martinbiel / StochasticPrograms.jl

Julia package for formulating and analyzing stochastic recourse models.
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Error during the instantiation of a program #31

Closed enri07 closed 3 years ago

enri07 commented 3 years ago


I have build a two-stage stochastic model using the package StochasticPrograms and now I am trying to instantiate this program. The model is a little bit complicated so it is difficult to give all the information about it, but to summarize I have defined a new type of scenario made by two arrays of dictionaries providing the expectation function as described in the manual. Then I created an array of possible scenarios and all seems to work fine, I'm able to run the command expected on this array and it works as I was expecting. The problem appears when I try to run:

instantiate(model_user, possible_scenarios, optimizer = LShaped.Optimizer)

In this case, the following message is raised:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching build_variable(::JuMP.var"#_error#108"{LineNumberNode}, ::JuMP.Containers.SparseAxisArray{Any,3,Tuple{Any,Any,Any}}, ::StochasticPrograms.DecisionSet)
Closest candidates are:
  build_variable(::Function, ::VariableInfo, ::Any...; kwargs...) at /home/user/.julia/packages/JuMP/Xrr7O/src/macros.jl:1341
  build_variable(::Function, ::ScalarVariable, ::StochasticPrograms.DecisionSet) at /home/user/.julia/packages/StochasticPrograms/SjnV4/src/types/decisions/macros.jl:4
  build_variable(::Function, ::ScalarVariable, ::MathOptInterface.AbstractScalarSet) at /home/user/.julia/packages/JuMP/Xrr7O/src/macros.jl:1354
 [1] macro expansion at /home/user/.julia/packages/JuMP/Xrr7O/src/macros.jl:142 [inlined]
 [2] #121 at /home/user/File_stoch_nuovo/Single_user_vf.jl:63 [inlined]
 [3] (::var"#121#329")(::Model, ::NamedTuple{(:price_MG_P, :price_MG_N_V, :price_MG_N_F, :price_F, :c_UP),Tuple{Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Float64,Dict{String,Float64}}}, ::Scenario_Load_Renewable) at ./none:0
 [4] generate_proxy!(::StochasticProgram{2,Tuple{StochasticPrograms.Stage{NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}},StochasticPrograms.Stage{NamedTuple{(:price_MG_P, :price_MG_N_V, :price_MG_N_F, :price_F, :c_UP),Tuple{Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Float64,Dict{String,Float64}}}}},StageDecompositionStructure{2,1,Tuple{StochasticPrograms.ScenarioProblems{Scenario_Load_Renewable}}}}) at /home/user/.julia/packages/StochasticPrograms/SjnV4/src/methods/generation.jl:104
 [5] generate!(::StochasticProgram{2,Tuple{StochasticPrograms.Stage{NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}},StochasticPrograms.Stage{NamedTuple{(:price_MG_P, :price_MG_N_V, :price_MG_N_F, :price_F, :c_UP),Tuple{Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Float64,Dict{String,Float64}}}}},StageDecompositionStructure{2,1,Tuple{StochasticPrograms.ScenarioProblems{Scenario_Load_Renewable}}}}) at /home/user/.julia/packages/StochasticPrograms/SjnV4/src/methods/generation.jl:143
 [6] instantiate(::StochasticModel{2,Tuple{StageParameters{NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}},StageParameters{NamedTuple{(:price_MG_P, :price_MG_N_V, :price_MG_N_F, :price_F, :c_UP),Tuple{Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Dict{Int64,Float64},Float64,Dict{String,Float64}}}}}}, ::Array{Scenario_Load_Renewable,1}; instantiation::UnspecifiedInstantiation, optimizer::Type{T} where T, defer::Bool, direct_model::Bool, kw::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}) at /home/user/.julia/packages/StochasticPrograms/SjnV4/src/methods/api.jl:37
 [7] top-level scope at /home/user/File_stoch_nuovo/Single_user_vf.jl:239
 [8] include(::String) at ./client.jl:439
 [9] top-level scope at REPL[1]:1
in expression starting at /home/user/File_stoch_nuovo/Single_user_vf.jl:239

Also, I tried to run the command instantiate with different optimizer but nothing changed. Is there someone who could help me please? Thank you for your help.

odow commented 3 years ago

The model is a little bit complicated so it is difficult to give all the information about it

It's impossible to debug without an example.

Create a minimal working example by simplifing what you have. Comment out variables and constraints until the error disappears. Try removing data.

It looks like this might be something to do with your @decision line.

enri07 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your help. I'm trying to simplify the problem as you suggested.

As regards the @decision variable, is there a problem in the following declaration?

@decision(model, 0 <= x_us[u=user_set, a=users_data[u].asset_names] <= users_data[u].max_capacity[a]/users_data[u].size_asset[a], Int)

I used the same sintax allowed for JuMP variables. In this case user_set and users_data[u].asset_names are respectively finite sets of integers and strings.

enri07 commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your previous advice. By analyzing one at a time all the variables, I was able to find that the mistake was the declaration of a @recourse in the second stage that was indexed on an actual empty set. By removing it, all works fine and I'm also able to optimize the problem. I think that I can close this issue.