martinbwg / Pixel-Tanks

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Main Lobby - Arts #629

Open LostKing73 opened 1 month ago

LostKing73 commented 1 month ago

big change, make the starting menu be an lobby, u can enter shops to buy stuff, a garage/mechanics shop for your inventory, a hub where you can choose the game type you want to go towards. would also let you test weapons, maybe have an exclusive room for that?

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago


cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

We suck at menus. This fixes that.

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

Also forces Singleplayer existance

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago

ye this is a great idea, but we need to update pause menu to have a lot more than it has now (settings, sing out, etc)

LostKing73 commented 1 month ago


CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

bruh I have to redo menu

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

bro how are we gonna do the inventory

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

where will the buttons go

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago

will it be like a terminal

CelestialKnight7 commented 1 month ago


LostKing73 commented 1 month ago

ok so, have you ever played splatoon? that's where this idea comes from. the lobby is not a menu, but you can enter shops, and they will be menus.

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

Basically less menus and more actual game because that's what we have quality in.

LostKing73 commented 1 month ago

lets go another big brain lk moment

LostKing73 commented 1 month ago

also, this sacrifices banners :(

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

A worthy sacrifice

cs6413110 commented 1 month ago

We'll give banners a memorial. Make a mini banner and I'll draw it on the map.

LostKing73 commented 1 month ago


LostKing73 commented 1 month ago

moved to #650

LostKing73 commented 1 month ago

reopening ig cuz #650 is ded

BreadSpam commented 1 month ago


LostKing73 commented 1 month ago

ok so... @cs6413110 haaalp what do i dooo

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

@cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110 @cs6413110

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

rough draft image

cs6413110 commented 3 weeks ago

Make a level design for it. Make areas that will have structures by making a "house" of barrier blocks where you can walk in through a 2~ block doorway. Then draw images of them(width and height of the blocks*100) and I'll draw them on top and code interaction stuff for menus.

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

thickend lines? is this what you asked for? image

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

idk man, i tried to translate ur smart into idot but i dont think it worked

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 weeks ago

thickend lines? is this what you asked for? image


LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago


cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm going to be working on this next.

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

uhm, btw @cs6413110 banners could still work if we but them here image

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

in that top right area

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

and i added doors if u want them image

cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, but like gib map

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, but like gib map


cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

I need the map

cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

Like from level editor, that's completely finished

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

does everything elses need to be filled with void? if not, X1620R34X26R5X10RX4RX3RX4RX3RX26R5X10RX4RX3RX4RX3RX26R5X10RX4RX3RX4RX3RX26R5X10R2X2R2X3R2X2R2X3RX26R5X10RX13RX3RX26R5X10RX13RX3RX26R5X24RX3RX26R5X24RX3RX26R5Z10RX13RX3RX26R5X10RX13RX3RX26R5X10RX13RX3RX26R5X2IX4IX2RX17RX26R5X10RX17RX26R5X2TX4TXRX14RX3RX26R5X8RX15RX3RX26R5X7RX16RX3RX26R12X17RX3RX26R5X24RX3RX26R5X24RX3RX26R5XSX22RX3RX26R5X24RX3RX26R5X24RX3RX26R6X2R8X2R8X2R6X26R5X4RX14RX4RX3RX26R5X4RX14RX4RX2RX27R5X4RX14RX4RXRX28R31X329

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 weeks ago

and i added doors if u want them image


cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

Need void bc why would there just be blank air there?

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

ok good cuz ive been doing it anyways

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

done aaa image R1685X10RX4RX3RX4RX3R32X10RX4RX3RX4RX3R32X10RX4RX3RX4RX3R32X10R2X2R2X3R2X2R2X3R32X10RX13RX3R32X10RX13RX3R32X24RX3R32X24RX3R32Z10RX13RX3R32X10RX13RX3R32X10RX13RX3R32X2IX4IX2RX17R32X10RX17R32X2TX4TXRX14RX3R32X8RX15RX3R32X7RX16RX3R39X17RX3R32X24RX3R32X24RX3R32XSX22RX3R32X24RX3R32X24RX3R33X2R8X2R8X2R37X4RX14RX4RX3R32X4RX14RX4RX2R33X4RX14RX4RXR389

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

@cs6413110 yes banner or no banner, cuz it can 100% work

LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

just put it here-ish image

cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 2 weeks ago

wait, use this R1685X10RX4RX3RX4R36X10RX4RX3RX4R36X10RX4RX3RX4R36X10R2X2R2X3R2X2R37X10RX13R36X10RX13R36X24R36X24RXR34Z10RX13RX2R33X10RX13RX3R32X10RX17R32X2IX4IX2RX17R32X10RX17R32X2TX4TXRX18R32X8RX15RX3R32X7RX16RX2R40X17RXR34X24R36X24R36XSX22R36X24R36X24R37X2R7X4R7X2R37X4RX14RX4R36X4RX14RX4R36X4RX14RX4R391