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EEG recording #3

Open nmdanr2b opened 9 years ago

nmdanr2b commented 9 years ago

a) support for TSK Explore and ReLax, OpenBCI b) support for Mindwave, Muse, Emotiv Epoc/+, Emotive Insight - future/optional c) EEG formats to be supported - EDF, EDF+, BDF (optional?) d) saving or converting EEG formats into .waw or any other playable format e) remote saving of records (via sftp or over https?) f) naming convention and timestamping of files g) records hashing h) streaming of raw EEG data to server over an encrypted channel i) replay the recorded EEG through the stimulation channel (s) - signal amplification likely to be needed j) instant replay of the received EEG through the stimulation channel in real time - future/optional

nmdanr2b commented 9 years ago

j) could be done as sound via a sound jack just to be listened to, although nothing stops plugging in an amp with solenoids or anything else into the sound jack