martinbwg / Pixel-Tanks

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teach me the drg ways #715

Open LostKing73 opened 3 weeks ago

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

ok so i use stubby and im gonna use the overclock for the grenade launcher that increases single target. what should I do for tuip, 1 or 2.

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

bruh these are tanks issues, not drg issues

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

just dm Evan or something

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

evan told me to make, stop butting in

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

let him see, then we will talk while it's closed

cs6413110 commented 3 weeks ago

lemme actually have a slice of drg in my life

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

that'll get u grounded past 18 lol

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago


LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

@cs6413110 virus?

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

@CelestialKnight7 ???

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

is it a virus? do i install?

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

same, should I take the virus 👍 = yes die 👎 = nah live

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

what do i do aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa who is that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

imma get scammed bye

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

blocked :(

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago


cs6413110 commented 3 weeks ago

VIRUS=yes add

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

putting this here for context ignore until essay: image

cs6413110 commented 3 weeks ago

How do you have 7000 heath. Screenshot 2024-08-26 10 10 20 AM

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

so in tier 1 u have either 2 turrets or 1 turret with increased damage, mag size, and targetting range in tier 2 either take build time or reload time both are good, if you take build time instead of reloading your sentries you can recall them and build them instead of reloading them cuz thats faster in tier 3 u have armor breaking (useless on turret), stun (ok but whatever), and mag size (TAKEEEEE). mag size lets ur turret shoot for longer before needed to be reloaded there is no reason not to take this in teir 3 in tier 4 u get the big upgrades for turret: damage system (increases damage by a bit and lowers the detection range (they will only shoot at one angle) in tier 4 u also have:hawkeye system which increases range and makes it so ur turrets can target in a 360* angle. Hawkyee system also makes it so ur turret(s) will target anything u ping

so in tier 1 take what u want either 1 turret or 2 turrets tier 2 take either build speed or reload speed tier 3 obviously only take mag size ever tier 4 take dmg but low angle or angle and ping stuff

i personally have 2 turrets with 360* angle with build speed

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

How do you have 7000 heath. Screenshot 2024-08-26 10 10 20 AM

dies inside (thats xp)

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

also skool hasnt blokced btw lol

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

^^^ nah he hacked his drg to give extra hp

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

allowed me to see all the upgrades

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

cs6413110 commented 3 weeks ago

Bro how do I get my health bar where I can see it like in evan's picture.

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

u mean the number above the pickture?

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

press reload + power button to supercharge your health bar. your comp will turn off, but when u turn it back on, will have double the hp. if it didn't work, try Ctrl + shift + double q. ignore the text on your screen. its cap

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

If this still doesn't work, then go on pixel tanks (beta server), go into an FFA lobby, go to coords (0,0), toolkit, and spin 10 times EXACTLY before the toolkit ends. then press the esc key twice. you should get the floating leave key. now get a 3 killstreak, and then press the button. if you did it all correctly, you should of broke the level up system, and should be able to go to level 1000, and get 7000 hp

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago


CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

the number above the picture there?

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

also heres ur hyper prop build: Screenshot 2024-08-26 10 32 17 AM

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

2 1 3 1 2 tier 1. ammo tier 2. ammo tier 3. velocity tier 4. gamblign tier 5. damage on impact oc: hyper prop duh

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

press reload + power button to supercharge your health bar. your comp will turn off, but when u turn it back on, will have double the hp. if it didn't work, try Ctrl + shift + double q. ignore the text on your screen. its cap

this made me sign out of my chrumbook

BreadSpam commented 3 weeks ago

its a feature

Saschl commented 3 weeks ago

who r u, a bot?

No, still don’t download it, my account got compromised, it’s a virus.

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

may i close now or does anyone else want drg knowledge

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

best gunner overclock/build for managing all situations(the dumb rocket launcher cannot do this)

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

my personal favorite: 'burning hell' on the minigun (basically makes it also a flamethrower) with 'volatile bullets' on the revolver (does +400% dmg to anything on fire)

use the minigun to clear anything away and by setting anything close to you on fire, and any large targets instantly die (this build 3 shots oppressors on haz 4 with the revolver) main drawback with this build is you dont have many options for enemies far away as burning hell only works at close range so u cant set anything on fire from a distance unless you use incendiary grenades but you have limited amounts of those.

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

yipee a reason to grind

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

my old go to for gunner used to be big betha with the autocannon (i love the autocannon) and elephant rounds on the revolver (love the revolver) this was mainly just huge damage and nothng else (the arson build i mentioned before is better tho as volitile bullets does maor damage than elephant rounds given the target is on fire and you dont need 2 main sources of damage)

a new oc for the missile system dropped as of season 5 that made it so you can hold down r while shooting missiles to have all the missiles currently in the air explode into cluster bombs. haven't tried it yet but i really should.

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

the best build for the brtt secondary is one of 2: either accuracy and ammo for hitting things far away (cring also the revolver and coilgun do this better) and turning it into a shotgun. theres an unbalanced overclock called leadspray that makes it so it has cracked damage but it also has a huge spread so you can only really hit things at point blank but when you do it does huge damage (probably as much as volitile bullets)

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

coil gun has some good overcosk main ones being: mole, trichamber-something, and hellfire. mole makes it do more damage based on the terrain peicered (cool), tri chamber makes it so that you can shoot an addicational 2 times with the same damage after shooting the initial shot. (good damage). and hellfire makes it so that the trail the gun leaves behind sets enimies on fire and this oc has been the meta for a while even after repeated nerfs.

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

best way to level engi? (i need the overclock)

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

missile system has some good overclosk but i never really got into using it with the minigun and thunderhead existing that made me feel like a walking tank instead of artillery. Best ones are: plasma burster missiles; jet fuel; salvo (oh god the salvo); rocket barrage; and cluster missiles (oh yeah). so yeah despite the gun being cring it has some really cool overclocks.

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

best way to level engi? (i need the overclock)

double xp missions.

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

is the weekly mission worth doing? not core hunt, the one above

CelestialKnight7 commented 3 weeks ago

ye it gibs money and ores, you should just do it cuz why not honestly cuz free stuff

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

cuz i have mc to do

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

what did bro say???

LostKing73 commented 3 weeks ago

@CelestialKnight7 what abt stubby build w/ well oiled machine