martinberlin / lv_port_esp32-epaper

LVGL ported to ESP32 including various display and touchpad drivers. Forked to support parallel epaper displays (using EPDiy as a component) Supports also L58 touch controller used in Lilygo EPD47
MIT License
44 stars 8 forks source link

Upgrade attempt to LVGL 8.3 #12

Open martinberlin opened 3 months ago

martinberlin commented 3 months ago

Would like to upgrade the LVGL component to 8.3 and report here what challenges it might bring.

Expected Results

Same examples done till now but with an upgraded library.

ESP32 Chip version

Actually using epdiy v7 hence ESP32S3.

ESP-IDF version Using version 5.1 (5.3 still has issues to resolve in epdiy v7)

martinberlin commented 2 months ago

Done and merged. Only pending to review & finish the lvgl_epaper_drivers PR