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New item ideas #315

Closed BreadSpam closed 5 months ago

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

We are removing a lot so replacements and also maybe have some more bc why not. Also classes balanced so no excuses Aaron :)

👍 = add 👎 = ew no 😕= rework or change but counts as gud

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

Supply Crate

Summons a friendly airstrike which drops down a crate. When the crate is broken (500 hp), anyone nearby gets a total refill on classes, hp, shield, items, etc.

-resets all cooldowns but not hp/sheild (u can get those with the items that just reset) -E

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

Phase Shot

shoots a large beam that goes through blocks and walls. it only does 50 dmg with a 15 second cooldown so good for finishing off flats (cant use during the start of a tdm/duels)


BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

Smoke gernade

covers an area of the map with smoke that no one can see through and will block ai vision. we already voted on this and its positive so just add sor

make it so no one can see thru it including the person that placed -E

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

so that's a 4:0 on crut and 2:1 on grenade and phase shot so all 3 ADD

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

idots tanks so we can discuss

CelestialKnight7 commented 7 months ago

shot: no, mass annoyance. just have a dynamite placed on them crate: only if it only resets cooldowns but feel like it might not be that gud cuz u have to wait for it to land and if we're adding it were making to so anyone at yoink it once it lands smoke bomb: i like but aaron says mass annoyance and complicated and would lag game so

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

Aaron is just trying to get out of work. Sor there is no escape :)

CelestialKnight7 commented 7 months ago

so smoke bomb is decieded?

cs6413110 commented 7 months ago

No it's dead

cs6413110 commented 7 months ago

Supply crate

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

supply crate wil be added, as well as smoke gernade. literally eveyrone agrees with crut, and only aaron dosent like smoke gernade. aaron add them

CelestialKnight7 commented 7 months ago

bread u add them, they're both just aristrikes. and we're only adding crate if it replaces an item (spike)

BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

um wat why not 13 items? dosent need to be symetrical. maybe like this: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

CelestialKnight7 commented 7 months ago


BreadSpam commented 7 months ago

well shut + just add more items ez

cs6413110 commented 7 months ago

Just do supply crate bruh

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

not remaking inventory or tab for the 40000000000000000000000000000000006th time

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

and no i wont let u edit it either

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

Bruh I can code new items. Why is this bread work

cs6413110 commented 6 months ago

Supply crate instead of flashbang :D

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

Well atleast code one. FIXXXXX

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

ye u only get ur supply crate if u add it.

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

if bread can code smoke bomb first then u fix it so it works.

cs6413110 commented 6 months ago

wait um HALKPE

BreadSpam commented 6 months ago

omg if I do anything I will just use the flash bang item and make it a clone of airstrike but no explode, but diff texture lol

CelestialKnight7 commented 6 months ago

make it spawn on the tonk tho, not where u click

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

ok bye :)

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

um supply crut??

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

um wut item would that replace?

CelestialKnight7 commented 5 months ago

cuz smoke bomb is replacing flashbang so???

BreadSpam commented 5 months ago

idk ur mom? that takes up why too much space