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Generate and apply AC/PC #2

Open nmdanr2b opened 9 years ago

nmdanr2b commented 9 years ago

a) Frequency range at least DC to 1 kHz. If sound card is used the upper limit will be 44 kHz which can be useful in the future. b) 0.01 Hz step between 0 - 1 Hz, 0.1 between 1-10 (or, even better 1-30 Hz to cover all classic brainwave bands), 1 between 10 (or 30) and 250 (fast hippocampal ripples), 10 Hz above 250. (high granularity/small step size will come useful in the future) c) 20 V max are sufficient for electrostimulation of any kind. In the future it will also be sufficient to feed something like this for LLLT: d) sine and square forms are bare minimum e) in the future optional forms will come useful, FM, AM and phase modulation included. The most interesting higher frequency signals to modulate are 1 kHz and 6 kHz f) white and pink noise generation g) white and pink noise generation within the selected frequency range - future/optional h) other (blue, red, grey) noise colours generation - future/optional i) monophasic (pulsed) current generation in packs. Switch between AC and monophasic current