martinberlin / CalEPD

Epaper ESP-IDF component with GFX capabilities and multi SPI support
Apache License 2.0
90 stars 11 forks source link

Open for collaboration #1

Open martinberlin opened 4 years ago

martinberlin commented 4 years ago

This project is open to any external collaboration. Coding/ testing or even ideas about architecture are always welcome.

This is are my current Epaper displays for testing:

Update: New models are only going to appear on the mother project wiki, only after being tested will land here

Just leave your comments and ideas if you are interested to participate in this project. Please add your test epapers in case you have any that is not on the list and you are interested on having the class added to CalEPD ESP-IDF Component.

goran-mahovlic commented 1 year ago


thank you for this library and all other work on open source projects! In few past day I am working on some repository that we could use for startup point of EEZ Studio LVGL project.

Recent version of studio is now supporting LVGL projects (still in sper early stage) so I am trying to add all needed background for ESP32. I have used some fork of esp32_lvgl that is using LVGL 8.2. then did some small fixes to get everything running on 8.3 that studio is currently using. I have checked and got some results with TFT screens, and then I noticed your library so I also added your e-ink repo. I have GDEW042T2 and Inkplate 6 (that is using other lib). If I set some text on screen inside your lib everything works! SO that is good start, but I cannot get it to run LVGL "things"... I see you experimented much more with it so maybe you can give me some clue why I just get blank screen or sometimes some parts of screen. I have checked with your demo example but I get similar (maybe little bit better results).

My work is here and it would be great if you could help me getting lvgl ink that would be great.:

martinberlin commented 1 year ago

Lvgl is a complicated thing for epaper. I got it working only in version 7 so I have no clue what can happen in . 8.x One important point is that what it renders should be black if it’s a monochrome epaper. I must say that better results are on parallel displays driven by EPDiy project. On the other side of things I lost a bit my interest because I made a PR that will never get merged due to License issues

goran-mahovlic commented 1 year ago

Ok, so I am on my own on this one :)

If you have at least bit of time maybe you can check under components if I am using good versions of your repos?

At some point I have noticed that issue really bad to trow away so much work. I am in contact with NLnet so maybe I could ask them to recheck issue and at least comment license problems or maybe find possible solution (I have send mail to them). It would help if you point me to a pull request so I do not need to search again (Found it!).

Anyhow studio can at some point use drivers directly - that is how it was used before LVGL, but I do not think that is on Envox priority list. But it would be great to have great GUI builder on those screens...

martinberlin commented 1 year ago

No I'm interested and will help whenever I can. But it turns me down that your work cannot be merged and hence remains somehow in the dark. Keep me informed, you have also my email in my github profile and you can find me also in (just tell me yours and I send you an invitation)

goran-mahovlic commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

Yes I do not like that lvgl for esp32 did not move for like years :( And it is stupid for studio to add support for 7.9 today. And yes main problem is that we will not able to help them as I see so much open pull requests, but I am working on a proof of concept and remote hiden repo is ok for now. If they update esp driver I will try to use updated version and try to help in testing.

My mail is: - I have slack but rarely using it.

If you are using discord I am here:

This is Envox:

This is my Makerspace Radiona: