Emacs for the second time after your upgrade. It is working with org files! Thx a lot -> :)

martinbaillie commented 3 years ago

Great to hear

OrionRandD commented 3 years ago

Great to hear

After upgrading Emacs to the latest version in debian. Evil motion totally stopped working -> :( I think it is ralated to "cl-lib" -> evil-motion-trainer -> simbol-p not defined... -> then emacs --debug-init shows errors related to cl-lib. I commented (require 'cl-lib) in the file, but the error still remained

martinbaillie commented 3 years ago

Sorry about that. I think you picked up a bust master commit. Hopefully fixed now.

OrionRandD commented 3 years ago

Sorry about that. I think you picked up a bust master commit. Hopefully fixed now.

Back to work. Thx again Solved :)