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Open CelestialKnight7 opened 2 weeks ago

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 weeks ago

(tf2 reference) anyways medic balancing #637

no passive f shoots a projectile with a 1 block blast radius that heals for 100 instantly and another 100 as healing over time over 10 seconds (10hp per sec) this will have a 30 second cooldown.

if you have ideas or comments proceed below otherwise vote:

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 weeks ago

also the medic can hit themself with this but the healing will be halfed meaning +50hp instantly and +5 hp per second over 10 seconds

CelestialKnight7 commented 2 weeks ago

this would make it so that in a pinch the medic can heal themselves but its best used on teammates

cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

@BreadSpam Why did you downvote but not give any reasoning or defense?

BreadSpam commented 2 weeks ago

bc literally 200 hp is nothing. u need to coordinate with ur team and have them stand still just for 200 hp. if it was like an ability which hit every time (warrior) then maybe

cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

That's why he and I think it should be a radius thing, so you can boost in and save your teammate without having to coordinate.

cs6413110 commented 2 weeks ago

Medic shouldn't be a class where the entire team has to deviate from their usually play style to get a slight health advantage. Medic is a support class, meaning their teammates do what they usually do and the medic can go in and assist them. Most likely, people won't know when someone is playing medic, when they have their healmissle cooldown, and if they are paying attention to save them. They aren't going to boost at the medic and spin, don't have time to chat, and probably won't be in person to scream "HEAL MEH" at the medic. Plus, medic shouldn't have the same % chance not to hit as tactical. An insta basically wins the fight.

But we need to remember past medic failures and what we need to prevent them.

I like the idea of having initial healing, with steady healing later, so it isn't as abruptly game changing as getting a toolkit in. I don't think healing should be halved on the medic because they need to be able to win too kinda. I know a while back Evan said medic shouldn't be able to self heal because that's like doing surgery on yourself, but then what is glue and tape? I think f should be a radius heal, with the above mentioned initial heal of 100 and regen of 100 over 10 seconds.